13. Home At Last

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With no other choice, Genevieve left her life old behind and disappeared with Tom and his death eaters.
Over the next 10 years they travelled the world, learning new kinds of dark magic.
Tom turned Hufflepuff's cup into a Horcrux, but chose not to do the same to Slytherin's locket yet, because he liked to wear it too much.
Genevieve and Tom didn't get much alone time, for they always had his death eaters with them.
They lived in abandoned houses and never stayed anywhere for more than a few weeks. And since she was the only female, it was Genevieve's job to cook and clean for the men.
As time went on, Tom let go of the sweet Tom Riddle and fully embraced his darker side; Lord Voldemort, which was something Genevieve was not entirely happy about.

When they returned to England after 10 years, they ended up having to stay in a small hut in the woods.
Tom kept disappearing throughout the day, but his behaviour wasn't out of the ordinary, so Genevieve wasn't too concerned.
He often left for hours at a time, offering her no explanation, so she had grown used to it.
After 5 days in the hut, Tom returned with a triumphant look on his face.
"Come with me" said Tom, as he offered his hand to Genevieve, who was the only one there, as the death eaters were off foraging for food.
Over the years Tom's skin had become waxy and pale, due to the dark magic he performed. And his eyes had a permanent blood-shot look about them, making him look rather frightening.

Genevieve climbed out of the chair she had been sat in and approached Tom.
"Are you going to tell me where you've been sneaking off to all this week?" She asked.
"No. I'm going to show you" answered Tom.
Genevieve smiled and took hold of his hand, allowing him to apparate and take her with him.
When they arrived at their new location, Genevieve found herself staring at a large manor house surrounded by hundreds of trees.
"Where are we?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Welcome to our new home" replied Tom.

"I don't understand" frowned Genevieve.
"I have just bought this place, and it now legally belongs to us. I have also officially changed my name to Voldemort Marvolo Slytherin. Tom Riddle is no more, so when you marry me, you will become Genevieve Slytherin. But don't worry, no one from the Ministry will be able to locate us, for I wiped the minds of everyone I came into contact with. So we are completely safe here. We are going to stay here while I begin to gain followers, so that I can overthrow the Minister for Magic. I once told you that I would give you a palace, so that we can be kings and queens of our own little kingdom. And after years of living in poverty and squalor, I can finally give you what you deserve. I've even filled the mansion with all of our things that we hid in the basement of the Riddle manor. So, that this place will really feel like home. I did this for you, to thank you for all you have done these past 10 years, and to show my devotion to you" announced Tom.

Genevieve's jaw dropped as she looked up at the mansion, that was now her home.
"It's certainly a big step up from our tiny flat" admitted Genevieve.
"Yes it is" agreed Tom.
Genevieve turned and threw her arms around Tom and kissed him hard on the lips.
"I love it" she whispered.
Tom smiled, "I knew it would please you".
"You always give me the best gifts" replied Genevieve.
"I know... I also think it is time for you to start planning our wedding, for it is time to make you my wife"
"Yes. I trust I can leave all the arrangements up to you?"
"You can"

"I'm looking forward to starting our new life together, but I have to ask. Is this place just ours, or are the death eaters going to stay here with us?" Questioned Genevieve.
"The main rooms where we will be staying are in the East wing, but there are guest rooms in the West wing for my death eaters to stay. But I've told them that now we've returned to England, they can have their own lives. They can get jobs, find their own homes and even get married if they so wish, as long as they still come when I call them. So, they might live with us for a while, but I expect them to find their own places to live eventually. This is to be our home, not their's" answered Tom.
"I'm glad to hear it, for I was getting tired of having to keep my hands off of you" grinned Genevieve.
"There will be no holding back now that we are alone together again"
"No. So, I'm looking forward to spending tonight in your bed".

"I too, am looking forward to having you at my side again. But we won't be the buildings only occupants though" informed Tom.
"We won't?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"No. There are 10 servants in there that I hired to do our bidding. You will not have to cook or clean ever again. The servants will run the house for us and live in the servants quarters at the back of the manor" revealed Tom.
"But who exactly are they?"
"Muggles. But don't worry, I have wiped their minds and placed them all under the Imperius Curse. They do not remember their past lives or their families. Their only goal in life is to serve us. And I made sure to implant memories of magic, so they know about what we can do"
"But the Imperius Curse can be fought over time"
"Not by Muggles. And since they do not know who they were before I hired them, they will have no desire to leave".

"What if their families come looking for them?" Asked Genevieve.
"They won't. I chose Muggles who were looking for work. I didn't choose anyone with children or partners. So no one will miss these Muggles" reassured Tom.
"I'm still not sure how I feel about having Muggle slaves" admitted Genevieve.
"They are servants not slaves"
"Are you paying them then, and giving them time off?"
"No but-"
"Then they are slaves"
"Look, we need someone to run the house for us. Maybe in the future we will have loyal pure-blood families who want to work for us. But right now I only have a handful of death eaters. So, until I get more followers, you will just have to get used to the Muggles"

"Good. You will soon find that each servant has their own job title. The butler is in charge of managing the rest of the staff. There are also 2 cooks, 1 groundskeeper, and 6 maids who will keep the house clean and tidy" informed Tom.
"I suppose if it means I don't have to do it, I will be O.K with having servants cleaning and cooking for me. As long as you don't treat them too poorly. I don't want you physically harming them in anyway" admitted Genevieve.
Tom frowned, "But if they disobey us, then it's our job to punish them".
"They aren't serving us by choice, so I do not wish to see them harmed. You may call them names and verbally assault them if you so wish. But I do not want you raising a wand or a fist to them. Do I make myself clear?".

Tom sighed, "Yes, my queen. You may have whatever you want. The servants will be under your care, since you will spend more time here than me, as I will be out taking over the wizarding world. So, if you do not want them harmed, I will respect your wishes".
"Good" replied Genevieve.
Tom then placed his arm around Genevieve and began leading her towards the mansion, "Come. It's time I showed you around our new home".
"I can't wait" smiled Genevieve, as she allowed Tom to take her inside the place that would be their's for the forseeable future.

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