2. The Threat

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After receiving her NEWT results, Genevieve was a lot more relaxed, as she had less to worry about.
And once the 1st of September had come and gone, she began to realise that she really wasn't going back to Hogwarts ever again, which allowed her to feel more settled in her new life with Tom.
But Hogwarts hadn't really prepared her for working in a shop, especially one that only had a handful of customers a day.
Genevieve spent most of her time at work reading books on Necromancy that the shop sold.
Her boss Mr Shade didn't seem to mind what she did with her time when there were no customers around.

"Alright that's all for today, Miss Walden. See you tomorrow" said Mr Shade, one afternoon.
Genevieve gritted her teeth and smiled, for she hated her false surname, almost as much as Tom hated his real name.
But since she couldn't use her proper name, she had to stick with the fake name Gellert had assigned her when she started Hogwarts.
"Goodbye Mr Shade" Genevieve replied, before heading out of the shop.

When she opened the shop door, she saw a figure standing outside waiting for her.
"I could walk home by myself" admitted Genevieve.
Tom smiled and kissed her cheek, "It makes sense for me to wait for you, since we live together and we finish at basically the same time".
"I don't want you to feel like you have to wait for me" replied Genevieve.
"I don't mind. Besides, I don't like you walking through Knockturn Alley alone at night"
"It's hardly night. And I can take care of myself"
"I know, but walking with you puts my mind at ease"
"Well, if you don't mind doing it, then I'm not going to stop you".

The pair then began to make their way through the alley, passing several sinister characters on the way.
The street was famous for attracting dark witches and wizards, so they always had to be on their guard.
"Mr Burke told me that the Ministry are sending undercover aurors into Knockturn Alley, to watch out for any suspicious activity, and Grindelwald supporters" revealed Tom.
Genevieve froze in fear, "Are you sure?".
"It's just a rumour that he told me, so I can't be sure that it's 100% true. But Mr Burke is usually quite good at overhearing things" answered Tom.
"So, it might not be true".

"Why are you so worried about undercover aurors? You're not breaking the law by working in Knockturn Alley. And if you were questioned by aurors, I'm sure Professor Slughorn could give you a brilliant character reference, for he loves us. So, why do you look so nervous at the prospect of bumping into an auror?" Asked Tom.
"I'm not worried that they'll catch me doing anything illegal, because I haven't done anything wrong lately. But if one of the aurors recognises me from when I fought with Grindelwald, then they'll arrest me and throw me in Azkaban" revealed Genevieve.

"No they won't. They have no reason to suspect you. No one knows of your relation to Grindelwald. So no one is going to think that you are the same girl who fought beside him in Stockholm" reassured Tom.
"I have Heterchromia. It's a pretty rare deformity, and it's something that makes me recognisable. And if they are on the look out for Grindelwald supporters who are still walking free, then I expect they'll recognise me with ease" replied Genevieve.

"I'm pretty sure that the aurors fighting you that day had other things on their mind, than the colour of your eyes. So I doubt anyone noticed that you have Heterchromia" admitted Tom.
"There's still a chance that an undercover auror could recognise me though. And then my life would be over. I've tried so hard to forget my past. But the present keeps dragging up my past, and forcing me to face it over and over again. It's just not fair" Genevieve said quietly.
"The chance of someone recognising you, is next to none, so stop worrying and let's go home" insisted Tom.
Genevieve took a deep breath and continued on the journey home with Tom.

Genevieve had relaxed by the time they reached their flat, but her anxiety doubled when she saw a photo sitting on her kitchen counter.
"What is it?" Frowned Tom, when he saw the terror in Genevieve's eyes.
Instead of answering, Genevieve nervously approached the table, and picked up the photo.
As she looked closer, she realised that it was just as damning as she had feared.
"Is that you?" Questioned Tom, as he leaned over Genevieve's shoulder to stare at the picture.
Genevieve nodded, "It's a photo from the day me and Gellert battled the aurors in Stockholm".

"What's it doing here?" Asked Tom.
"I don't know... When I stood in the fountain in the middle of the square and began performing magic, several Muggles did take pictures, but I didn't think too much about it at the time, as I thought we were going to win the fight. Afterwards though, once we'd lost, I just assumed the aurors had deleted all the photos, while wiping the Muggles memories and putting things back to how they had been before. I didn't think there were any physical copies of what happened that day" informed Genevieve.
"Well clearly there are many photos of what happened. Because if there is one, there are bound to be more" replied Tom.

"I don't know who has the rest of the photos, or why they decided to give one to me. But I can't imagine they did it for a good reason. This is clearly a threat. They are warning me not to do anything wrong, or they will reveal the rest of the photos to the Ministry or the Daily Prophet" admitted Genevieve, as her heart began to race.
"Do you really have no idea who it could be?" Questioned Tom.
"Dumbledore is the only other person besides you, who knows my true identity. But he swore to me that no matter what I did, he would not ruin my life by revealing who I am. And since I haven't done anything wrong lately, I see no reason why he would leave me this. Besides, Dumbledore isn't the type to leave threats".

"You have a much higher opinion of Dumbledore than I do. I just see an old fool who often pokes his nose in where it isn't wanted. He also sees himself as a do-gooder, who's job it is to save the world from bad people like us. And if he is the one who sent this to you, I will make him pay. He should know that if he threatens you, he threatens me, for we are a package deal" said Tom angrily.
"Don't do anything rash or stupid though. We don't even know that it was him. So, for the time being, we should be very careful with what we do and say, outside of our home" replied Genevieve.
Tom slammed his hand onto the table, making Genevieve jump.
"I thought that once we were out of Hogwarts, we wouldn't have to be careful anymore!" shouted Tom.

Genevieve placed her hand onto Tom's arm, in an attempt to calm him down.
"It won't be forever Vee... But until we know who sent this picture, and what their intentions are, we must be careful" insisted Genevieve.
Tom sighed deeply, "You're right. I can't allow myself to lose control. I must continue being Tom Riddle for a bit longer, before I'm ready to become Lord Voldemort full time".
"And once that time comes, there will be no stopping you... But until then, you must learn to control your temper" admitted Genevieve.
"As long as you are by my side, I will never completely lose control" replied Tom.
"Well, I'm not going anywhere"
"No, you're not".

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