The R.O.R Party - PT 1

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They entered the R.O.R. It had a giant stage, beautiful art on all walls, and many huge sofas that were donut shaped. The area in the middle had a round center table. The outside of those donuts was made of cushion. Light music was playing in the background. Y/n stood in a corner chatting with Luna, when someone said, "Yo bro, check this out, that chick is a grenade!"


I turn to see who said that, and it was Terry Boot, pointing at me. Before I could exactly process everything, a boy with platinum-blonde hair pounced onto Boot, punching his nose and making it bleed. 

"Calm down mate!" Blaise said, pulling Draco off Boot. "You got lucky this time." Draco seethed, and we made eye contact.

He wore beautiful dress robes, that gave me a flashback of the time he kissed my cheek at the yule ball. His hair, oh, how I wanted to mess it! I got lost in his Atlantic blue eyes, and then he waved at me, smiling. As of him hitting Boot- he is officially the most possessive person I've ever seen, but I'm used to it.

I walked up to him and smiled. 


I could swear- she looked like such a goddess. I stared at her, dumbstruck, as I noticed her smile, it was to die for.

"Hello, my beautiful boy!" She said, messing my hair.

When she called me that, I swear on Merlin's beard, I could have exploded with my heart swelling by the second. But I managed to compose myself as I snatched her hands out of my hair and hugged her tightly.

"Hello my gorgeous girl." I said, looking at her lovingly, longingly.

"Y/nnnnnnn!" Brewer called her.

"Give me a minute!" Y/n said.

"So, he's your date for the party?" I asked.

"Yes. Who's yours?" She inquired.

"oh- I- Parkinson." I said. I didn't want to come with Puggy, but she was the only option.

"Ooooooh!" She said, smiling, as I tried to absorb every detail. Her hair, her dress, her cheeks-

"Y/nnnnn!" Brewer called again.

"Got to go, Dray! Enjoy the party!" She said, planting a kiss on my cheek and running off.

I just stood there, grinning like an idiot, until Puggy Parkinson came up tp me.

The things Y/n makes me feel...I might be under Amortentia!


The R.O.R was bustling with 6th years. Just then, Kayla entered. She had told the girls her crush was taking her to the party.

To everyone's utter shock she entered the party with Neville Longbottom!

Kayla: "Let us get this party started with a good ol' dance!"

Everyone starts doing the waltz with their partners.

Jack puts his arm around your waist, as you waltz with a room full of 6th years- who are all dancing with the people they love. Everyone, except Draco and Y/n. And also Ron and Hermione.

Just then, Jack is hit with a spell and falls to the other corner of the room, as you run up to him. 

"You okay?" You ask, helping him up.

"Ask your jealous ex." He seethed, pointing at Draco.

"Honestly Dray?!"Y/n said,annoyed.

"Hear me out- you guys got carried away dancing - and you would've been under the mistletoe- so." Draco said, gasping for breath.

"oh! Thanks Dray!" You said, hugging him.

"Can I have a dance? You know, Brewer can dance with Pansy for a while." Draco said.

"It's fine by me." Jack smiled, as Draco put his hand on Y/n's waist.

Y/n's thoughts- It's so strange. I feel comfortable, sort of safe when Draco's by me. 

Draco's thoughts- My hands on Y/n- as it should be. She doesn't need Brewer's filthy hands all over her.

To be continued... Please share any suggestions for the story! Next part will be out tomorrow!

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