37. The Other Woman

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Genevieve didn't enjoy attending death eater meetings, as it involved her having to listen to Tom talk about all the horrible things he was going to do to Muggles and Muggle-borns.
She also had to sit and watch as Bellatrix practically threw herself at Tom's feet every meeting.
But despite her dislike of the meetings, she tried to attend as many as possible, because she didn't like to think about how close Bellatrix was getting to Tom in her absence.
Only the older death eaters actually showed Genevieve much respect, because they knew her better, and were aware of how much her and Tom had been through together.
The newer ones, like Bellatrix, merely saw her as Tom's weak lover.

Genevieve missed her sons while they were away at school, so she looked forward to when they came home for Christmas.
After picking them up, she brought them home, where an extraordinary meal had been laid out by the cooks, to welcome the boys home.
Everything was perfect, except that there was one person missing.
"I thought father was going to be here when we returned" said Salazar.
"He was supposed to be" replied Genevieve through gritted teeth.
She tried to put on a smile and not think about Bellatrix spending one on one time with Tom. But she found it very difficult to think about anything else.

"Yeah, you said he was going to be here when we got home" reminded Gellert.
"Your father promised me that he was going to be joining us for dinner tonight" admitted Genevieve.
"He must have forgotten then" grumbled Salazar.
"No, I don't think he has forgotten. He is probably just preoccupied with more important matters right now" sighed Genevieve.
"Will we see him before we go back to school?" Asked Gellert.
"Of course you will. Your father wouldn't dare to be away from me for that long" answered Genevieve.

The three of them had just started their desserts when Tom finally made an appearance.
"Hello boys" greeted Tom, as he strode into the room.
"Hello father" the boys chorused back politely.
"You're late" Genevieve pointed out.
"Yes, I know, my meeting overran" admitted Tom.
"You are the one in charge of the meetings. You could have ended it whenever you liked. And since you knew that you had a previous engagement, you should have ended the meeting early, so that you could be home when the boys arrived" replied Genevieve coldly.

"It wasn't a large meeting as such, that could be ended early. It was more a small intimate gathering. Me and Bella were just finalising the last points of our next mission" informed Tom.
"Bella?" Frowned Genevieve.
"Bellatrix Lestrange" explained Tom.
"Oh, I see. So, you were late returning to your family, because you were off messing about with that tart Bellatrix"
"I wouldn't exactly call it messing around. We were doing important work"
"Were you now? And did Bella keep her mask on at all time? Did she keep her distance from you like the rest of the death eaters do? Were there other people in the room? And did the two of you only discuss work?"
"Not exactly...".

Genevieve stood to her feet, pushing her chair back so that she could glare straight into Tom's eyes.
"Salazar, take Gellert back to his room, so that I can talk to your father alone" instructed Genevieve.
"But we haven't finished our pudding" complained Salazar.
"Now!" Ordered Genevieve.
Rather reluctantly, Salazar and Gellert abandoned their puddings and left the room.
"What's the matter?" Questioned Tom, once him and Genevieve were alone.
"I am going to be honest with you. I don't like you spending time with Bellatrix Lestrange" answered Genevieve.

"Why? Bella is a very powerful and bright young witch. And her blood is completely pure. It's also good to have someone as devoted as her, on our side. So, why do you object to me working alongside her?" Asked Tom.
"Because she is in love with you!" Shouted Genevieve.
Tom scoffed at the idea, "No, she is not".
"Yes, she is. I've seen how she looks at you. She bats her eyelids and speaks seductively when around you. She is obsessed with you" informed Genevieve, as she made her way around the dinner table, to face Tom.
"Obsession isn't a bad thing. It makes her more devoted to the cause. I need my death eaters to respect me, and kneel at my feet, which Bellatrix certainly does".

"I'm sure she'd like to do a lot more than kneel, while she's down there" mumbled Genevieve.
"Bellatrix is a married woman" reminded Tom.
"So? When has being married ever stopped someone from lusting after someone else, or from having an affair? Besides, Bellatrix was forced to marry Rodolphus. It was an arranged marriage. He has no love for her, nor her for him. And now that she's found the person, whom she wants. I can't see her ever giving up. She's not going to stop, until she makes you hers" replied Genevieve.
"I am not having an affair with Bellatrix"
"I find that hard to believe".

Tom frowned, "Jealousy doesn't suit you".
"I'm terribly sorry that the idea of you spending time with a younger, prettier woman, makes me angry, but it does" admitted Genevieve.
"I do not love Bellatrix" insisted Tom.
"You do not need to love her, to get what you want from her" replied Genevieve.
"You are the only woman I love. I swear... But do I find it nice to be around a woman who is constantly praising and worshiping me? Then yes"
"For Merlin's sake. She is a child, and not much older than Salazar"
"She's an adult"
"She's half our age, so it is wrong for you to want to have her adoring you with compliments".

"I can do what I like! It is not up to you, to tell me what I can do, and who I can talk to!" Snapped Tom.
"No, it's not. I just want you to remember the vows you made at our wedding. You promised to love me forever, and to never take another woman to bed. You swore to forsake all others and put me first... You once told me that I would always matter more to you, than your death eaters. You said I was worth at least 10 of them. Is that still the case?" Questioned Genevieve.

"I still love you, more than anything in the world. And I have never slept with anyone but you, nor do I have any intention to ever do so... But at the moment, certain death eaters are of more use to me, than you" revealed Tom.
"Is one of these important death eaters, Bellatrix Lestrange?" Questioned Genevieve, even though she knew the answer.
"Yes" answered Tom, honestly.
"I see".

Genevieve sighed and headed towards the door.
But before she reached it, Tom placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Just because I enjoy the company of another woman, I don't expect you to fall into another mans arms in my absence. You belong to me, remember" said Tom coldly.
Genevieve could feel Tom's nails did in to her shoulder, and it made her skin crawl.
"Don't worry. No matter how badly you treat me, I will never forsake my vows, and betray you" reassured Genevieve.
"Good" replied Tom, before releasing Genevieve.
"But if I ever find out that you have slept with Bellatrix, I will never forgive you" warned Genevieve, before exiting the room, leaving Tom alone.

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