19. A New Member

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Genevieve wore her black body-con dress the following evening for the death eater initiation ceremony, as she wanted to look nice.
However, her dress felt tighter than ever, as she had put on a lot of weight, which she assumed was because she now had people to cook for her. And she was also no longer trekking across the world, since she had her own home, so she wasn't getting any exercise any more.
All 6 of Tom's inner circle had been summoned to the initiation to receive their dark marks.
They all wore their finest black robes, as they wanted to look their best on such an important day.
Instead of having to pick who should go first, Tom had decided to do it alphabetically, which meant he couldn't get accused of favouritism.
So Avery went first, since his surname started with an A.

As this initiation was a brand new thing, no one knew what was going to happen.
Even Tom and Genevieve didn't know exactly what the dark mark was going to look like once it had been imprinted onto someone's skin.
Avery approached Tom rather nervously, before dropping to one knee, and bowing respectfully.
Tom then took hold of Avery's left wrist, and pulled down his sleeve, exposing his forearm.
Once this was done, Tom placed the tip of his wand against Avery's arm and muttered the encantation under his breath.

Avery grimaced as the mark was burned onto his skin, as it was clearly causing him a lot of pain.
But despite the pain, he didn't move his arm, as he had been warned beforehand, not to do anything that would upset the spell.
When Tom eventually lowered his wand, Genevieve leaned closer to Avery, to look at the results.
The dark mark looked exactly like it did on the death eaters pins that her and Tom had made at school.
Except that the mark was a dark red colour, almost like it had been drawn with blood. The area around the mark was also rather pink, and sore looking.

Looking at the mark made Genevieve feel rather queasy, so she turned away, hoping to get the image out of her head.
But no matter what she did, she couldn't stop the sick feeling in her stomach.
She stepped away from Tom before dropping to the ground and vomiting all over the floor.
Tom immediately turned his attention to her, and lowered himself towards her.
"Are you alright?" He asked, as he placed a protective arm around her.
"I'm fine. I'm just feeling a bit sick" mumbled Genevieve.
She knew that Tom didn't like things that made him look weak, so she wanted to downplay how she was feeling, to make sure he didn't turn away in disgust.

"Surely watching the ceremony didn't make you feel ill? You've seen me do far worse things in the past" reminded Tom.
Genevieve shook her head and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
"No, I've been feeling off for a few weeks now, it wasn't the initiation that made me feel ill. I must have caught a bug recently. Don't worry though, I'll be alright" reassured Genevieve.
Tom looked over his shoulder at his death eaters, "Lestrange, fetch Sophie, Genevieve's maid, and bring her here".
Lestrange left the room and returned a few moments later with Sophie, who then escourted Genevieve to her room.
Tom stayed and performed the spell on the rest of the death eaters, before sending them home so that he could join Genevieve.

"How are you feeling now?" He Questioned, when he entered the bedroom.
"I'm fine" insisted Genevieve.
Tom looked to Sophie for confirmation of Genevieve's wellbeing.
"Mistresses has been sick several more times since we got here" revealed Sophie.
"Yeah, but I'm O.K, I swear" promised Genevieve.
"I can tell that you are lying" frowned Tom.
"Maybe I am. But that's only because I don't want you to be in the room while I throw up"
"I made a vow, remember? In sickness and in health"
"I suppose you did".

"If you are still feeling unwell tomorrow, I'm taking you to a Muggle doctor, since I can't risk you going to St Mungo's in case anyone recognises us" instructed Tom.
"You're fussing over nothing. I really don't need to see a doctor" insisted Genevieve.
"Healthy people don't throw up. I want to make sure that there is nothing seriously wrong with you, so I am taking you to a doctor, whether you like it or not".

Despite her protests, Tom took Genevieve to the local doctors surgery the following morning.
"So, Miss Walden, I hear you are experiencing a lot of sickness lately" said doctor Cameron Duddle, once Genevieve had sat down in his office.
"Yes. I've been feeling sick for weeks, but it keeps getting worse" revealed Genevieve, as she tried not to grimace at the use of the fake name she thought she had left behind.
"I'm sure it's nothing serious, but it is always good to be on the safe side. Are you having any other symptoms, aside from the sickness?" Asked the doctor.
"I've been having a lot of cramps, even though my monthly cycles have stopped. I've also had some headaches, and weight gain- but that's probably just because I've been eating a lot".

The doctor frowned, "I see... Are you currently having unprotected sex?".
Genevieve didn't like a male doctor delving into her personal life, but if she wanted a proper diagnosis, she would have to be honest with him.
"With my husband, yes" she answered.
"Regularly?" Questioned Cameron.
"I don't know what regularly is, but we do it most nights. Although, I don't see why that is any of your business" answered Genevieve.
"Well, if you are having unprotected sex nearly every night, then isn't there a chance that you could be pregnant?".

Genevieve's heart skipped a beat, "I-I don't know".
"I'm assuming you are aware of how children are made? You must be if you are having sex. And you aren't a teenager, your notes say that you are 29, so you should know the risks of having unprotected sex" admitted Cameron.
"Well, I never grew up with a mother, and my male guardian never exactly explained things to me. I also went to a private boarding school, and that kind of thing isn't discussed there either. I had female roommates, but if I'm being honest, I spent more time with my boyfriend, than I did them. I know that sex is what lovers do, but I didn't know that all sex could lead to having a baby. I thought you did something different during sex, if you wanted a child... So, are you saying that I could be pregnant right now?" Questioned Genevieve.

"It seems incredibly likely, but let's not jump to conclusions. I will need a urine sample to confirm my diagnosis. But being pregnant does seem to fit with all of your symptoms" informed Cameron.
"A urine sample?" Frowned Genevieve.
"Yes. It's the fastest way fo see if I'm right" admitted Cameron.
Despite not liking the primative Muggle method, Genevieve allowed the doctor to test her urine. And within several minutes, she had her answer.

"Well, it appears that I was right, you are pregnant" announced Cameron.
Hearing the news made Genevieve feel even sicker than before.
"This can't be happening" she mumbled, as she thought about how on earth she was going to tell Tom.
"This should be good news. Surely a married woman of your age is looking forward to finally having children" replied Cameron.
"I'm glad that I'm not unwell, but this is not the kind of news I was hoping for. Not all women want children, you know. Having children was certainly not on mine or my husbands agenda. We had other plans for our future"
"What kind of plans?".

World domination, is what Genevieve thought, but she knew she couldn't say that to the doctor.
"Just normal plans. The two of us are very job focused" lied Genevieve.
Children were not something her and Tom had ever discussed.
Neither of them had received an normal upbringing by two loving parents. So Genevieve had never imagined herself becoming one.
"Well, I'm honestly suprised you haven't fallen pregnant before, if you've been with this man since you were both at school" admitted Cameron.
"We were on the move for 10 years, sharing a room with other people. So we weren't having sex" explained Genevieve.
"Ah, that makes sense. Well, I will put you in touch with a local midwife, and leave you to tell your husband the good news".

"I'm not sure he is going to find the news all that good" mumbled Genevieve.
"Nonsense, I'm sure he will be thrilled to find out that he is going to be a father" replied Cameron.
"You don't know him. I on the other hand, know that Tom is not going to like this news one bit" admitted Genevieve.
"Well, I hope for your sake that he has a good reaction to your pregnancy"
"Thanks, but I know Tom isn't going to be happy, for he definitely does not want children. However, there is no use putting it off any longer. I had better go and break the terrible news to him".

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