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Mione and Kayla have been really close lately. Probably because they are in love with friends who don't like them back. I don't want to know what it feels like- to be in their position. Ron is always with Lavender. I hate to say this, but Lavender, she definitely isn't that good for Ron. Hermione, poor thing. She's even broken up with McLaggen now. Gin's liked my stupid arse brother for the longest time. But he's messed it up. It's broken Ginny. 

As of me and Draco, Draco says he's not a safe person to be around and keeps a safe distance from me. We have exchanged letters time and again, talking about everything and nothing. 

I want to mess his hair. I want to kiss him so bad. But he keeps me away. He says his father has insiders who inform him of Draco's activities. Hence, he stays away.

It's definitely not easy. But again, at least I am in a better position than Mione, Ginny and Kayla! Poor things!

Gryffindor had just won the quidditch match. Everyone was cheering for Harry, so was I. And then, it happened. Harry kissed Ginny! Finally!

The look on Ron's face though.. Dean.. looking jealous as fck. But Dean and Ginny never were right. Neither were Cho and Harry. I'm so glad those break ups happened.

Harry saw me through the crowd and smiled sheepishly, blushing. I stuck my tongue out. He returned the silly face. I then walked out our dorms to meet Alanna. 

I found her and Cole snogging under a tree. Great

"POTTER! WAIT UP!" Beck yelled.

"We still completing our Arithmancy project?" I smiled.

"Of course we are, see you later, Cole." She said, as she picked up her satchel.

We began walking towards the library. Suddenly, a shooting pain seared through my forehead. I grabbed my scar and winced in pain. I shut my eyes. Snape said I should utilise my scar hurting. I tried to use the techniques he had taught me. I saw astronomy tower, the moon shining. My head seared in pain as I heard the last thing I wanted to - a monotonous Avada Kedavra. Someone is going to get killed. Tonight.

I need to make sure our friends are safe.

"Beck- I don't- feel alright. I need to go back." I said, still pressing onto my scar.

"I-sure." Beck said, skipping into the library.

I got to the Gryffindor common room. Still wincing.

"Y/n Y-" Kayla said, frantically, trying to calm me down.

My head flashed with images of my patronus. This has something to do with Dray. Wait, that's it!

"Y/n- Y/n!" Hermione said, trying to give me a glass of water.

Harry, Ron and Cole rushed towards us.

Everything went pitch dark. It was all black. I continued to see horrifying images for a while.

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now