58. Nature vs Nurture

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Shortly after July, it was the 1st of September, the day Genevieve knew Mathilde would be attending Hogwarts for the first time.
She couldn't stand not knowing how her daughter's 1st day had gone. So, in the evening she snuck out of the house and apparated to several random spots, to throw anyone who might be following her off the scent, before arriving at the Hog's Head.
"We are closed" informed Aberforth.
Genevieve removed her hood, revealing her identity, before flicking her wand, causing the door behind her to shut.
"I haven't come to drink. I need to talk to your brother" revealed Genevieve.
"I am not my brother's messenger" frowned Aberforth.
"I know. But you are the only one who can get a message to him for me. Please, I need your help" begged Genevieve.

Aberforth sighed and waved his wand, sending his goat Patronus off towards the castle.
Genevieve watched it leave with interest, as she hadn't seen many in her life.
"What's so exciting about a Patronus?" Asked Aberforth.
"No death eater can produce a Patronus, for they have to be made using happy memories. I certainly can't make one, for none of my memories are happy, my husband can't produce one either" answered Genevieve.
"Oh. I guess that explains a lot about you and your people" mumbled Aberforth.
"It does. Most of us have had pretty shit lives. And a Patronus can only be created by someone who is pure of heart, which none of us are".

Albus Dumbledore arrived several minutes later, after walking down the mountain to join them.
"Genevieve, I must say I was suprised to hear that you were down here waiting to talk to me" admitted Dumbledore.
"You were suprised? I would've thought it obvious that I want to talk to you, as my daughter started Hogwarts today" replied Genevieve.
"I didn't think you would want to risk meeting me in public place, like this. Especially as we both know how dangerous it can be to have conversations overheard in this pub"
"You know that we heard the beginning of the prophecy?"
"I do".

"Hmm. I had better make sure that history doesn't repeat itself then" announced Genevieve.
She then waved her wand around the room, pointing it at all the doors and windows, "muffliato".
"I can't risk being overheard like you were that day. Please, sit down" continued Genevieve, as she gestured to a nearby table.
"Thank you" replied Dumbledore.
"I will leave you two alone" mumbled Aberforth, before disappearing upstairs.
"Please tell me that you have good news for me, Dumbledore" begged Genevieve.
Dumbledore frowned, "Good news? What do you mean?".
"I mean, I want to know which house was Mathilde put in, because if it was Slytherin, I might throw myself off the Astronomy tower" explained Genevieve.

"Please don't tell me she was placed in Slytherin. I've been thinking about this all day, and I need to know where she was placed. I know there is nothing wrong with the people in Slytherin house, because I was in it myself. But I can't bare it if Mathilde ends up there. I know that history is against her, since all of her ancestors have been in Slytherin. But she just can't be in that house, because I don't want her surrounding herself with the children of death eaters. I sent her away, to keep her away from malicious pure-bloods. And if these children start talking about an immensely powerful, mysterious Slytherin girl, Tom will know that it is Mathilde they are talking about. I want her to be better than us, which is why I don't want her placed in our house" revealed Genevieve.

"There is no use worrying about something you have no control over" Dumbledore said calmly.
"How can I not worry? Your whole life is determined by which house you end up in. For all we know, I never would have gotten involved with Lord Voldemort, if I hadn't been in Slytherin. And I don't want my baby girl to end up like me" replied Genevieve.
"I think you are over-exaggerating. Your house doesn't dictate your whole life. I also happen to know many amazing Slytherins, like Professor Slughorn, who are not evil in anyway" admitted Dumbledore.

"So, Mathilde did end up in Slytherin?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I'm afraid that she did not manage to stay out of the house of her ancestors-" answered Dumbledore.
Genevieve groaned and placed her head into her hands.
"After everything I did to protect her, she still ended up in the company of pure-bloods" sighed Genevieve.
"You did not let me finish. Genevieve is not in Slytherin. She is in Ravenclaw, the other house she is descended from" revealed Dumbledore.

Genevieve lowered her hands as she stared at Dumbledore.
"She's a Ravenclaw?" She asked, not believing her luck.
Dumbledore nodded, "Yes. Her ancestor was Rowena Ravenclaw's sister afterall".
"I forgot that you were there that I day I learned about my parentage" mumbled Genevieve.
"I was there when your father revealed that your mother was a descendant of house Ravenclaw, as that was the same day you found out Gellert was your father"
"That's a day I would love to forget".

"Well, I didn't forget, and I had a small hunch that the Ravenclaw blood inside her, would get her placed in Ravenclaw" informed Dumbledore.
"That wasn't enough to keep me out of Slytherin, but I suppose I did ask the Sorting Hat to place me in the same house as Tom" admitted Genevieve.
"Our choices define us more than our blood. And I was very pleased when the hat revealed that your daughters house was not Slytherin"
"I expect you were worried she might follow in her parents footsteps"
"The thought did cross my mind".

"I'm not sure it's really sunk in yet. I just can't believe she didn't get placed in Slytherin. I felt sure she would end up there. I was worried that her Slytherin blood would go against her, as it is far stronger than the Ravenclaw blood in her. We are not descendants of Rowena herself, just the Ravenclaw family. But Mathilde is descended from Salazar. And I was worried that even if she was raised by saints, it wouldn't keep her out of Slytherin" revealed Genevieve.
"The nature vs nurture argument" replied Dumbledore.
"Exactly" admitted Genevieve.
"Well, Miss Figg has certainly raised your daughter in the right way these past couple of years. Because your daughter was placed in the house of those who seek intellectual gains, rather than magical power".

"Yes, she definitely has done the right thing for Mathilde. Give her my thanks when you next see her" said Genevieve.
"I will pass on the message on your behalf" promised Dumbledore.
"Thank you... Can you also give her this for me?" Asked Genevieve.
Genevieve then pulled out a large bag full of galleons and placed it on the table.
"Take it" she continued.

"I'm not sure she will accept such a generous gift" admitted Dumbledore.
"I doubt she has accepted any money from you either. But paying for my child, should not be her responsibility. I know it might seem like a lot of money, but it's not for me. Me and my husband have a lot of money, which was not earned in an honest way. I want to put that money to good use. When Mathilde was with me, she was raised like a princess, with all the best clothes money could buy. I don't want her to have to settle for anything less than the best" informed Genevieve.
"Very well, I will try and give this to Arabella when I next see her" replied Dumbledore, before placing the bag into his inside pocket.
"Thank you".

"I expect you want to know everything about Mathilde, and how she has been doing" sighed Dumbledore.
"I want to know everything. I want to know if she is loved, and if she is happy. I want to know what she likes and dislikes. I want to know her new name, and who her friends are... But I also know that I cannot have the answers to these questions. I have to keep her safe, which means that I cannot know anything about her new life" admitted Genevieve.
"I can tell you that she is loved, and that every time I have seen her, she appears to be a very happy child" replied Dumbledore.

Tears began to fall down Genevieve's cheeks, and she made no attempt to wipe them away.
"I am glad that she is happy and loved. And I am more than pleased that my plan to keep her away from people like me, has paid off, for she did not end up in Slytherin... I'm just sad that these things can only happen when she is away from me" she said quietly.
Dumbledore took hold of her hands and squeezed them tight.
"It will get easier, I promise" reassured Dumbledore.
"I doubt it. But thank you for trying, and thank you for everything you have done for Mathilde. None of this would have been possible without your help. And you do all this without asking for anything in return" replied Genevieve.

"Well, there is one secret of mine that I need you to keep forever" admitted Dumbledore.
"You mean that you used to date my dad. Don't worry, I haven't told anyone about that" reassured Genevieve.
"It is not that secret I want to keep from the world" replied Dumbledore, as he pulled his wand out from under his robes.
"Oh, that secret. Rest assured that I have not told another living soul about your wand. Not even my husband knows that you possess one of the Hallows"
"Then, as long as you keep my secret, I will continue to keep your daughter safe"
"That is one promise I will not find difficult to keep"

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