4. Sit And Wait

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Genevieve knew that she had to return to Knockturn Alley to meet with Tom for lunch, for he would be expecting her. But she also knew that he would not approve of where she had just been.
However, lying to Tom was not a good idea, as he was so good at Legilimancy, so Genevieve knew she would have to tell him the truth.
"It's not often you come out before me" commented Tom, as he exited Borgin and Burkes for his lunch break.
"I didn't go to work today, I sent Mr Shade an owl saying I was ill" informed Genevieve.
Tom frowned, "You seemed fine this morning. If you were unwell, you should have told me, and then I could have looked after you".

Genevieve sighed, "I wasn't really ill, that was just a lie I told to get the day off work".
"Why didn't you want to go in today?" Asked Tom.
"Because I needed to have the day off, so that I could go and visit Dumbledore. I needed to ask him if he sent me the photo, so I went to Hogwarts this morning to confront him" answered Genevieve.
"Wait, you went to speak to Albus Dumbledore, without me?"
"This was between me and him. Your hatred of him would have gotten in the way, and I wouldn't have gotten a straight answer out of him".

"That was extremely reckless, Gen. Dumbledore knows who you are, and he could have hurt you" said Tom.
"Dumbledore isn't going to attack me in the middle of his classroom, in broad daylight. Besides, Dumbledore and me have an understanding. I thought perhaps he had decided to break his promise to keep my secret, but he assured me that he did not send me that photo, for he doesn't want me to be locked up. Which means that I have another enemy out there, one who has numerous photos of me fighting at Gellert's side. Which is not good" admitted Genevieve.
"I still can't believe you confronted him without me" replied Tom.

"I trust Dumbledore. And I don't have to go everywhere with you, I can still go where I please. So, can you just drop it, and focus on the fact that I've got an enemy in the Ministry of Magic. An enemy who has proof of me committing a crime that could get me sent to Azkaban" admitted Genevieve.
"Fine... Do you think this enemy knows of your real identity? Or just knows that you fought alongside Grindelwald?" Questioned Tom, as the two began walking towards the White Wyvern pub, where they often had their lunch.
"I'm not sure. I'm praying that they don't know who I really am. Because being related to Gellert puts a price on my head. Just being a Grindelwald supporter, is a slightly lesser crime" replied Genevieve.

"Then we need to find out who this person is" announced Tom.
"Obviously. But I can't just walk into the Ministry and demand that this person reveals themselves and their intentions to me. Dumbledore offered to help, but I turned him down, because I don't want him making things worse. I have a feeling that the person threatening me, will send me more photos in the future, and maybe even a letter. For all I know, they want to make a bargain with me. They get something they want from me, and in return I get all the photos of me that they have. So, we will just have to wait and see what happens next, for there is nothing we can do to find this person, as they could be anyone" admitted Genevieve.

"I don't like sitting and waiting, allowing someone else to call the shots" complained Tom.
"I'm not a fan of leaving our fate in the hands of someone else, but we don't have another choice. We have to let this play out" insisted Genevieve.
"If you say so" grumbled Tom.
"I do. Now, change the subject and take my mind off this whole situation, please"
"Well, what do you want to talk about?"
"I don't know... What have you done so far this morning?"
"Mr Burke had me in the back room, sorting through old records of the shop"
"Sounds boring".

"I thought so at first, but then I realised that this was just what I needed" informed Tom.
Genevieve frowned, "Come again?".
"There are records in that room going back many years, and I managed to find the one that dates back to the year I was born" revealed Tom.
"Why would you want that?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I'm looking for Slytherin's locket. Morfin said my mother ran off with it, but she no longer had it with her when she arrived at the orphanage. Borgin and Burkes is the perfect place to sell Slytherin's locket to, for they don't ask too many questions about where their customers found the item they wish to sell".

"You really think that your mother sold the locket?" Asked Genevieve.
"She was starving and alone, after being left by my worthless father. Slytherin's locket is the only thing of value that she would have had on her, so she would have had no choice but to sell it" answered Tom.
"And you think that she sold it to Mr Burke?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Maybe. It's the kind of place I'd sell it to, if I needed money"
"But wouldn't Mr Burke still have it?"
"I doubt it. He wouldn't have been able to unlock any secret magical abilities that the locket possessed, for he is not a descendant of Salazar Slytherin. So, he would have sold it to whoever was willing to pay whatever high price he was asking for it".

"So, you think you might be able to find out who he sold it to?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"Yes. First I need to find proof that my mother did sell it to Mr Burke. So when I get back to work, I am going to start reading through the records from that year. And once I've done that, I will check the records to see who he sold it to" informed Tom.
"That could take ages. For there are nearly 19 years between then and now" Genevieve pointed out.
"I never said it would be easy, but I will do anything to find Slytherin's locket, for it belongs to me. Besides, this is one of the reasons I took a job at Borgin and Burkes. I did it to find the locket, and I won't rest until I do"
"Well, I wish you good luck".

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