5. Blackmailer

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Although Genevieve didn't want to just sit and wait, she knew that she had no choice.
And over the next few weeks, she received several more photographs of herself, all taken on the day Dumbledore beat Gellert.
On the back of the 4th photo was a time and a place.
"I guess I'm finally going to find out who my mysterious blackmailer is" sighed Genevieve, as she finished reading the instructions that had been left for her.
"You're a fool if you think I am going to let you meet this person alone" replied Tom.
"I have to. The instructions specifically say not to bring anyone. And since you got your promotion, you have started working longer hours, as you now do house calls, and don't just work in the shop. Which means you won't be able to come with me at the time on the note".

"I can easily book the day off, as protecting you is more important than going to work" admitted Tom.
"Look, I'm supposed to meet this person in The Leaky Cauldron, which is a busy pub, so I'm not going to be attacked in a public place. Besides, if this person knows where I live, then they could have hurt me a hundred times already" replied Genevieve.
"Not if they are patient and playing the long game" countered Tom.
"Look, they clearly want something, so the best course of action is to do as they say, in order to get the remaining photos they have of me. I also need to find out if they know who I really am or not".

Tom sighed in defeat, for he knew there was no way of changing Genevieve's mind.
"I don't like this one bit" admitted Tom.
"Neither do I, but I don't have another choice. I can't risk this person going public, and revealing to the world, what they know about me" replied Genevieve.
"Just promise me that when you meet this person, you will be careful"
"I'm always careful. Besides, I'm pretty sure I could beat this person in a duel, which is why they haven't confronted me in private"
"I hope you're not wrong about this"
"Me too".

Several days later, Genevieve made her way to the Leaky Cauldron after work, to meet up with her mysterious blackmailer.
Since she didn't know what they looked like, she was on edge the second she stepped into the pub.
"One Butterbeer please, Tom" said Genevieve to the barman.
He poured Genevieve her drink, but before she had the chance to pay, a figure joined her at the bar.
"Let me get that for you" offered the stranger.
Genevieve turned to face the man who now stood beside her.
He was clearly older than Genevieve, probably in his early 30s. And he had dark red curly hair and freckles.

"Thank you" said Genevieve, as the man paid the barman on her behalf.
"What kind of a man would I be if I didn't buy a pretty girl's drink for her" grinned the man.
"Who might you be then?" Questioned Genevieve, as she took hold of her glass of Butterbeer.
"My name is Alec Wilde" introduced the man.
"A pleasure to meet you, Alec. My name is-"
"Genevieve Grindelwald, yeah I know".
Genevieve frowned, "So, you're the one who asked me to come here today".
"Yep" answered Alec.

"Well, what do you want?" Demanded Genevieve.
"Why don't we take a seat and talk?" Suggested Alec.
Since she didn't have another choice, Genevieve picked up her glass and followed Alec over to a table in the corner of the room.
He gestured to the seat beside him, but Genevieve ignored him and chose to sit opposite him instead.
"So, I expect you have questions" said Alec.
"Lots. But let's start with the main one, which is how you discovered my real surname" replied Genevieve.

"It's actually easier if I start at the beginning, since it took me several weeks to learn your real name, and that you are Gellert Grindelwald's niece" admitted Alec.
Genevieve relaxed slightly when she realised that Alec didn't know of her real relation to Gellert.
"Alright then, start at the beginning and tell me the events that led you to sending me photos of myself. How did this all start?" Questioned Genevieve.

"Well, like all the aurors in this country, I was summoned to Stockholm to fight Grindelwald's supporters who were running riot. And that's when I first saw you. You were the most beautiful person I had ever seen, and even though you were on the opposite side to me, I didn't want any harm to come to you. You were also clearly very powerful, for you managed to hold your own against multiple aurors at once. But I lost sight of you when Albus Dumbledore showed up. I watched you disapparate after the fight though, so I knew that you were still alive" explained Alec.
"Get on with it. I need to know what happened next" admitted Genevieve.

"I'm getting to it. Well, once all the Grindelwald supporters had been defeated, we set about returning the city to how it had been before the battle. I was tasked with destroying all the evidence taken of the fight on Muggle camera's. Which is when I came across numerous pictures of you before the battle. I saw lots of photos of you performing magic in the centre of the square, kicking off the whole event. Since Gellert let you do it instead of him, I figured that you were important. So, instead of destroying the images, I got them developed back at home" revealed Alec.
"How many images of me do you have?" Asked Genevieve.
"That's for me to know, not you".

Genevieve groaned, "Look, I did as you asked and came here alone today. In return you said that you would hand over all the photos of me that you have in your possession".
"All in good time. It took me quite a while to work out who you were, and even longer to figure out that you were here in England, hiding under the surname Walden. I was thrilled to find out that you were living here in London, as that meant I could find out even more about you, and maybe even meet you in person" informed Alec.
"Why did you want to meet me?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"You are an incredible and beautiful witch. Why wouldn't I want to meet you?".

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but in reality I'm really nothing special" admitted Genevieve.
"That's not true. You are amazing and talented. You received perfect grades in your OWLs and your NEWTs. Do you know how rare that is?" Asked Alec.
Genevieve frowned, "Just how much about me do you know?".
"I've been looking into you for many months now, but it is hard to find information on you since you are so young. However, Professor Slughorn was able to provide me with information on you, when I told him I was interested in hiring you to work with me as an auror" answered Alec.

"That man is too proud and fame hungry" sighed Genevieve.
"Yes, it really wasn't hard to get information about you, from him" informed Alec.
"So, now that you've stalked me, and blackmailed me to come here today, what do you want?" Asked Genevieve.
"I wouldn't exactly call it stalking"
"You found out where I lived, sent me numerous letters, asked my teachers about me, and delved into my personal history. I would call that stalking"
"I was merely researching you, because I was interested in you".

Genevieve removed her wand and pointed it at Alec, "Look mate, stop beating around the bush and tell me what you want. I haven't got all day, so just tell me what it is going to take for me to get those photos from you".
"You really are as amazing as I hoped you would be" smiled Alec.
"Don't test me" warned Genevieve angrily.
"Alright, I won't. But look, I don't have the photographs on me right now" admitted Alec.
"Why not!" Snapped Genevieve.
"Because you could have just attacked and mugged me, taking the photos from me"
"I could have done. But I haven't hurt you yet, and if you want it to stay that way, tell me what you want from me".

"Alright, fine, I want money. Gellert Grindelwald supposedly had a large fortune, which the Ministry has been unable to locate. Since you are a close family member to him, I expect you know where the money and the gold is. For I all know, you might even have it in your own bank. And I want it" revealed Alec.
Genevieve lowered her wand and sat back in her seat.
"All this is about money?" She laughed.
"Money is what makes the world go around" reminded Alec.

"All this time I thought you were some sinister villain, but you're just a low life blackmailer who wants money. And you're right, I do have Gellert's fortune in my hands. So, if that's what you want, you can have it, as long as I get all the photos you have of me, in return" said Genevieve.
"I don't just want money from you, but it will do for now" informed Alec.
"Tell me how much you want, and I will have it placed inside your vault"
"You're not going to get rid of me that easily. No, I'm not going to make it as simple as that. I want you to meet me here, same time next week with 50 galleons".

"50 galleons, is that it?" Questioned Genevieve.
"For now. I want you to bring 50 more the week after, and then another 50 the week after that" revealed Alec.
"Why drag this out? Why don't you want all the money now?" Frowned Genevieve.
"I don't want it to look suspicious. And if you take a large chunk of money out in one go, it will raise suspicions. Besides, I also want to spend time with you, since I did all that research on you and I don't want it to be for nothing".

"I can't just keep meeting you for the forseeable future. I need to know when I get what I want from you. You could keep me waiting forever, which is something I will not allow" informed Genevieve.
"I wouldn't do that to you. Look, how about this, I promise that you will have the photographs by Christmas?" Suggested Alec.
"Since I have no other choice, I have to agree to your demands" sighed Genevieve.
"Good, then I will see you next week"
"You sure will".

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