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Tommy POV
I sat on the ground sliding the sharp blade across my palm to my finger. A thin bloody line trailed behind the sharp thin blade. Crimson drops hit the ground as Tommy stared at the blade and back at his hand. Tommy pulled up his sleeve and took the cold metal blade and carefully placed it on his skin. He then slid it across leaving crimson lines and drops of blood. Tommy only smiled. He continued until he heard his door open from behind him. He continued thinking it was the wind or something. He lifted the blade and plopped it down again. Sliding it, a bit deeper this time. The blade was covered in the crimson liquid now and so was his hand but he continued. "Tommy..." he heard a familiar voice from behind him say. Tommy dropped the blade as he snapped his head and looked at the figure. It Sam nook, his tail was down and so was his ears. Sam Nook grabbed my hand and pulled me somewhere. "Ahhhh!" I screamed.


"Sam Nook! Let go!" I yelled trying to pull him off of me. I then see the prison. We entered and he started yelling for Warden and Sam. I froze. Sam and Warden came down and froze at the sight. Sam quickly moved closer and sat me down. "Warden get me the first aid kit." Sam said. "What happened though?-" warden started but was cut up by a growl. "I said...get the FIRST FUCKING AID KIT!" Sam yelled his mask falling off revealing his creeper like mouth, his teeth were sharp and his mouth was wide. Warden clenched his fist but obeyed and ran off to get the aid kit. Sam turned around and faced me. He knelt down and put his hand in my cheek, he gently rubbed it. His eyes held sadness. When warden came back with the aid kit Sam yanked it out of his hands and started cleaning my wounds and bandaging them. Once that was done Sam hugged me. I hugged back and cried as I haven't felt this much touch in a while. I sobbed into his shoulder as he rubbed my back and Whispered reassurance to me. I cried.

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