Shrine dedicated to Mr.Ferret

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a/n: "The video on top - I'm not crying. "

I opened my eyes to a panicking Mione, Harry and Ron going through chocolate frogs.

"Uhh, Y/n, let's just rest for awhile. You can go to astronomy tower later, you know, like your nightmare.." Mione said concerned, tugging at my arm and leading me to the girls dorms.

I lay on a bed next to her and we began talking about everything and nothing. A while later, I had a severe gush of memories. When me and Draco were just friends. I saw flashbacks in full color. 


"I love Saturdays I spend with you." Draco said when we were walking around the courtyard.

"Games, Songs, and even Homework, everything's fun with you." I said, my cheeks going a faint pink.

"That it is. How's Baby Potter doing at the second task?" He asked.

"He is preparing," I said "but he's also rather invested cursing Skeeter for the garbage she's writing about us."

Our hands brushed and it sent sparks up my stomach. I did not know what this feeling was, not yet.

We walked for a while till we reached our spot - Draco's tree. The one he got turned into a ferret near. He's literally etched 'This tree is owned by Malfoy, Draco'. I can't wait for Moody to see it and turn him into a ferret again! He looked cute as a white ferret.

I've started noticing he's not exactly unattractive. And by that, I mean I have devoted a shrine to him in our dorm, which Hermione loves to ridicule.

I was not paying attention and shot a Gobstone at a very wrong angle. I was however, paying attention to the beautiful boy in front of me.

"GAHHHHHHHH!" I yelled, as I got spurted with the stinky Gobstone liquid.

Draco fished out his napkin, and leaned closer to me, and I could feel his breathing on my neck. I didn't know why, but I forgot how to breath. My eyes were stuck on his brilliant blue ones, his lips - WHAT THE HELL NO NO DON'T LOOK AT HIS LIPS-

"Y/NNNN?" He said shaking me, snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh- that liquid." I said, laughing awkwardly.

He laughed and got up, he offered me his head and mine quivered taking his, and I might've turned into a tomato by the time we entered the library.

"Got to get some books." I said, dropping my satchel onto a chair.

"Be back." Draco said, flashing his 24 carat smile.

I smiled back and stacked 8 books, carrying them cautiously back to the desk. I noticed Draco smiling at me. Does he ever blink? HOLD UP DID HE JUST WINK-

I was grinning like an idiot, looking at Malfoy, and knocked into someone, pushing them to the ground, and falling on top of them.

It was a redheaded someone.

"Sorry Ronald." I laughed, getting up and dusting off my robes.

"Falling  for someone across the aisle-" Ronald said very loudly. I punched his shoulder.

"What brings you to the library, Ronniekins?" I asked.

"Erm, reading?" Ronald said, picking up the satchel he had dropped.

"Reading? Didn't know you could read." I smirked, earning a scowl from Ron.

"You're turning into Malfoy." He said, shaking his head slightly and walking over to- Mione.

If Ronald doesn't like Hermione, Harry has perfect eyesight.

I then had flashbacks of us walking a little later.

"I- love music. It helps - acts like an outlet for- emotions, you know." Draco said. "I don't tell anyone because my father, and everyone I know- would hate me for it."

"I love music too. I write sometimes, but I'm not that good." I mumbled.

"Sing me something." We said at the same time.

We looked each other in the eyes and laughed at the same time. Time had stopped, the black lake gleamed with the moon's reflection.

We dropped down on the grass. "I write too you know." He said, intertwining his hand in mine. I had a burst of butterflies, 

Darling, when I'm fast asleep
I've seen this person watching me
Saying, "Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Tell me, is it worth it?"
Guess there is something, and there is nothing
There is nothing in between
And in my eyes, there is a tiny dancer
Watching over me, he's singing
"She's a, she's a lady, and I am just a boy"
He's singing, "She's a, she's a lady, and I am just a line without a hook"

"You wrote that? Woah." I said quietly.

He gave me his signature smirk and looked away.

"Who is it about?" I asked.

"The girl I love." He said. "But, it's real late. Should I walk you back?"

"No sir. My arse brother will kill you." I laughed.

"The girl you love, you'd said?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" He said, letting out a chuckle.

"That is one lucky girl." I said under my breath. "N-nothing. Night, Malfoy."

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now