39. Vault Of Secrets

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When the boys went back to school, Genevieve tried to become the wife that Tom wanted her to be, hoping that this would bring them closer.
She attended almost every death eater, and threw herself into his work, even though she hated the things he did.
But despite her devotion to his cause, Tom failed to show her any attention when they were in public.
At home, he would shower her with love, but while surrounded by death eaters he wouldn't even kiss her on the cheek.
Although Genevieve hated attending these meetings, she knew she had no choice, if she wanted to keep Tom loving her, and stop Bellatrix from fawning over him.

One night, Tom said he had important business to do alone, so he headed off, leaving Genevieve by herself.
"Where have you been?" Asked Genevieve, when he eventually returned.
"I've got good news. I've finally decided what to do with two of my Horcruxes" revealed Tom.
"That's great" replied Genevieve.
"After much consideration, I've decided which two death eaters should protect my Horcruxes"
"Which death eater families have you chosen?"
"The Malfoy's and the Lestrange's".

"I see. So, your beloved Bella is going to be guarding one of your Horcruxes" said Genevieve, through gritted teeth.
"Hufflepuff's cup will be placed inside the Lestrange vault, so I'm not exactly giving it to her in particular. And I'm planning on giving my diary to Lucius Malfoy. So, I'm hardly giving Bellatrix preferential treatment" admitted Tom.
"Maybe not, but I doubt you would have chosen the Lestrange family, if Bellatrix wasn't your most devoted death eater" replied Genevieve.
"I might have done. The Lestrange family have been supporters of my cause for years. They are also one of the oldest pure-blood families, so their vault in Gringotts is one of the most secure and well guarded".

"I expect Miss Bella was over the moon when you asked her to hide something for you" grumbled Genevieve, as she climbed out of her seat and folded her arms.
Tom shuffled awkwardly, "She was very pleased that I have such trust in her. And she was looking forward to protecting the cup on my behalf".
"Was Rodolphus there? Or just Bellatrix?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I was at their house, so Rodolphus was somewhere. But when I asked Bellatrix to hide the cup, it was just me and her in the room"
"Despite the vault actually belonging to his family and not hers"
"Well, she is his wife, so the vault is hers as well as his. She is also more devoted to me than him, so I thought it best to ask her to protect my Horcrux".

"I take it that she doesn't know that the cup is a Horcrux?" Asked Genevieve.
"No, I didn't tell her or Lucius that the items are Horcruxes. Only that they are very important to me" answered Tom.
"Do they know about each other? Or do they think that they're the only person to be given this special responsibility?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I didn't mention that I was meeting anyone else, when I was talking to them, no"
"I bet you wouldn't have wanted Bella to feel less important. I expect she likes feeling like the most important death eater in your army".

Tom sighed, "Jealousy really doesn't suit you. When is this hatred towards Bellatrix going to end?".
"When she stops being overly friendly towards my husband" snapped Genevieve.
"It's not my fault that she is obsessed with me" insisted Tom.
"No, but you do nothing to stop her. Even though you are her master and she is just your servant. You could command her to keep her distance from you, but you choose not to"
"I need her close to me, because she is talented, and one of the best death eaters at my command".

"She has a dark mark on her arm, which means that she is a servant, who will come running whenever you call her. I do not have the brand on my skin, because I am your wife, and not one of your servants" reminded Genevieve, as she stepped closer to Tom.
"I am well aware of that, which is why I do not think of you two in the same way" reassured Tom.
"I should hope not..." Genevieve faltered when she noticed a red mark on Tom's neck.
"Is that a hickey?" She questioned.
Tom raised his hand to his neck to feel the mark, before running over to the mirror on the wall to inspect it.

"It's not what you think" insisted Tom, as he turned back around to face Genevieve.
"So, it's not a hickey given to you by your beloved Bella?" Frowned Genevieve.
"It is. But all it was, was a kiss. And it was not one that I asked for" revealed Tom.
"You didn't stop her from kissing you though, otherwise she wouldn't have left such a mark. So, I suspect it was a long kiss"
"It wasn't a quick peck, no. But I swear to you that I never kissed her back".

Genevieve couldn't help by laugh out loud.
"Oh, so that makes it O.K then? Is this how it's going to be? She is going to touch you all over, but as long as you don't touch her in return, you haven't cheated on me?" Demanded Genevieve.
"You're blowing things out of proportion. It was just one kiss" replied Tom.
"We both know that one kiss will always lead to another. It might start off as kissing, but I expect Bellatrix will up her game soon. She won't settle for just a kiss, she's going to want more"
"She is married-"
"So are you! But that is clearly something you have forgotten"
"You're making this into something it's not. I am not having an affair".

"Just because you are not sleeping with her yet, it doesn't mean that you are not having an affair... I have done everything for you. I even started attending your stupid death eater meetings, just to spend time with you. But even that wasn't enough to make you love me more. You still prefer spending time with that slut, over me. And now you don't even like showing me affection in pubic. Is it because you don't want to make Bellatrix jealous? Why can't I hold you in the street? Why won't you kiss me on the dance floor? Why can't I say that I'm in love, when I want to shout it from the roof tops? I wish that we could be like that. Why can't we be like that?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Because we are not lovesick children anymore. And I don't like being romantic with you, around other people. It makes me look weak" replied Tom coldly.

"So, I'm a weakness now? And you will only show me love, in the comfort of our own home, where no one can see us. Is that right?" Asked Genevieve.
"You are not a weakness. But showing love is. So, for the time being, I will not be kissing you in public, and you will just have to get used to that" admitted Tom.
"Merlin's beard, your ego matters more to you than I do. You make me so angry!" Shouted Genevieve, as her hand drifted towards her wand, which was sticking out of the pocket on her black cardigan.
"You really don't want to do that" Tom said calmly.
Genevieve laughed, "Oh, I think I do".

"We both know that I would easily beat you in a duel. So, starting a fight with me, is not a good idea. Besides, I do not want to hurt you" admitted Tom.
"I don't know about that. I think you are just too afraid to take me on, head to head. I come from a long line of powerful witches and wizards, remember. So, I think I could easily best you in a duel. What do you say then Tom, shall we duel? Grindelwald vs Riddle?" Questioned Genevieve.
Tom frowned, "I do not want to hurt you. You are the mother of our children".
"Don't pretend that you care about them, any more than you care about me. You barely spent any time with the boys while they were home" replied Genevieve.

"They are of no use to me yet. I will spend more time with them when they are older, and can become death eaters" admitted Tom.
"I didn't have children, so that they could join your stupid army, once they were 17" snapped Genevieve.
"So, my army is stupid is it? I suppose you think my cause is a waste of time as well" frowned Tom.
"You've been growing in power for years, yet my father still rots in a prison cell, because you are too afraid to break into Nurmengard"
"Lord Voldemort is not afraid of anything. I have not broken your father out, because the last thing I need right now, is a potentially powerful and dangerous enemy. Besides, keeping him in prison, keeps you devoted to me and my cause. Because I know you won't leave me, while your father sits in jail".

"You bastard! Your promised me that you would free him!" Yelled Genevieve, as she removed her wand and pointed it at Tom.
"And I intend on keeping that promise. But not until I have succeeded in taking over the world. At that point, your father won't be a threat, and I will have no more use for you, so I don't need to worry too much about you leaving me" revealed Tom.
Genevieve laughed and placed her wand back into her pocket, "It's nice to know that I mean so much to you".
She then pushed past Tom, and headed for Mathilde's room, so that she could kiss her baby girl goodnight.

Part of Genevieve's speech about midway through, is from the song Secret Love Song by Little Mix.

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