Four with purpose

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Harry throws off the invisibility cloak.

Draco: "Pottah!"

Harry: "We followed you, and we will do whatever it takes to get Y/n back."

Hermione: "Hold your horses. We need to have good planning and figure things out before we act."

Ron: "I hate to say this, but Mione is right."

Draco: "So, you know- what Snape-"

Harry: "Yes. If I'm right, then the towel she used to wipe plates during detention was cursed. Her hands were scorched when Umbridge was done."


Harry felt guilt creep all over him. How thick could he get?

Ron: "she- was in the Forbidden Forest, probably, looking for a cure."

Hermione: "If I know Y/n, she's not stupid. She must have searched the library."

Draco: "That's it! She wanted to talk about the nightmares she was getting, and it was urgent. But since we dumbfvcks didn't listen to her, she left us notes. She read some cure in the library and went looking for it in the forest. I have a feeling there are more clues she left."

Hermione: "Draco, brilliant!"

Harry: "What do you think Y/n would trust her clues with?"

Draco: "Celestine!"

Hermione: "Her owl?"

Draco: "Of course! We need to get Celestine."

Ron: "I hate to break it to you, but Ms Norris just saw us."

Draco: "Let's run back. We will continue tomorrow morning."


It is a Hogsmeade weekend.

The boys are planning and unraveling any possible clues, when Hermione brings Celestine with her. Sure enough, Celestine has a little message in her claws.

Hermione: "The note says, Honeydukes."

Draco: "What are we waiting for?"

At honeydukes-

Draco: "Did you have any strange visitors recently sir?"

Shop owner: "Funny you should ask. Some eccentric girl thought I had some cure for hand burns. I waved her away to Dervish and Banges."

Hermione: "Will do. Thank you, sir."

They go to Dervish and Banges-


Panicking wizards and witches run all around, older ones disapparating away.

Harry: "That's our cue."

They blast into Dervish and Banges, and something catches their eye.

"This.. looks like.. Y/n's favourite Golden Vial... It's got  her initial's on it..." Hermione breathed, pocketing the vial.

They run back to Hogwarts, into the R.O.R. to see what they can find.

Harry: "I- i just thought about this.. w-when is Y/n's.. fun-funeral?" (Harry tries very hard to hold his tears back."

Draco: "We have a chance till tonight. We save Y/n before tonight."

Hermione runs up to them excitedly, a giant stirring spoon in her hand.

Hermione: "I've got it. I put the thing in the vial in my cauldron and found out this- Draco is the only one who can save her."

Everyone stares at Draco.

Draco: "What do I do?"

Hermione: "Pour this on Y/n. That will do."

Harry: "Why Draco?"

Hermione: "Because he really loves her!"

Ron: "Sorry, but we heard what you told everyone in the common room that day."

Draco: "We better hurry!"

A silence

Harry: "I hate to be that kind of guy, but how the hell will we find Y/n's body?"

Hermione: "Marauder's map."

Harry slaps his forehead, and sees something shocking on the Map.

Harry starts sweating in fear,

Ron: "What, mate?"

Harry: "Y/n is in Umbridge's office."

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now