What if...

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(Yes I did it again! Another series thing! Someone needs to stop me- 😭 also I need a better name for the series)

What if...when the nuke went off in the prison (I think that's where they were) there was a hole in it? The nuke didn't only kill Dream, Punz and Tommy...but instead it killed the whole server? With the server in ruins and everyone dead a new server was created...everyone was revived, including Mexican Dream, Schlatt and even Ghostbur is back but the name he goes by is Bluey or Blue (not creative I know, please help me with a better name 😭) but no one has their memories....except....one...
Tommy, Tommy remembers EVERYTHING...now he has to deal with the fact that no one remembers what happened back in the DSMP, he'll have to act natural and if he plays his cards right he can either bring everyone on this new server together......o r
b e c o m e  t h e n e x t
"D R E A M..."  o r....
M a y b e t h e n e x t
"W I L B U R" m a y b e
E v e n t h e n e x t
"S C H L A T T" o r
p e r h a p s t h e n e x t
"T E C H N O"... S o
m a n y o p t i o n s... y e t
s o l i t t l e t i m e...
i s n ' t  t h a t r i g h t....
T O M M Y?

Tommy jolted awake, the voice was back... he didn't like the voice, it scared him...Tommy mumbled and got out of bed, careful not to make any noise. Tommy walked to the bathroom and turned on the faucet, he splashed cold water on his face hoping it would help him. Tommy looked up and stared at his reflection or at least...what was supposed to be his reflection, it was still him but...it was the him from the DSMP...the dull blue eyes that held no emotion and was lifeless...the dirty blonde hair stained with some dried blood that he never bothered to clean...the dirty and blood stained clothes...the blind eye...the scars... Tommy jolted back tripping on the carpet in the bathroom and hitting his head on the bathroom wall behind him. Tommy started breathing heavily, he quickly looked down at his hands, turning them and searching his arms for scars that should've been there...that was SUPPOSED to be there, now Tommy wasn't ungrateful for the second chance...but why did he have to remember? It would've been better if he was like the others, completely clueless. It hurt Tommy too look at the others, they looked so... different... they looked exactly like they did before everything went to shit and that terrified him to no end, the nightmares kept repeating and repeating, and if that wasn't the worse part...imagine his surprise when he saw teenage versions of Shroud and Micheal, they were people...they were players! Yes they had mob features but before Shroud was a SPIDER! And- and Micheal was a zombie piglan! Not only that but it seemed like the universe just loved to see him in pain because not even a day later he saw them... he saw Friend and Henry... and they were also players as well! It just seemed like he couldn't get a break! Tommy clenched his hair as wet salty tears started dripping down his face. Tommy covered his mouth as a silent sob erupted from him. He shook and trembled as the voices started talking once again and Tommy was stuck, alone, with the voices, no one could help him. He couldn't get help from others because they don't even remember shit!
T o m m y...
W h a t ' s w r o n g? The voices called out in a fake motherly tone, they were toying with him, he knew that. A r e
y o u u p s e t t h a t
y o u r t h e o n l y o n e
w h o r e m e m b e r s ? The voice called out again. "Shut up..." Tommy mumbled as he desperately tried blocking his ears to keep himself from hearing the sick voices.
T o m m y ~ y o u
d e s e r v e t h i s ~
Y o u d e s t r o y e d
t h e s e r v e r ! I f
y o u n e v e r e x i s t e d
t h e n y o u r 'f r i e n d s'
w o u l d s t i l l b e i n
t h e S M P, T h e y
w o u l d b e h a p p y.
The voice called again. It was so loud to Tommy. Tommy just wanted to shut it up. He wanted it to stop, but he knew it wouldn't. The voices loved his pain, they loved it when he feared them. T h e
m o m e n t y o u
e n t e r e d t h e S M P
i s t h e m o m e n t y o u
t o o k a w a y t h e i r
h a p p i n e s s f o r
g o o d. The voice called out once more delighted with the way Tommy was acting. "Shut up...I know! Just please stop! You don't have to remind me! So please stop!" Tommy pleaded, but it was of no use as the voices continued laughing and telling him things a teenager should never hear, Tommy spent the rest of the night in his bathroom curled up in the corner, his eyes puffy and the bags under his eyes worsening every passing second.

T o b e c o n t i n u e d

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