The last horcruxes

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a/n: I know I said I wouldn't update on holiday, but let's just say I changed my mind. Sorry it's so short!❤ there's just 2 more parts for this book left!

That's it. It's the end.

We began this year alive.

Tonks, Lupin and Fred did too. 

I swallowed deeply to a distraught, crying hermione. "We've known who the last two horcruxes are for some time." 

"And I think you both do to." My brother said facing me. Hermione's eyes welled up with tears and she threw her arms around Harry. Ron wrapped me in warm embrace, trying not to cry.

Just then, a pale blonde ran up to us. Hermione pointed up her wand, looking at him inpure hatred. I threw my arms around his neck. He held onto me tightly, and I clutched the fabric of his coat tighter, because in that moment, we both knew, letting go would be for forever.

"I- can't live without you! " He sobbed into my hair.

"Oxygen and water would be so offended." I chuckled.

"That wasn't funny!"

" I was just - trying to diffuse the tension."

"That didn't work, you know!"

"Let's try this." I smiled.

I grabbed his face and kissed him. This kiss felt like ones we'd never had. All the pain of our final goodbye was poured into it, but all the love was too.

"Draco." Narcissca's voice called. She motioned him towards herself with her hand. In answer to her beckoning, he slowly walked upto her, his adam's apple bobbing, his eyes welling with tears.

Me and Harry entered the Forest,quivering.


"Aaah. The twins who lived have come to die." Voldemort rasped. His disgustingly long nails played with his wand. Deatheaters surrounded me.

"You know What's going to happen now?" Voldemort laughed. Harry gulped and grabbed my hand. we both knew What was going to happen.


My body collapsed to the ground. In my last moments, I saw Draco howling with tears. "NO! NO!" He cried, grabbing my shoulders, falling to The floor, burying his head in my neck. I lifted his head and smiled, "I love you."

" Don't go! No! Don't leave me Y/n! " He cried.

And then it all  went black.


"That golden snake is in the castle somewhere. If you  choose to go back to life, you have a chance at finding it." Dumbledore said.

The white 'display' ended, and me and my brother were presently in Hagrid's arms. He put us down. Kayla suddenly ran up to where we lay and whispered,  "I know how to reach the golden snake."

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now