Ilvermorny Exchange

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Y/n: "You need to ask me. Not command me."

Draco: "You can't say no."

Y/n: "Oh yeah? Try me."

Draco: "You're coming. You can bring a friend. Next week, 6 pm onwards."

Y/n tries to say something but Draco walks off, whistling.

Dumbledore: "Attention, students."

Y/n runs back to her Gryffindor seat, and Draco runs back to his Slytherin seat.

Dumbledore: "We will be introducing several exchange students from the Ilvermorny magic school. They have been sorted into their houses and shall join our numbers for all school activities. I hope we will welcome them warmly. The teachers have elected house heads for the exchange students."

Dumbledore: "Theodore Nott, slytherin exchange head. Y/n Potter, Gryffindor exchange head, Marcus Belby for Ravenclaw and Ernie Macmillan for Hufflepuff."

Y/n: Oohh!"

Hermione(clapping): "Congrats, Y/n!"

Theodore, Y/n, Marcus and Ernie stand on the main stage, surrounded by applause.

Dumbledore: "Let us welcome Ilvermorny's students. "

Almost 20 students enter the great hall, wearing red, yellow, blue or green hogwart's robes.

Dumbledore: "I would like the exchange heads to help out the exchange students. Now, tut tut."

Theodore: "So, you are the Gryffindor head."

Y/n: "Yeah."

Theodore: "Got a pretty face, I guess."

Draco: "Leave my girl the fvck alone Theo."

Theodore: "Never thought you would be interested in half-bloods like Potter, Draco."

Y/n: "You two.. know each other?"

Theodore: "We're in the same house, dumbfvck!"

Draco: "Watch your mouth."

Y/n: "Gosh it's fine! Now. Let's help those exchange students."

Y/n walks over to the Gryffindor students.

Y/n: "I'm Y/n James Potter, your exchange head."

?: "You are the famous Y/n Potter? "

Y/n turns around to see a small sized, dark skinned, curly haired boy with nerd glasses.

Cole: "I'm Cole, Cole Foster. Pleasure to meet you."

Y/n: "Nice to meet you, Cole." (shakes hands)

Jack: "I'm Jack Brewer."

Jack is a light skinned, brown haired, well built guy, with all the girls looking at him.

(shakes hands)

Veronica: "I'm Veronica Prewett."

Veronica is a tall, slim girl with long, curly ginger hair, dark eyes, and pale skin.

(shakes hands)

Kayla: "I'm Kayla Goldstein."

Kayla is a brunette, and Y/n thought she was quite pretty.

(you can imagine anyone for these four, if they fit the description :))

You give them a tour of hogwarts and lead them through classes. Kayla, Veronica (whom you call V,) Cole, and Jack become good friends.

THE DA IS ESTABLISHED the same day. KAYLA, V, COLE AND JACK JOIN TOO. Even though this is their first day, they hate Umb!tch.

But you decide to keep the DA a secret from Draco. You cannot let this slip.


One week passes.

Draco: "Hey, honey!"

Y/n spins around to see Draco.

Draco: "The party is tonight. Bring a friend!"

Y/n: "Oh- sure. But Umbridge won't let us leave dorm!"

Draco: "I've spoken to Umbridge. She's a friend of my dad's. I hate her, but I guess we can use her. Don't worry, I'll be waiting outside your common room to pick you up. Bye"

Y/n: "Oh boy."

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now