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Draco's POV

Snape: "Draco. Come with me."

Oh fvck. Snape just saw me with Y/n.

"I- I'll see you later, Y/n." I said, leaving with Snape. The only thing to smile about was the little skip in Y/n's step as she left for the great hall.

"Professor- please, keep Y/n out of all this." I begged. I can't drag her into all my troubles!

Snape: "Draco. I lost the girl I loved to the Dark Lord. I assure you, I will not have this fate repeat on you. But first, open this."

A black cupboard? Why would Snape want me to open it?

Alohomora!  I said, and to my utter horror, my father stepped out.

"F- father-" I began.

"Not to worry Draco, this is a boggart. You have one horrible father. Riddikulus!" snape said, a rare, care-like emotion etched on his face.

He locked away the boggart and turned to me.

"Listen. I'll give you this potion. Take some every day, and veritaserum will not work on you. And I'll teach you occlumency. You may be able to get Potter."

Snape then presented his plan to me.

No one has done anything nicer for me.

I leave Snape's office, happier.

Me: "Psssst! Y/nnnn!"

Y/n: "What now, Blonde Ferret?" she said, food stuffed in her mouth.

Me: "Astronomy tower after dinner."

She smiled and presented a thumbs up. How Adorable.


I was still unsure of how to say it. The last thing I want to do is mess up.

"Y/n, I- If you want- we can- you - know-" I began, stammering.

Y/n giggled and kissed my cheek. I felt blood rushing to my face.

"Don't go out with Theo. He's one of us too." I said, uncertainly.

"sure." she said, as we both stared into the night sky, and then left for our common rooms.

Y/n's pov

Hermione: "You really should consider new people. Can't stay stuck on Ferret forever."

"Atleast I'm not like you!" I said, heating up.

Hermione: "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You're dating Cormac to get back at Ron. Face it. I know you like Ron." I stated.

Hermione: "But-but" 

"I can't do that. Goodnight." I said, storming off to bed.

The next day

Theo: "You're not dating me because of Malfoy?"

"I didn't say that! I just- thought it out, and, we won't work out. Sorry." I said, walking into Slughorn's class.


Slughorn: "Welcome back, children. Who can tell me what potion this is?"

Mione and Y/n's hands shoot up at the same time. They smiled at each other.

Slughorn: "Miss Granger."

Mione: "Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them"

Slughorn: "5 Points to gryffindor. I would like everyone to come forward and tell us what you smell."

Y//n's turn ->

"I smell Green Apples, Mahogany, and Parchment." Y/n said, walking back and sitting next to Harry.

Harry: "DracOOO MaLfOyyy!"

Y/n: "Shut the hell up." (Smacks him with a parchment roll)

Slughorn: "Very well. Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco: "I smell... Watermelon.. Rosewood... and, Yoghurt!" Draco said, walking back and sitting next to Blaise.

Blaise (holds Y/n and Draco into side hugs) : "Just snog already, will you?"

Y/n and Draco start blushing as they return to the brewing of the potion.

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now