Kayla and Cole

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I entered the common room to find Cole writing, but he looked pretty- downcast.

"What's with the ugly face?" I asked.

"It's K-Kayla. You won't tell her will you?" Cole said nervously.

"Of course I won't!" I said.

"I think- I like her!" Cole said, fiddling with his quill.


"Oh my." I said.

There was a silence.

"You know- You and Brewer helped me with my love life, I might as well pay it back." I smiled.

"Filthy Brewer. Filthy Prewett." Cole mumbled.

All of Gryffindor hated him ever since he slipped the Amortentia in my drink. Seamus, Dean, Harry, Ron, Neville, Cole, Lavender, Hermione, Parvati and Kayla all had worn Brewer stinks badges for an entire week after the incident. Draco had taken to beating Brewer up if he ever saw him in 2 feet radius. I disapproved of all this, but it showed me just how much they cared. Ever since Prewett had tried to make a move on Dray, all the Gryffindors stopped speaking to her.

I sighed. "Can I- set you up?"

Cole looked up at me with a twinkle in his eye.

"I'll take that as a yes. Besides, it might help you get over 'Kayla Goldstein'."

Kayla had liked Neville for a few months. This reminded me of a conversation I had last week. In charms with Ravenclaw.

"Y/n, you're never going to believe this, but me and Nev finally kissed!" Luna said, a hint of joy in her nonchalant, sweet voice.

"Why, that's- amazing!" I smiled.

A while later, ->

"Isn't he just brilliant." Kayla smiled, staring at Neville dreamily.

Neville was too focused on his quill to notice

I was very happy for Luna and Neville, but Kayla- I think she's going to be pretty hurt when she finds out. I sighed as I went up to my dorm, thinking about whom I could set Cole up with. 

I decided to get my mind off the exchange students and climbed out the girls dorm and into the common room. 

Neville sat on the couch doing Herbology homework, Kayla walked up to him, and began asking him for help. I could see the jealousy in Cole's eyes.

"Cole." I whispered, tapping his shoulder.

He got up and ran up the boys dorm.

I followed him, to see his lean yet muscular dark figure slammed to the wall, hot tears flowing down his cheek. 

"Cole! I- I'll set you up with a Hufflepuff exchange. I promise. Alanna Beck is the name."

I met Alanna during Arithmancy. She's a brunette, with emerald green eyes, just like mine.


Cole looked up at me and suddenly embraced me.

"You're a great friend." He said, clutching me tightly.

"You're better still." I smiled, rubbing his back.

I then left for the courtyard. Alanna says she loves it in there. My eyes filtered through the students, pushing through crowds rushing to classes.

There she was. Alanna Beck.

"Alanna?"  I said, as I sat down next to her.

She was engaged in a serious match of wizards chess.

"Checkmate!" The girl playing with her giggled, and Alanna followed me to a secluded spot.

"Remember how you said you'd love to date?" I smiled.

She nodded.

"This- is Cole Foster. He's a great guy." I said, handing her a picture of him laughing.

"He's.. cute." Alanna smiled.

"Does that mean you'd want to go out with him sometime?" I smiled.

"I'd love to!" She smiled. "Oh look, herbology calls!" She laughed, walking off.

I was going to make sure Kayla knows what she's just missing out on.

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