Since the Start.

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It was a normal day in L'manberg, as normal as it can be anyway... The sky was blue, the sun was shining, and the flowers were blooming beautifully, the birds were singing and the animals were playing... but despite all of this peacefullness this server was anything but. This server had a history of chaos, wars and betrayal, abandonment and misery, it would always follow closely behind the inhabitants of this world, it followed closeley behind one of the inhabitants more then the others though. His name, was Tommy. A teen who had been there since the start, who has seen it all, who has fought in wars and lived to tell the tale, a teen who had died and lost all three of his lives to one man, a man who he once held dear and called a friend, a man who had gone hungry for power and lost his mind... that man was none other then Dream, the admin of the server. Once a kind, caring man who loved to joke around with his friends, slowly grew hungry for power and changed from better to worse. Tommy knows all about how much someone can change, he's seen in many times with his old friends. He's watched everyone around him change... mostly for the worse... Tommy would always be the first to notice someones changes, first to notice the change in there behaviors... he would always be the first to recognize the signs. He had lost many people, he's watched as those he once called friends changed drastically. This server once was peaceful, it once contained hope and was filled with love and peace... now... all it was filled with was misery, hoplessness... it was a shell of what it once used to be, And Tommy was well aware of that. Sometimes, Tommy would notice how others seemed to try and pretend that everyting was fine, Tommy could take notice of everyones way to cope. Georges was sleeping, escaping to a false reality where he could imagine anything, creating fake scenarios, fake versions of his friends, and pretending that everything was fine. He depended on those dreams. Quackitys was to drink and gamble in Las Nevadas, to play games to distract his mind, or to drink his thoughts away so he wasn't sober to think about everything that was going on. Sams was too hide himself away in the prison, take on the role of the Warden and engulf himself in his work to try and distract himself from what was happening. Niki's and Jacks way of coping was to blame it on someone else, was to blame what was happening on someone with the hopes that it would make them feel better, and that person was Tommy. Fundy's was to forget he was even related to Wibur, and to hide away in Las Nevadas. Purpleds was to forget about Punz being his brother and to distract himself by playing bedwars. Punz's was to engulf himself in his mercanary work and forget about Purpled being his younger brother. Philza's was to tend to his crows and go on adventures with Techno. Techno's was to go on adventures and hang out with Phil. Wilbur's was to smoke. Sapnaps was to hide away in kinoko kingdom with Karl... point is, Tommy could go on and on about everyones coping mechanism. He knew others better then they knew themselves. He could recount each and every scar on their body, he could recall where each and every scar of theres came from, who it came from, when it came from, what war it came from... He could remember the weapon it was created by, the reason it was made. He could recount it all if he so wanted to, but he wouldn't, as that would take up too much time. Tommy could remember lots of things, small details, he had to with the life he lived. There was no other choice. Tommy learned to do lots of things due to the way his life has been going. Everyone on the server used to be friends, almost as close as family... but then things happened and everything started going downhill, and things just kept getting worse and worse, and he couldn't do anything about it. Everyone on the server has hurt him in some way as well, left some sort of scar on him. They either hurt him, ignored him when he needed help the most, or left him, abandoned him, scarred him, manipulated or gaslighted him... The people on this server has changed. And Tommy knew that better then anyone. Isn't it kind of funny? How he, a teenager, knew more about others changes more then they knew themselves? It was strange and yet it was true. Perhaps it was because the others tried to forget? Tried to deny the truth? Tried to deny what happened? Tommy didn't know, maybe he'll never know... but who knows? Maybe this was all meant to happen. Tommy didn't know... but he wish none of this ever happened, that things can go back the way they once were. It was a big wish, and a wish that would most likely never come true, but can you blame him? A teen can only hope after all.

(A/N: Hey guys! I know it's been a very long time. I made this while at school and thought to share it with you all, tell me what you think and if you'd be interested in a part 2! I'll try and deliver!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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