The siren with beanie..?

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Tommy POV
"Mum" I started off. My mother looks at me stopping whatever she was doing. "Yes dear?" She asks kindly. "When can I got fishing like father?" I ask. That's when my mother drops what she was doing. "Tommy.." she sighs. "We talked about this. You are not aloud to go's to dangerous with the...monsters around.." My mum says mumbling monsters. "Must I remind you what they will do if they catch you?" She asks putting away organizing the cupboards. She sighs and looks at me. "Yes mum...if they catch you they'll pull you down with their sharp claws and drown you..." I say. "And?" She asks looking at me. I sigh. "And sometimes they'll pull of your limbs and eat you." I say mumbling. "Listen...I just don't want the same thing that happened to my friend and your father and your brothers to happen to you." She says looking sad. I frown, okay let me explain she is not my real mum, she is my fathers close friend. I was 6 when they died by sirens, never to return. I growl. "Why can't I go and kill them!" I yell. "Because they might kill you!" She yells back. "Why won't you let me get revenge!" I yell. "Because your the only person I have left!" She cries. I growl and get my coat on and walk to the door. "I'm heading out!" I yell and walk out. I mumble curse words while walking until I hear a scream, I stop to listen. "BACK THE FUCK OFF! I DIDN'T DO SHIT TO YOU! AHHHH STOP HITTING ME WITH GAH- AHHHHH" at that point I dash towards a cave and my eyes widen at the sight. A siren on the ground a really heavy rock on his blue tail and stomach blood pouring out, his hair was a raven black and his eyes were like a night sky black, the sirens eyes clearly held pain in it. A bloody blue beanie laid a few meters away from his head. My eyes widen at the sight of the beanie. I know I've seen it before but where?! Dammit! Think! Think! That's one of the shop owners beanie! He's a really nice guy, never stopped by to talk to him. That's when I snap out of my thoughts as a rock hits his arm and he screams in agony and pain. My body takes over as I ram into the guy who was crushing Quackity with rocks. But that made it worse as the person dropped the rock and it fell on his arm. I grab the rock and fling it towards the persons head and watch as the guy runs out. I look back and see Quackity, his head turned the other way. He's in immense pain and clearly needs help. I quickly run towards him. "W-what the- WHOS THERE?!" Quackity yells alarmed. I kneel next to his trapped tail and quickly pull it off applying pressure to the wounds with one of my hands as my other looks for the mend kit I bring with me. I had to take the rock off fast due to the wound, if I didn't apply pressure soon he would surely bleed out. Quackity screams at the pain and passes out. I grab my med kit and wrap his tail, I then move on to the wound on his stomach. I wrap it and snap his arm back in place, I wrap his arm and get up. I grab the beanie and sit down next to him, waiting for him to wake up.

A few hours later

"Ow...w-what the" Quackity starts, looking at his arm, then his tail and then his stomach as he notices someone healed him. He then notices his beanie is gone and he looks around to notice the kid who comes by everyday to get some stuff. He doesn't know his name and he has never talked to him- 'wait...did he save me?' Quackity thinks as he transforms back into his human self. He walks over to the boy and shakes him awake. "Hm...Oh! Your awake!" Tommy says as he jumps up. "So umm...your a...Siren...?" Asked Tommy. "Please don't compare me to those killers, but yes I was born as a siren...I killed...a lot...but only for protection! I hated killing so I left to live a life on land...thank you...for saving me." Quackity explains. Tommy smiles. "Hey you needed help! I wasn't just gonna let you die!" Says Tommy. Quackity looks at him. "How 'bout I treat you to dinner, it's the least I could do, oh yeah, and I don't accept 'no' for an answer." Quackity says grinning and grabbing Tommy's hand, pulling him away to a restaurant.

They talked and became friends


(So y'know how I loved Quackity and Tommy brotherly relationship? Yeah it's back :) )

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