Dr Thomas - DREAM

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It was a normal day in the foundation, a new researcher has just arrived, he was the youngest researcher in the foundation. His name was Dr Thomas but he prefers Tommy. Tommy was walking through the halls with his clipboard until he heard a bang from on of the containment rooms. He turned around and looked at the number. Scp-◼️◼️◼️ the scp was a level 6 meaning it was dangerous. "The name of that scp is Dream, Dream is a human looking entity who always wears a smiling face mask, he has blonde hair and always wore a green hoodie, he was classified as level 6 for he had broken out of containment multiple times, started breach multiple times and has killed thousands of members in the foundation." Said a Scientist behind Tommy. Tommy flinched and looked at the scientist. "May I check him out?" Tommy asked politely. The scientist hesitated but nodded. The scientist walked off. Tommy smiled, he used his keycard to open the door and walked in. There was Dream chained to the ground, scratches could be seen littering all over his skin. Dream snapped his head up towards Tommy causing Tommy to flinch. Tommy walked and sat down. Getting out his pen and clipboard. "H-hello...my name is Dr Thomas...but please call me Tommy...what should I call you?" Asked Tommy nervously. Dream let out a low growl and replied in a raspy voice. "Dream" Tommy nodded and wrote it down. "I'm a new researcher and I was wondering if I could ask you some questions?" Tommy asked tilting his head. Dream didn't know why but he nodded. Tommy smiled. "Excellent! So...how long have you been here?" Tommy asked. Dream didn't answer. Tommy decided to approach with a different question. "So what's your favorite color? Mine is red." Tommy said smiling. Dream was confused but replied. "Green..." Tommy smiled again. "That's a cool color!" Tommy replied. Dream didn't know why but the first thing that caught dreams eye was Tommy's unnaturally beautiful light blue eyes. Tommy looked at Dream and asked another question. "Do you have any friends here?" Asked Tommy. "Quite a few..." Dream replied. Tommy wrote that down. "Your eyes..." Dream spoke clearly. Tommy perked up. "How are they so...blue?" Dream asked curios of how it he has the bluest eyes. "Are they contact lenses?" Dream asked again. Tommy laughed and shook his head no. "Yeah I know there ugly but yeah their my normal eye color. I don't have any lenses in or anything, this is just the color of my eyes." Tommy spoke. "How are they ugly when they're the most unique blue in the world?" Asked Dream. Tommy was kinda surprised by this. "Thanks" Tommy said smiling. A announcement then went off. "All researchers head to the cafeteria for your break." Tommy looked up and then back at dream. "Well, I gotta go now. It was nice meeting you Dream." Tommy got up and walked away waving goodbye to dream. Dream made a low growl once Tommy left. 'What is he trying to do? Manipulate me? Is he trying to use my OWN technique against me?' Dream thought. 'No one has ever spoke to me like a human being besides my friends...' Dream started pulling at the chains making loud noises. Dream started to growl as he tried his best to destroy the chains.

With Tommy

"Hey! How'd it go?" The scientist from earlier asked. "Hm? Oh yeah it went good." Tommy replied. The scientist stood their shocked. "Really? He didn't try to kill ya or anything?" Asked the scientist. "Nope!" Said Tommy popping the P. "So what did you ask him?" Asked the scientist taking a sip of coffee. "I asked him about his favorite color and other stuff." Said Tommy casually. "Hmm...I see..." said the scientist. "Anyway my name is Ryder. Dr Ryder." Said the scientist now known as Dr Ryder. Tommy smiled. "Dr Thomas but please, call me Tommy." Said Tommy. Ryder smiled. "Alright Tommy." They both smiled and laughed.

This will be continued, mashup of scp and dsmp, here are some designs (made the designs out of Gacha club)

This will be continued, mashup of scp and dsmp, here are some designs (made the designs out of Gacha club)

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