28. The Chosen One

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Although Genevieve was happy that Tom had removed the Peverell ring from her house, she was still concerned about the other Horcruxes in the basement.
She was worried that Salazar would be tempted to take the locket again, not realising that it was a Horcrux.
Genevieve wasn't afraid that Salazar would damage the locket, as it was virtually indestructible, she was terrified of what Tom's reaction would be if he caught Salazar with it.
Tom could be scary when he was angry, and since his immortality mattered most to him, Genevieve knew he wouldn't take too kindly to someone stealing his Horcrux, even if the theif was his own son.

Genevieve had other worrying things on her mind as well.
From the end of July to the end of October, she had numerous visions of a black haired boy in glasses, with a scar on his forehead.
He looked older than Salazar, but not yet a teenager.
She knew that the boy was important, but she didn't know why.
Unlike her other visions, she didn't see a scene taking place around her. All she saw was the boy holding his wand, and everything around him was dark.
All Genevieve knew was that the boy was somehow connected to Tom.

Genevieve had begun sketching the boy on pieces of parchment, hoping to get his image out of her head.
"Is this him?".
Genevieve jumped, as she had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed Tom enter the study and make his way over to her.
"Is this the boy you see in your visions?" Tom asked again.
Genevieve sighed and nodded her head, "Yep that's him".
"He has very untidy hair" commented Tom.
"He always does in my visions. Which is why I am sure that he is not our child, despite his green eyes, for Salazar and Gellert have such neat hair".

"Have you seen anything new in the vision?" Questioned Tom.
"Nope, just the boy. It is so frustrating. All I know is that he will be important in the future and is somehow connected to you" answered Genevieve.
"Well, there is no point getting yourself worked up over it. For all we know, it might not mean anything. Not all of your visions come true" reminded Tom.
"I know. That vision I had after I killed Alec, of me in Nurmengard prison, never came true. But that was different, for I only had that vision once. I have had visions of this boy at least a dozen times, which is why I think he will be important".

Tom leaned over Genevieve and began looking at all the pieces of parchment, that she had sketched on, which littered the desk.
His eyes caught sight of something that was not the boy.
"What is this?" Quizzed Tom, as he picked up the parchment, which had a masked man on it.
"Oh, nothing" replied Genevieve, when she saw what he was looking at.
"Well, it must be something, otherwise you wouldn't have drawn it. In fact, now that I look closer, I can see that you have drawn this several times, in many different ways" admitted Tom, as he looked back at the desk.

"They are just doodles, nothing important" insisted Genevieve.
"Doodles of what exactly?" Asked Tom.
"Well, I was just thinking that it might be cool if your death eaters wore masks, to protect their identities. Because if anyone saw them by your side, they would have to go into hiding, which would be bad, since you want to use them as spies. So, I was just drawing out some cool designs that I would put on the masks, to make them less bland" revealed Genevieve.
Tom began moving all the parchment around to look at the masks that Genevieve had designed
"These are good" complimented Tom.

Genevieve blushed, "Thanks. I mean, I have always been a fan of drawing, and I did design the dark mark after all. I made drawing one of my hobbies, because it is something you can do alone. And I spent my whole childhood alone".
"Well, I really like some of these designs. And I think you might be right, having my followers wear masks would be a good idea. I need to keep them at the Ministry, feeding me information. They are no good to me, if their identities get discovered. And as I get more death eaters, it will become even harder to keep all this a secret. I might even need to start accepting half-bloods in the future, to fill out the army, because there are so few pure-bloods left. And the more people I have, the more likely we are to get discovered. But if everyone is masked, it means that no one person can give up all the death eaters to the Ministry. So, I think masks are a great idea" informed Tom.

"So, do you want me to design you some more, so you can pick the final design that you like best, like we did with the dark mark? Because I was thinking it would be better to have all the death eaters wear masks with slightly different designs on. That way, we can tell who is who, by who wears which mask" admitted Genevieve.
"Once again you astound me with your brilliant ideas" replied Tom.
"I do aim to please. And since I am stuck in this house all day, I get a lot of time to think"
"Well, since you have more free time than me, you can be in charge of designing and making these masks. Just let me know when you are finished so that I can give them out to the correct death eaters".

"It might take a while. But I will get right on it... I don't think me and you should have masks though. We don't have secret identities anymore, so there is really no need for us to hide our faces. Also, like the dark mark tattoos, the masks will be a thing that links the death eaters together. And since we are above them, we do not need to take part in mask wearing either. Everyone should know who we are at all times, so that they show us the respect that we deserve" announced Genevieve.
"I'm so glad I made you my wife. You really do have the best ideas" praised Tom.
"Only when I'm around you. You inspire me" admitted Genevieve.
"And you do the same for me" replied Tom, before bending down and kissing Genevieve on the cheek.

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