17. Joined Together

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**Part of this chapter is only suitable for those over 16, as it contains sexual content. If you are younger than that, then stop reading once you reach the asterisks half way through the chapter**

Genevieve got in bed that night and read a book until Tom returned from Hogwarts.
When he came home, he threw open their bedroom door, allowing it to slam loudly against the wall, which made Genevieve jump.
Tom had a cold look in his eyes, and Genevieve could tell that he was angry.
"I take it that Dumbledore turned you down" she said cautiously.
"Yes" spat Tom.
"Well, that wasn't much of a suprise. We both knew that he was unlikely to give you a job at Hogwarts" replied Genevieve.

"His response was expected, but I had forgotten how infuriating he is. He is so arrogant, and he knows exactly how to push my buttons. I nearly raised my wand at him, but I managed to restain myself, because I heard your voice ringing in my ears, reminding me not to lose control" revealed Tom.
Genevieve smiled at the amount of control she had over Tom.
She then got out of the bed and made her way over to him.
"You're freezing" commented Genevieve, as she began to help Tom undress.
"Well, it was snowing up in Scotland" admitted Tom.
"I'll warm you up soon enough" replied Genevieve, as she helped him into his black silk pyjamas.
"I'm sure you will".
Genevieve grinned and led him towards the bed, and the pair climbed under the covers.
She then pressed her body up against Tom, to keep him warm.

"What exactly did Dumbledore do to anger you?" Questioned Genevieve.
"He treated me like a child, as if I was still one of his students, and he refused to call me by my preferred name" answered Tom.
"Ah, yes, calling you by your old name was bound to frustrate you" replied Genevieve.
"He also hasn't lost his mysterious ability to know more about you, than you would like. He knew exactly who I had travelled to Hogsmeade with"
"He knows about the death eaters?"
"I don't know if he knows that name. But he knows who we travelled with the last 10 years, and he knew that they were waiting for me in the Hog's Head".

"How could he possibly know so much about what we get up to?" Asked Genevieve.
"I don't know. He claimed that he was merely friendly with the barman who works at the Hog's Head. But knowing Dumbledore, that was probably a lie" admitted Tom.
"No one knows where that man gets his incredible knowledge from" sighed Genevieve.
"He also seemed to know that I had another reason for going to the castle, and he seemed to believe that I didn't even want the job"
"He can't know about your Horcruxes though, for only you and I know about them"
"I'm confident that he doesn't know about my Horcruxes. But it is still unnerving to know that he was aware that my job interview was merely a facade".

"Did he mention me at all?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"I think you did come up, because Dumbledore was suprised that you hadn't accompanied me tonight" revealed Tom, as he placed his arm around her.
"I expect he thinks we are inseparable. Which we are, but we are capable of spending a few hours apart. We aren't attached at the hip or anything" replied Genevieve.
"He also wanted to know if you found out who your blackmailer was"
"I'm suprised he remembers about that, since it was 10 years ago"
"Dumbledore never forgets anything".

"No, he doesn't... What did you tell him about Alec?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I told him that you discovered the identity of your blackmailer, and that we dealt with him. But I didn't tell him Alec's name" informed Tom.
"That's good, because we can't have Dumbledore finding out that we burned Alec's house to the ground, to hide the fact that I murdered him" admitted Genevieve.
"Don't worry, I won't let Dumbledore discover what you did. No one but me, will ever know about what happened. I will always protect your secret"
"I know you will".

"Now that I've told you what happened in the meeting, can we change the subject and not talk about Dumbledore anymore?" Asked Tom.
"I'm sure I can think of things to take your mind of Dumbledore" smiled Genevieve, as she got out of the covers, and straddled Tom.
"You always know just how to make me happy" replied Tom.
"Well, it is my job to please you, since I am your wife"
"You please me, just by existing. You are my everything. There is nothing on this earth that I want more than you, except maybe world domination".
Genevieve rolled her eyes at this comment, for she knew that Tom's ambition to be a ruler, would always come before her.

Tom seemed to realise that he had upset her, so he pushed himself into a sitting position and laced his arms around Genevieve as he began placing kisses all along her neck.
"I love you" he murmered.
"After everything I've done for you, you had better love me" replied Genevieve.
"I do. You always bring out the best in me, which is why I always want to be around you" admitted Tom, as he began unbuttoning Genevieve's nightie.
"I hope you want to be with me for more than my ability to make you better".

"You are also the most beautiful woman on this earth" complimented Tom.
Genevieve smiled as Tom placed his hand on her bare breast.
"I think that might be a slight exaggeration" she said quietly.
She was struggling to form sentences, as Tom's touch was so overwhelming.
"I disagree. To me, you are the most beautiful person on this planet. Other girls are fake and prissy, but you are real and possess a rare kind of natural beauty, which doesn't diminish your strength and power. You are beautiful, but could also lead an army into battle, and that's why I love you" informed Tom, as he continued caressing her body.

"I was thinking that we should get matching tattoos on our bodies, to further our connection, and link us together" revealed Genevieve, as she began unbuttoning Tom's pyjama top, to expose his chest.
"That sounds like a good idea. We could each get half of a tattoo, which only becomes complete when we are together" suggested Tom.
"So that tattoo would only be whole, when we are joined. That's cool. It also represents us, for we are never whole without the other person. Our hearts are never whole when we are apart. Although I doubt you'd want to get half a heart tattooed on you, for you think hearts are too girly"
"No, I definitely don't want a silly pink heart tattoed on me".

"I suppose a snake is much more your style" grinned Genevieve, as she began outlining a snake across his chest, with her finger.
"Yeah I..." Tom faltered as a thought crossed his mind.
"What's wrong?" Frowned Genevieve, as he stopped caressing her body.
"I've had a brilliant idea. I'm going to tattoo the dark mark onto my death eaters. I will then enchant the mark, so that they will feel the tattoo burn, when I want them to join me. Tattoos are permanent, so once the death eaters join my cause, they will never be able to change their mind. You're a genius" admitted Tom, before kissing Genevieve on the lips.

"I know that you always get your best ideas around me. But I don't think that this is really the right time to be thinking about the death eaters" said Genevieve, as she indicated to their naked bodies.
"Good point. I can follow up with that idea in the morning, but right now I must please my wife" agreed Tom.
Genevieve pushed Tom back onto the bed, so that he was lying down once more.
"You had better please me" she whispered seductively in his ear.

"Oh, I'm going to fuck you so hard, that you won't be able to walk tomorrow" grinned Tom.
"I'd like to see you try" replied Genevieve.
Tom took hold of Genevieve and flipped her onto her back, so that he was on top of her.
"I'm going to make you beg for mercy" murmered Tom, as he lowered his pyjama bottoms, and eased himself inside her.
"In your dreams" smiled Genevieve.

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