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Y/n wakes up in Draco's bed.


I felt hands shake me as the hideous light of the sun pierced my eyes.

"Wake up, Dray! We don't have much time until class!" Y/n said, jolting me awake. 

"How the fvck are you getting your robes?" I asked.

Y/n smiled and waved her wand at herself, changing into Gryffindork robes.

"Holy-" I began.

"Picked it up from the library." Y/n smiled.

"of course you did." I said, getting ready.

"About last night.." I said.

"Yeah?" Y/n said. I was relieved to see her say this nonchalantly.

"I- just got bloody jealous. I'm sorry." I said, looking away.

"The fact that you got jealous tells me a lot." Y/n said, grinning.

"Like?" I said, totally confused.

"It shows that you have sincere feelings. Now hurry up if you don't want to miss breakfast." Y/n said, fixing her hair with another spell.

Y/n suddenly hit me with a spell.

"Woah- thanks for doing my hair." I smiled.

Y/n walked closer up to me and did my tie. I blushed uncontrollably, staring at her hands on my neck.


At breakfast: 


Y/n quietly sits at the table, pulling up  a funny face and starting on some food.

Ron: "Can't you just answer the goddamn question?"

Y/n (rolls eyes) : "No."

Hemione and Seamus laugh.

Y/n: "What's funny?"

Hermione: "Your neck.."

You see one mark you forgot to cover up.

Ron: "I guess we all know where she's been." (stifles a laugh)

Harry: "Gosh, Malfoy!"

Y/n (mouth full of food) : "What  do you expect? He's hot!"

Harry looks at you in disbelief, and the table roars with laughter.

Draco: "Uhuhuuuhuhhuu!"

Y/n spins around to see Draco.

Draco: "So you did like last night huh?"

Y/n: "If you don't shut up in the next three seconds, you'll wish you weren't born, boy!"

Draco takes a hint and shuts up.

Time passes, attending classes, helping exchange students catch up with all they've missed, studying, the DA, Quidditch, Draco, Detentions and Draco being a possessive git.

But then, the DA gets exposed. Things get harder and harder, but the students support you - especially through the Quibbler.


Ron: "I'm doing all I can to become an Auror."

Harry: "It's like- our dream job."

Y/n: "I want to become the Minister of Healing."

Hermione: "Woah, Y/n. Sounds nice. I might become a Hogwarts teacher."

Cole: "Let's hope I get to be the next gamekeeper!"

Everyone laughs.

Draco: "Good luck with DADA, Y/n."

Y/n: "You too!"

But an evil grin spreads across your face as you walk over to the Weasley twins.

Fred gives you a bone crushing hug.

Y/n: "You- got everything ready?"

George: "Of course! This is the start to something big."

Fred: "Make that something very big."

You all laugh.


Ron: "I can't believe Y/n's missing the exam."

Harry: "Boy, oh boy. Not good."

They then hear a voice from outside, singing-

'~~~Cause, baby, you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, "Oh, oh, oh"
As you shoot across the sky 
Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, "Oh, oh, oh"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe 

Draco: "That singer's good!"

Umbridge's face swells with anger as she throws the doors open and looks for the singer. The Weasley twins burst in on their brooms, throwing answer sheets to the excited students. Everyone except Hermione is cheering as fireworks chase and scare umbridge, one even making its way to Draco. The Weasley twins get to the outside of the classroom, followed by everyone, as a giant Weasley's wizarding wheezes logo sparks in the air.

Fred: "Nice singing Y/n!"

Y/n cheers loudly with the rest (zoom on Flitwick letting out a little 'yes!')

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now