12. Disappearing Act

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Tom took Genevieve home once Alec Wilde's house was ash.
He washed her and put her to bed, but she was too traumatised to sleep.
Genevieve stayed awake the whole night, but she didn't dare get out of bed and walk around, for she didn't want to leave Tom's side.
It wasn't just the murder she'd committed, that kept her awake, it was what Alec had tried to do to her that kept playing in her mind.
When the sun eventually came streaming through the windows, the following morning, Tom got up and headed to Hepzibah Smith's house for what would be the last time, as he didn't plan on returning until he had what he wanted.

Genevieve didn't want to do anything, while he was gone, but she knew that she had a task to do, for it was her job to pack up all their things.
Tom and Genevieve could only travel with a few essentials, so the rest of their belongings would be hidden at a secure location, until they returned.
Genevieve spent all morning finishing the packing that she had started the day before.
And when Tom finally returned home, he had a triumphant look on his face.
"Well?" Asked Genevieve.
Tom reached into his pocket and pulled out Slytherin's locket and Hufflepuff's cup, which he placed proudly onto the kitchen table.
"I got them" informed Tom.
"I can see that. Well done" praised Genevieve.

"After so many years, the locket has finally been returned to the Slytherin family. Hepzibah Smith won't even miss it" admitted Tom.
"I think she might" replied Genevieve.
"No she won't, because I killed her" revealed Tom.
Genevieve's jaw dropped, "You didn't have to kill her to get what you wanted. There should have been another way, a better way. She hadn't wronged you, so she did not deserve to die".
"She spoke ill of my mother, and kept the locket from me for so many years"
"She didn't do that intentionally".

"The woman is dead, and I do not regret what I did. I poisoned her and placed a false memory inside the head of her house-elf. The elf will think that she placed something in her mistresses tea by accident. By the time Hepzibah's family realise that the locket and the cup are missing, we will be long gone. The house is a mess, for the old woman was a hoarder. So, it will take her family a long time to realise what I took" informed Tom.
"Are you sure you didn't leave anything that could incriminate you?" Questioned Genevieve.
"No, I am an expert at this, remember. I know what I'm doing. I even used poison instead of the killing curse, to take any suspicion off of me" answered Tom.
"I still think you shouldn't have killed her"
"She was old, so she didn't have much life left to live anyway".

"It is not up to you to decide who lives and who dies. You can't just kill everyone who stands in your way" insisted Genevieve.
Tom frowned, "I thought you knew exactly who I am, and what I intend to do in the future, but maybe I was wrong. I will not be able to become the most powerful sorcerer in the world, if I do not kill those who oppose me".
"Hepzibah Smith was not an enemy or a threat. She was an innocent pure-blooded woman, and a descendant of Helga Hufflepuff, who was one of the founders of Hogwarts" reminded Genevieve.
"She was an obstacle, and I removed her. I couldn't let her live, for she knew too much about me, and she would suspect me of stealing her treasures, which made her a threat".

"But she was innocent!" Snapped Genevieve.
"You do not know her life story, so it is not up to you to decide if she is innocent or not. Besides, it's not just villians and bad people that get killed in wars. Innocent people die to" replied Tom.
"But we are not at war with anyone yet" insisted Genevieve.
"You are wrong. Today is the day we disappear, and it is the start of my rise to power. Hepzibah Smith is the first to fall in my quest for world domination. The war against the Ministry of Magic begins today. And sometimes in wars, people must be sacrificed for the greater-"
"Don't! Don't quote my father at me. For the greater good, was his slogan, not yours, and I do not wish to hear it anymore, for that part of my life is over".

"Very well, I shall create my own slogan in the future to appease you. But I will not have you shouting and disrespecting me like this, in front of my followers" informed Tom.
"You can't stop me from saying how I feel" replied Genevieve.
Tom stepped towards Genevieve and placed his hand on her face, which she pushed away.
"You are mine. You belong to me" he said coldly.
"I don't belong to anyone but myself" insisted Genevieve.
Tom frowned and grabbed hold of her hand, raising it up into the air, displaying her engagement ring.
"You made a commitment to me, remember. You promised to love me forever, no matter what I did. And you will stand by me through it all. You made your choice long ago, and you can never go back on it" Tom said firmly.

Genevieve sighed when she realised that Tom was right.
She had watched him commit murder, so there really was no going back after that, for he would never let her go.
"I am yours, and you are mine" she said quietly.
Tom pressed his lips against hers, sealing their promise with a kiss, "We were meant to be together. It's our destiny to rule this world together, and one day we will".
"You are my lord, and I will do whatever you comand" replied Genevieve.
"Good... Now, finish packing while I fetch us lunch. Once we've eaten we will hide these boxes in the basement of the deserted Riddle manor. We will then meet up with my loyal followers, and together we will all disappear. Tom Riddle and Genevieve Walden will never be seen again. From now, until the end of time, we are Lord Voldemort and Genevieve Grindelwald, and nothing will ever separate us".

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