57. Harry James Potter

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When July arrived, Genevieve couldn't help but feel nervous, as she knew the child who could defeat Tom, was being born.
Tom didn't appear to be too concerned, but Genevieve knew him well enough to see that he was hiding his real feelings from her.
Deep down, he was just as scared as she was, at the potential power the Potter boy had.
"It's happened" announced Tom, as he strode into the drawing room one night.
Genevieve looked up from her Daily Prophet, "What's happened?".
"Both the Longbottoms and Potters, have had their children now" revealed Tom.

"But Peter can't tell you where either of them are hidden?" Questioned Genevieve, as she placed the Prophet down onto the table beside her.
"No. The magic Dumbledore has placed around the families, prevents anyone from revealing their locations. Pettigrew has promised to tell me where they are, the minute he is able to though" answered Tom.
"Well, until he does, there is nothing you can do. Searching high and low, will do no good. The only way you will be able to find the Potters, is if someone on Dumbledore's side tells you where they are. So, it is best if you devote your time and attention to other matters".

Tom sighed and collapsed into the armchair beside her.
"I suppose you're right. There is nothing I can do to get my hands on the boy, so I will have to focus on other matters. With Pettigrew's help, I can pick off the members of the Order of the Phoenix, one by one. Not all of them have Dumbledore's protection" said Tom.
"You're right. Dumbledore can't protect them all at once" agreed Genevieve.
"No, even the great Albus Dumbledore cannot defend all of his members homes".

"What did the Potters call their son?" Asked Genevieve curiously.
Tom frowned, "Why do you want to know?".
"I had visions about this child years ago, and I spent hours sketching him in an attempt to get his face out of my head. It would be nice to finally put a name to a face" admitted Genevieve.
"I suppose that makes sense. The boy's name is Harry James Potter" informed Tom.
Genevieve closed her eyes and thought about the boy she'd seen in her visions of the future.
"Harry. That sounds right. The name seems to fit the boy in my visions" mumbled Genevieve.
"Good. That means we picked the right boy" replied Tom.
"I think James had someone in his family named Harry, it was either his grandfather or great grandfather. It was that man who got the Potters removed from the Sacred 28, for being too Muggle loving".

"Wait, the Potters aren't a part of the Sacred 28?" Questioned Tom.
Genevieve shook her head, "No, they are a pure-blood family, but they have no problem with Muggles, which is why they aren't on the list".
"It's a good thing they aren't on there, if they think marrying Mudbloods is acceptable, they don't deserve to be connected to other devoted pure-bloods" replied Tom.
"They see no issue with marrying Muggles or Muggle-borns, hence their removal from the list" added Genevieve.
"It is the greatest crime for a witch or wizard to marry Muggle filth. When I am the leader of this land, it will be against the law to associate with Muggles, just like it used to be in America".

"The Longbottoms are members of the Sacred 28, even though they also have pro-Muggle views" admitted Genevieve.
"They named their son Neville, how unfortunate for the poor thing" laughed Tom.
"You are still sure that Harry is the chosen one, and not Neville?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Quite sure, yes. I've seen a picture of James Potter, and he looks like an older version of the boy in your drawings. After hearing that the Potters were removed from the elite list of Pure-bloods, I am even more confident with my decision. And if the name Harry, fits the boy in your vision, then we are definitely on the right track"
"Good, because I don't want the famous Lord Voldemort to get a reputation for killing babies. You will kill this Potter kid, and that's it. I don't want you slaughtering any other children".

"If that's what you want, then I will do my best to obey you" sighed Tom.
"Good... Did you hear the news about the Minister for Magic?" Asked Genevieve.
Tom nodded, "Yes, we've got a new one right? Another woman".
"Yep, her name is Millicent Bagnold"
"I doubt she will be any better at stopping me, than the man before her, who thought that doubling the amount of Dementors, would have any effect on my plans"
"I guess we shall just have to wait and see what she is like, and what her plans to defeat you are"
"Yes, I need to wait and see what she is like, before I do anything drastic".

"I'm suprised Barty Crouch didn't get the job, he is very popular at the moment after all. The people like him, because he pushes for harder measures to be used against people like us" admitted Genevieve.
"They wouldn't be so fond of him if they knew his son was a death eater" smiled Tom.
Genevieve rolled her eyes, "I still can't believe you let that boy join. He's even younger than Regulus Black".
"He is an asset to our side. He keeps tabs on his father for us, which will be very useful if Barty Crouch does become the next Minister"
"We don't know for sure that he will. This Millicent woman, might stick around for a while. So, maybe we will be lucky, and Barty won't get the job".

"Are you afraid of Crouch?" Quizzed Tom.
"Aren't you? He allows the aurors to use Unforgivable Curses against us. These aurors are better trained, and better equipped than our death eaters. Which is why we are starting to lose more and more people from our side now" answered Genevieve.
"We might be losing some insignificant members, but they are collateral damage. We are still taking out more of them, than they are of us. And you don't need to worry about me, because I don't go on missions anymore. I have servants to do the dirty work for me. So, I don't have to put my life, or yours on the line. Which means that you don't need to be afraid of Barty Crouch. He won't hurt you, I promise" reassured Tom.
"He had better not".

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