42. Following In His Footsteps

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Despite promising that being a death eater wouldn't change him, Genevieve noticed many changes in her son, in the months that followed.
She could tell by his behaviour that Tom was making him kill more people, but he never told her about the things he did, and he no longer came to her for comfort.
After watching Salazar change, Genevieve was determined not to let the same thing happen to Gellert.
Unfortunately for her, Gellert had his own ideas about his future, and he wanted to follow in the family business, to prove that he was worthy of the name Gellert. And after his 17th birthday he revealed his intentions to join his fathers army.

"Now that I'm an adult, I want you to treat me like a grown up, and give me some space" announced Gellert, shortly after his 17th birthday.
He was home for the holidays, and working on his homework in the library, while Genevieve supervised and assisted him when he needed it. But since he was so clever, he didn't really need her help, so she had ended up reading a book on the other side of the room, to pass the time.
"That's fine with me. But I think you'll find that being a grown up isn't as much fun as you think" admitted Genevieve, not even looking up from her book.
"I'll be fine. I'm great at looking after myself. In fact, now that I'm 17, I want to join father's army" revealed Gellert.
"Well, I'm afraid that that's not possible"
"Why not? I'm an adult now, I can do magic outside of school, which means that the magic I perform cannot be detected".

"Your magic being detected was never an issue, for you go to Ilvermorny, and MACUSA cannot track you here. There is also powerful magic around our home, shielding us from anyone finding out about the spells performed here" informed Genevieve.
"Then why can't I become a death eater?" Questioned Gellert.
"You cannot join the death eaters while you are still at school, because there is still a lot of magic that you have yet to learn" answered Genevieve, as she closed her book, to look over at him.
"That's rubbish. I'm the best student in my year, and I know more magic than everyone at Ilvermorny. I'm probably also better than everyone at Hogwarts. Which means that I should be able to join".

"Your father doesn't have unqualified wizards or witches on his side" stated Genevieve.
"That's a lie. I heard Salazar say that father has spies at Hogwarts. So he definitely uses underage wizards" replied Gellert.
"He has spies at Hogwarts, it's true, but they are all of age. He also doesn't bring them on missions, he just uses them as ears and eyes in Hogwarts, who can keep an eye on Dumbledore for him, and tell him of any potential future death eaters. None of them are proper death eaters" insisted Genevieve.

"But even if father doesn't normally recruit people my age, he would make an exception for me, because I'm his son, wouldn't he?" Asked Gellert.
Genevieve sighed, "Yes, he probably would".
"If he doesn't mind, then why can't I become a death eater?" Quizzed Gellert.
"Because I said so. I do not want you becomming one of them any earlier than you have to. I can only protect you while you are still at school. Once you have graduated, your father will make you a part of his cult. And I want to delay that day for as long as possible".

"Why don't you want me to be a death eater? Why are you trying to hold me back?" Questioned Gellert.
"It's not about holding you back and stopping you from reaching your full potential. I am trying to protect you, since that is my job as your mother" informed Genevieve.
"I do not need your protection. I'm an adult now. I make my own choices, and I decide what is best for me" announced Gellert.
Genevieve climbed out of her chair, and made her way over to Gellert.
"I am your mother, and this is my house. So, while you live here, you will do as I say. No matter how old you are, I will always be your mother, and I will always have a say in your life" admitted Genevieve.
"I wish you weren't" snapped Gellert, as he jumped out of his chair to stand up to her.

"I hate you" continued Gellert, using Parseltongue instead of English.
"Do not take that tone with me young man!" Shouted Genevieve.
Although she could understand Parseltongue, it didn't come naturally to her, and she always found it easier to respond in English, rather that Parseltongue.
"I can do what I like! I hate you, and I hate that you are my mother!" Yelled Gellert.

Genevieve's heart felt as if it had broken into a million pieces.
"You really wish I wasn't your mother?" She asked quietly.
"Yeah. I want a mother who supports me, and doesn't treat me like a baby" spat Gellert.
Genevieve composed herself, and refused to let herself cry in front of her son.
"You think that you are so grown up, but you have a lot to learn. You have not seen or done the things I have. You don't know what kind of a man your father really is. He is a killer, and he will make you one too. Trust me, you don't want to become a death eater" informed Genevieve.

"I don't want father to think that I am not as capable as Salazar. I want to show him that I am just as good as my brother" revealed Gellert.
"That's a childs response. Wanting to be better than your brother, is something a child would say. An adult would understand just how dangerous it is to join Lord Voldemort's army. And an adult wouldn't want to join someone who will force them to commit murder on a daily basis. You clearly don't understand what being a death eater is like. Trust me, it is not as glamorous as it seems" admitted Genevieve.
"I know that. But joining father, is the only way to make him love me and pay attention to me" replied Gellert.

"Your father doesn't deserve you. And you should not make it your goal to please him. No matter what you do, he will never be the father that you want him to be. His soul is cold, dark, and damaged, and that will never change. If you give him every part of you, to try and gain his approval, you will only come out disappointed and broken" warned Genevieve.
"I have to try. And as the younger brother, I have to try and beat Salazar somehow. He became a death eater at 18, so if I become one at 17, I will be better than him" replied Gellert.
"I will not let you become one of them" informed Genevieve sternly.
"With all due respect, I wasn't asking you, since it is not your choice to make. It's fathers. And if he allows me to join, you won't be able to stop him".

Genevieve was saved from replying, when the library door swung open and Tom walked in closely followed by Salazar.
"Have you heard the good news? Eugenia Jenkins has resigned, and she's been replaced by a man named Harold Minchum. We have successfully scared off another Minister for Magic" announced Tom.
"Terrific" mumbled Genevieve sarcastically.
Tom frowned, "It looks like I just walked into an argument of some sort".
"You could say that" sighed Genevieve.

Tom turned from Genevieve to look at Gellert.
"I hope you haven't been arguing with your mother. You know I don't like anyone upsetting her" reminded Tom.
"We weren't fighting" lied Gellert.
"No. We were just having a calm disagreement, where my own son said he wished that I wasn't his mother" revealed Genevieve.
Salazar gasped, "You actually said that?".
"I didn't mean it, it was just a misunderstanding" insisted Gellert.
"I hope so, because your mother is a wonderful woman, and a great mother" informed Tom.
"Look at you singing my praises, you must be in a good mood" muttered Genevieve.

"I didn't mean what I said, and I'm sorry I said it at all" apologised Gellert.
"Good" replied Tom.
"Father, I would like to ask if I could become a death eater now, instead of when I turn 18"
"You wish to join my services now?"
"I do. I want nothing more than to join your side, and prove to you that I am worthy of the name Slytherin"
"Well then, I will not refuse such an eager new follower. I will plan the initiation ceremony before you return to school"
"Thank you".

"I guess I get no say in the matter" sighed Genevieve.
"He's an adult, Gen. He can do as he likes" reminded Tom.
"And since you support the decision, there really is nothing I can do to stop this from happening" replied Genevieve glumly.
"You should be proud that our son is so desperate to join our cause"
"It is not me that he is trying to make proud by becoming a death eater... You all know how I feel about this, but since I have no other choice, I have to allow this to happen. You do what you like, I won't be accused of holding anyone back. So, on your head be it".

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