26. Sibling Resentment

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With two boys in the house, the years flew by for Genevieve, and every day brought a new challenge.
Salazar looked like a miniature version of Tom, and even had some of his personality traits.
Gellert on the other hand was much more sensitive, and even though he didn't have his father's hair or eyes, he did have very similar facial features
On the whole, Genevieve thought her boys were very well behaved. But there were always exceptions to the rules.

She was walking past Salazar's room one afternoon when she heard raised voices coming from the other side of the door.
After taking a deep breath, Genevieve pushed open the door and entered her sons' bedroom.
The noise immediately stopped as she made her way towards the boys, who lowered their heads sheepishly.
She had found that she could usually get them to behave without needing to raise her voice, so she didn't like shouting at them unless she really had to.
"What on earth is going on in here?" Questioned Genevieve calmly.
Neither of her sons answered her, so she placed her hands on her hips and stared at Salazar.
"Well, are you going to tell me what was going on before I entered the room?" She asked again.

"We were fighting" mumbled Salazar.
"Yes, I could hear that from the hallway. How many times have I told you not to fight with your little brother? You are 8 years old and he is only 5, so it is unfair to fight him. You are the oldest, so you are supposed to be the grown up one" reminded Genevieve.
"Sorry mother" apologised Salazar, through gritted teeth.
"Just because Eloise has a cold, and is ill in bed, it doesn't mean you get to push Gellert around in her absence"
"I know"
"Where is Charlotte anyway? How did she let this happen?".

Salazar shrugged, "I'm old enough to look after myself, I don't need Charlotte following me around everywhere".
"Clearly you are not, or we wouldn't be in this mess... Well it looks as if neither of you got hurt, so I see no reason to punish you, as long as you promise not to fight anymore today" informed Genevieve, as she began inspecting the boys.
There were no bruises or cuts on them, but their clothes appeared to be scruffy, and covered in dust.
"What exactly were you two arguing about anyway?" Asked Genevieve, who was confused as to why they had dirt and dust on them.
"Nothing" lied the boys in unison.

Genevieve frowned, "How many times have I told you not to lie to me?".
Neither of the boys said anything, so Genevieve stepped even closer to them, hoping to intimidate one of them into confessing the truth.
This was when she noticed that Salazar was holding his hands behind his back, instead of at his sides.
"Give me whatever is in your hands right now, and don't even think about disobeying me" ordered Genevieve.
Rather reluctantly, Salazar brought his hands out from behind him, and placed what had been in them, onto Genevieve's outstretched palm.

Genevieve gasped in horror when she saw Tom's locket Horcrux in her hand.
"Where did you get this?" Demanded Genevieve.
The boys remained silent.
"Because this locket was supposed to be in the basement, and last time I checked, you two were not allowed in there!" continued Genevieve angrily.
"Salazar picked the basement door lock so that we could inside" revealed Gellert, who couldn't continue being brave when his mother was scolding him.
"Shut up you tattle-tale" snapped Salazar, as he shoved Gellert.

"Enough! Is this true Salazar" Questioned Genevieve.
"It was Gellert's idea" insisted Salazar, as he tried to shift some of the blame off himself.
"Was not" countered Gellert.
"I don't care who's idea it was, I just need to know why you thought you had the right to enter the basement, when you both know that you are forbidden from going down there" replied Genevieve.
"We wanted to see what was in there" explained Salazar.

"There are things in that basement that are dangerous. No one but me and your father are allowed in there, and we don't go in very often, so for all we know, there is a Boggart living in there. What would you have done if you came across a Boggart, or something worse?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I thought our house didn't have any monsters in" trembled Gellert.
"It doesn't, but the basement is different to the rest of the house, which is why we keep it locked and don't allow anyone else in there. Aside from dangerous things, there are a lot of our families treasures down there, including this" admitted Genevieve, as she clenched her fist around the locket.

"That's what I wanted to find. Father said it has been in the family forever, so one day it will be passed down to me, and I wanted to see it. Then Gellert tried to take it from me, when we got back up here, and I wouldn't let him, because it will belong to me one day, not him" announced Salazar.
"Let me get one thing straight, this locket belongs to no one but your father. He plans on living forever, and having this locket in his possession at all times. But even if he does die one day, he is alive right now, so you should not go messing around with his things. There are several items in this world, that matter a great deal to your father, and this is one of them. You are lucky he is away right now, because he would have a heart attack if he saw you mucking about with this" admitted Genevieve.

"Are you going to tell him what we did?" Asked Salazar nervously, as his bravado began to fail him.
"No, I see no reason to get him all worked up. Telling him would only make him angry, and you know as well as I do, that making your father angry is never a good thing. So, I will deal with this myself... I need you both to swear to me that you will never go into the basement again, or touch anything that does not belong to you" informed Genevieve.
"I promise I won't" Gellert said quickly.
"Good" replied Genevieve.
Salazar sighed and nodded his head, "I promise too".

"If you both keep your promises, I see no reason to bring this up again. I will return the locket to its home in the basement, and I will be placing powerful charms around the room, to keep you two out. I didn't think I would ever need to perform defensive magic in my own home, but you two have proved me wrong. I thought I had raised you better, and I hoped you would amount to something more than common thieves and burglars. You have been born into a family of wealth and privilege. Do not squander that, by behaving like animals" said Genevieve sternly.
"I'm sorry mother" mumbled Gellert.

"I should hope so. Do you know how upset and angry your father would be if you broke this? I am very disappointed in you both" admitted Genevieve.
Gellert's bottom lip trembled, and he looked close to tears.
"Once I have put this back, I will go and find Charlotte. Gellert, I want you to return to your own room, so that you can't fight with Salazar anymore. I will send Charlotte to watch over you, once I have found her" continued Genevieve.

"But Charlotte is my maid" reminded Salazar.
"I thought you said you were too old to have her following you around" replied Genevieve.
"I didn't mean it. I don't want Gellert to have her" admitted Salazar.
"I'm afraid you don't have a say in the matter. You will have to keep yourself occupied until Eloise has recovered, and Charlotte can return to being your maid. Now, try not to get into any more trouble, and I will see you both at dinner this evening".

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