Lucius' Letter

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Not being seen with Y/n in public hurt. I mean, her brother had found out I was a death eater and I modified his, Granger's and Weasel's memories to make them forget about it. But Harry still does suspect me of being a Death Eater. Snape made the unbreakable vow to protect me with my mom. I made him vow he would help me keep Y/n safe. She is all that matters.

I notice I've become a much, much colder person. Y/n, when I was around her, my heart would warm up. 

One morning, I saw my family owl flutter in with packages.

"Oh, this can't be good."I muttered to myself opening them. One contained the sweets Mum sends. The other was a letter from Father.

I felt my hands shake as I opened the letter.

To Draco.

I hope you are working on the vanishing cabinet and keeping your secret. Also, I hope you are not associating yourself with the girl Potter anymore. You must find yourself a pureblooded girl we can approve of. If you are around the Potter girl, I will be first to know. No funny business. Your grades are falling too. Study harder.

You will come back to the Malfoy Manor for Christmas. The Dark Lord insists on it. The work on the vanishing cabinet will have to be resumed after vacations, since your incompetency means you cannot do such a simple task. It has been months. It should have taken days.

Your father.

Great. He makes me want to die. Can't I love from my heart instead of blood? Why must my Father force me into the Dark work he does?

My poor mother tries very hard to ease things for me, but in vain...

Y/n's POV

"Mione! Check it out! Levitation with wandless magic!" I said, levitating her quill with golden sparks from my wand hand.

"Bloody Hell!" Ron said.

"Wicked!" Harry said.

"You know, I can use Accio too! I hate to admit it, but Snape is a bloody brilliant teach!" I said, summoning Mione's book and grabbing her attention.

"Hey! I was reading that!" She snapped.

"You're so bloody lucky." Ron muttered chocolate frogs all over his mouth.

"I got to tell a friend about this!" I said, excited.

"No. Draco can not know." Harry gave me a  death glare.

"Urgh!!!" I grunted.

Time passed, studying hard, giving tests, getting lessons from Dumbledore, chatting with Mione, and having to ignore Draco- his beautiful, soft blonde hair, his smile(Which I do not get to see these days) - oh, they just made avoiding him so very difficult.

Until Christmas.

Y/n: "Draco's going home for christmas."

Harry: "And- how do you know?"

Y/n: "Oh- I saw his name on the list.."

Harry believed my little lie. I had met Draco one night. He told me he was going home.

Me and Harry spend Christmas at the Burrow with the Weasleys, Fleur, and Remus.


I trudged along the path, to enter my house- house of fear.

To my utter horror, the table had been set, and I saw many familiar faces.

"My dear nephew!" Bellatrix laughed embracing me in a cold hug.

"Nice to see you, Aunt Bella." I said, my voice devoid of emotion.

"My son. How've you been?" I heard my mothers warm voice and hugged her.

"Mother, I must tell you something in private." I said, shaking a little.

"Not now, Draco. The Dark Lord will be here any moment." Mom said.

"Your mother is right. Smarten up." I heard my father's voice.

Before I knew it, we were surrounded by death eaters.

The meeting assigned me the last task I would've ever, ever wanted.

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