A lucky song

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Walking to the tower I began thinking about the single Christmas letter me and Dray exchanged. We used code names incase his father saw the letters or they were intercepted. He sent letters addressing me as Apple. He wanted to call himself Snake. Typical Dray. The letters flashed in my head -

Dear Snake,

I'm totally clueless as to what you'd like for Christmas. You seem to have almost everything you want.

How about tons of apple flavored muggle candy? The sort you'd tried with me in year 4. And more muggle snacks? Or a muggle Mp3 music player? Or a pin of the Draco constellation?

Love, Apple.

He wrote back.

Dear Apple,

All I want for Christmas is something I can't have. You. I want you for myself.

And no, my Father would murder me for having muggle objects in the house. I'd like the Draco constellation pin.

I've sent you a ring with my initials. Remember me.

Love, Snake.

But when I reached astronomy tower, I saw someone staring out into the sky, his platinum hair fluttering in the wind. A ring with my initials on his finger. His coat had the Draco constellation pin. I saw a tear roll down his pale cheek. I walked closer to him, his back facing me. He clearly had not sensed my presence.

Everybody wanna steal my girl
Everybody wanna take her heart away
Couple billion in the whole wide world
Find another one 'cause she belongs to me
Everybody wanna steal my girl
Everybody wanna take her heart away
Couple billion in the whole wide world
Find another one 'cause she belongs to me

I walked closer up and slid my arms under his, palms on his shoulders and kissed his neck. He jumped a little. I had creeped on him, come on.

"What was that song all about?" I asked.

"You know, fourth year, the time you weren't speaking to me.." He began.

"Uh huh. What about it?" I asked, keenly.

"McLaggen said some Gryffindor girls told him you fancied him. Everyone was talking about it. I was praying on god they were rumors. But when I heard Granger say she had succeeded in setting you guys up, I felt my heart burn. Wrote this." he said. "But the next day, we confessed feelings for each other. Which is why I consider this song my lucky charm."

"Those rumors- I'm going to murder that Mio-" I began.

"Let bygones be bygones." He said, as I rested my head in the crook of his neck.

"I guess that song really is lucky. I mean, did it summon me or something?" I chuckled, as he turned to face me and embraced me. I instinctively put my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"Maybe. You opened my eyes to the magical world of music. Remember our songbook?" He said, smiling.

"How can I forget?" I smiled.

There was a silence as I nuzzled my head onto his chest, his hands rubbing my back. A beautiful, peaceful silence. We pulled away.

"You know, before I met you Potter twins, I always got whatever I wanted." Draco said, his atlantic blue eyes staring into my soul.

"But- Your brother, he gets all the name, the fame, it's what I want, and You- You're another thing I want. This is exactly why I hate your brother but love you." He said. This is something I've wanted him to admit for ages.

He kissed my forehead. "It's midnight love, get back to your dorm." He said, holding my waist, my hands on his shoulders, as he pressed his lips onto mine.

It's these little moments I live for.

And also, I live to save the entire wizarding world. 

I must live for a greater purpose.

To put an end to Voldemort's wrath with my brother.

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