16. Back Where It Belongs

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After being reunited with Ravenclaw's diadem, Genevieve didn't want to let it go. So, she decided to wear it for the rest of the week.
She didn't intend to take it off any time soon, but Tom had other plans.
"As much as I love to see you wearing the diadem, I need you to give it back to me" informed Tom, one evening after dinner.
Genevieve frowned, "Why?".
"It is my Horcrux afterall" reminded Tom.
"Yes, but surely you don't think anyone could break in here and steal it" replied Genevieve.
"No. But I don't intend on keeping all of my Horcruxes in the same place, as that would be very careless. Which is why tonight, I will be taking the diadem to its new home".

Genevieve slowly took off the diadem and placed it onto the table.
"Where are you going to take it?" She asked curiously.
"Hogwarts" answered Tom.
"How exactly are you going to get this into Hogwarts?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I have a job interview tonight, for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post. Which means I will be able to get into the castle with ease"
"But Albus Dumbledore is headmaster now, so there's no way he is going to give you the job. If Dippet wouldn't give it to you, and he actually liked you, then there is no way Dumbledore will"
"No, he probably won't. But the interview is merely a facade, so that I can get into Hogwarts and hide my Horcrux. I do not expect Dumbledore to give me the job, even though I would quite like it".

"Dumbledore is probably the only person in this country who would recognise a Horcrux, so you must make sure you hide it well" warned Genevieve.
"Don't worry, I plan on placing it inside our old hideout; the Room of Requirement" revealed Tom.
"But that room isn't completely secure, because other people can get inside" reminded Genevieve.
"Yes, but I doubt anyone knows of its existence. Not every student is as smart as we were when we were there, so the chances of anyone else finding it, are very slim".

"And you're doing this tonight?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"Yes, I'm leaving soon and I'm taking the death eaters with me as escourts, so that my Horcrux will be properly protected" admitted Tom, as he glanced at the clock on the wall.
"I don't think it's normal to show up with escourts to a job interview" replied Genevieve.
"I won't be bringing them into the castle with me. I will leave them at the Hog's Head, while I am talking to Dumbledore"
"And you don't want me to come with you?"
"You can come if you wish, I won't stop you. But you will be stuck with the boys while I'm at Hogwarts"
"On second thoughts then, I will stay here"
"I thought you'd say that, which is why I didn't ask you to come with me".

"Is Dumbledore expecting you?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Yes, I didn't think it wise to just turn up unannounced, so I sent him an owl explaining my intentions, and he agreed to see me" answered Tom.
"I'm surprised that he is allowing you into the castle. He never liked you, and he suspected you of opening the Chamber of Secrets. He is also bound to know what we've been up to these last 10 years"
"I think Dumbledore's curiosity has overshadowed his fear of me. He probably wants to meet me face to face, to see for himself, what I have become".

"What if he's waiting for you with an army of aurors? What if he ambushes you and you get sent to Azkaban?" Asked Genevieve nervously.
"He has no proof that I have committed any crimes, so he can't arrest me for no reason. Besides, we both know that he doesn't see eye to eye with the Ministry. Which is why he's turned down the post of Minister for Magic numerous times. So, I'm going to be fine" reassured Tom.
"I hope so... I always hated being alone with Dumbledore. His piercing blue eyes always seemed to go right through me. We didn't exactly part on good terms either. The last time I saw him, I accused him of sending me threats. But we both know that he was innocent of that, for Alec Wilde was my blackmailer, not Dumbledore" replied Genevieve.

"I am not afraid of Albus Dumbledore, so he holds no power power over me. I will not allow him to intimidate or belittle me in this meeting" announced Tom.
"But if he does do those things, you mustn't lash out. People know that you are you seeing Dumbledore tonight, so you could be accused of his murder. And to be honest, I'm not sure you could defeat him in a duel" admitted Genevieve.
Tom frowned, "You think that Dumbledore is more powerful than me?".
"I don't know-"
"Stop avoiding the question, and answer me! Do you think Albus Dumbledore holds more power than me?".

"I don't know! Gellert Grindelwald was the most powerful wizard I knew, yet at the height of his power, Dumbledore was still able to beat him. And I don't think he has lost any power since then, so he is a dangerous person to turn into an enemy" informed Genevieve, as her thoughts turned to the Elder wand, which she knew was in Dumbledore's possession.
"It's nice to know that my own wife doesn't have any faith in me" mumbled Tom.
"I do have faith in you. You are the one person on this earth that I believe in. And I'm sure that one day you will take over the world. But I'm just saying that right now, I can't guarantee that you would be able to defeat Dumbledore. We are still young afterall"
"Age and wisdom doesn't necessarily make you more powerful"
"No, but they help".

Tom sighed, "There is no point arguing about this. I have no intention of getting into an altercation with Dumbledore tonight. So there is no need to worry about me losing a duel to him".
"That is a relief... But I have to admit that I am going to miss this" said Genevieve, as her eyes lingered on the diadem beside her.
"I know you are connected to it, since it belonged to your family. But it belongs to me now, for it is my Horcrux" replied Tom, as he stood up, and picked up the diadem.
"At least I can feel happy that it is being returned to Hogwarts, where it belongs".

Tom bent down and kissed Genevieve's head softly, "I will see you later".
"Stay safe" replied Genevieve.
"I will" promised Tom.
"Will you be back late?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I'm not sure. But in case I do get back late, don't wait up for me, you should get some sleep"
"I would wait for you for a hundred years, and now that we share a bed, I have no intention of going to sleep without you"
"Well, in that case, I will see you tonight, my beautiful comrad"
"See you later, my lord".

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