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Kayla: "Enough with the dancing! Snacks and Games now!"

Jack walks up to you and Draco.

Jack: "Mind leaving my date to me?"

Draco mutters something under his breath and storms off. Y/n and Jack sit on one of the sofa's, Kayla going on and on about Neville.

Kayla: "He calls me flower!"

Everyone laughs at Kayla, and she looks at them, arms crossed, very offended.

Cole: "Eww... in love with wimpy Longbottom."

Jack: "Says Cole the wimp."

These jokes might turn into a quarrel, so they hastily start the games.

Kayla: "So, first, we have girls and boys to make two lines, and we send one from each line on the stage at a time. They have to perform any task they pick out from this bowl full of chits."

Excited murmurs fill the room. The sequence is decided.

Y/n's POV

Luna: "Send Y/n first, me second."

"W-whaaaaaaa" I began

Mione: "Go on, the boy must be on stage."

I climb onto the stage and see a blonde boy on the stage. Oh god, these coincidences-"

Draco chuckled as he stared into my eyes, losing himself in them.

Astoria: "Holy- "

Seamus: "Pick a chit!"

Draco picks up a chit, and his lip curls into a smile as he reads the task.

Draco: "So, me and you are going to sing a song."

Draco adjusts his hair slightly, and you notice his beautiful ring. Oh, I could just die-

What has this blonde ferret done to me?

Ron signals up a thumbs up and nods.

Draco: "Let's sing the one we wrote together."

Y/n: "But that was- before we broke up-"

Draco: "More singing, less talking."

Y/n: "3. 2. 1. GO!"

Cole turns on the karaoke music.

D: Sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say

Y: Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face 

D: There's no one quite like you

Y: you push all my buttons down

D:I know life would suck without you

Y: At the same time, I wanna hug you

D:I wanna wrap my hands around your neck

Y: You're an asshole

D:but I love you

Y: And you make me so mad, I ask myself

D:Why I'm still here, or where could I go

Y: You're the only love I've ever known

D:But I hate you, I really hate you

Y: So much I think it must be

D:True love, true love

Y: It must be true love

Together: Nothing else can break my heart like you!

The R.O.R erupts into cheers. But Y/n feels overwhelmed. This song brings flashbacks of all their times together. A tear escapes her eye as she tightly wraps her arms around Draco's torso, her head nuzzled on his chest. Draco wraps one arm around her lower back and waves at everybody with the other.

Luna and Dean painted on each others faces, blindfolded, Ginny and Goyle broke into Filch's office, Terry and Pansy ate ketchup off people's feet- EW! This game went on and on, Harry and Daphne did a weird dance, Mione and Y/n laughing their heads off. Kayla is a pro at throwing parties!

Kayla: "Now, classic game, Truth and Dare."

Everyone huddles up in an excited circle.

Veronica : "I'll start. Draco, Truth or Dare?"

Draco: "Dare?"

Veronica: "Kiss me. On the lips."

Jeers run around the room. Y/n feels her heart clench.

Kayla: "No kissing right now.."

Blaise: "So, a different dare?"

Draco: "No. Truth."

Blaise: "When did you start having feelings for Y/n?"

Luna: "Blaise, you're making this really awk-"

Draco: "Third year."

Harry: "WOT THE FCK?"

Draco: "I know we were enemies. But during Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch during third year, the Gryfindorks chaser, Bell, was sick. So Y/n played in place of her. That time, I couldn't help but notice how- beautiful- and attractive she was. It was just a crush till I became friends with her. Because when I got to know her, I fell in love with the person she is.."

Veronica, Daphne, Pansy are all disgusted.

Luna: "Harry. Truth or Dare?"

Harry: "Truth."

Luna: "There are never two stable bestfriends, one is always about to lose their sh!t. So, who's the stable one?"

Ron: "Hold up- you're telling me one of us is actually supposed to be stable?"

Harry: "Oh holy sh!t"

The whole party is wheezing.

Cole: "Y/n. Truth or Dare?"

Y/n: "Truth."

Cole: "Y/n, tell us the last thing you wrote in your diary. In Spanish. I know you've been learning spanish."

Y/n: "oh querido diario conocí a un chico, Él hizo que mi corazón embotado se iluminara de alegría. Oh querido diario, nos derrumbamos, bienvenidos a la vida de Draco e Y/n."

(Translation: oh dear diary I met a boy, He made my dull heart, light up with joy. Oh dear diary, we fell apart, welcome to the life of, Draco and Y/n.)

Draco: "Querida, si se entera de que eres mi debilidad, querría que te matara. Además, mi padre fanático sangre pura no está contento con nosotros. Estará bien, lo prometo."

(Translation: My dear, if he finds out you are my weakness, he would want me to kill you. Also, my pureblood fanatic father isn't happy about us. It'll be alright, I promise.)

Draco: "Yes, I know Spanish. I lied last year."

Y/n smiles weakly and Draco returns it. Y/n bites her lip to stop her tears from falling.

Draco whispers: "Don't.do.that."

Y/n whispers: "Do what?"

Harry: "Cut the tension. Ernie, Truth or Dare?"

Time passes

Kayla: "Alright, spin the bottle. Anyone who's dating just needs to kiss the person they land on on the cheek. If you're not dating, it has to be a proper kiss."

Goyle: "What if it lands on a person of the same gender?"

Kayla: "You know what, Boys, sit in a circle, girls, sit in another circle. Who wants to go first?"

Cole: "I'd say V."

Veronica: "Bring it on."

To be continued...

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