31. Making A Choice

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Genevieve made her way to Salazar's room the following morning, with his Hogwarts letter in her pocket.
Even though he was only 11, she felt that he deserved to choose which school he went to.
She hadn't had a choice when she was his age, as her father had sent her to Hogwarts against her will. And despite the fact that she ended up loving Hogwarts, she didn't want Salazar to feel like he was being sent away to somewhere he didn't want to go.
So she knocked on his door that morning, and found him reading a book on his bed.
He quickly put his book down when he saw her, and jumped down off the bed.
"Good morning, mother" Salazar said politely.
"Good morning. It's alright, you can sit back down" instructed Genevieve.

Salazar sat down, and Genevieve sat down opposite him, on his desk chair.
She then removed his Hogwarts letter from her pocket and showed it to him.
"This arrived for you yesterday. You've been offered a place at Hogwarts, which isn't really a suprise. But your father and I have discussed it, and we both agreed that you can't go, for it is too risky, as we can't have anyone figuring out who you are" revealed Genevieve.
Salazar frowned, "But that's not fair. You both got to go to Hogwarts".
"I know. But you are different to us. And we can't risk anyone finding out that you are the son of Lord Voldemort. If you went to Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore would know your identity straight away, because you look exactly like your father did at your age" replied Genevieve.

"But I am named after one of the founders of Hogwarts. You can't stop me from going there. I've been dreaming about that place my whole life" admitted Salazar.
"That is why you can't go. The other children are bound to be suspicious of you, since your name is Salazar Slytherin" informed Genevieve.
"But you chose my name" reminded Salazar.
"I know, and I'm sorry that the name I gave you, prevents you from doing certain normal things. But if I'm being honest, I don't think your father would have allowed you to attend Hogwarts, even if you'd had an ordinary name"
"This is not fair".

"I know. But it's not all bad news though. I managed to convince your father to allow you to attend one of the other wizarding schools in the world. So, you may attend either Ilvermorny, Beauxbatons, or Durmstrang, as those are the biggest three" revealed Genevieve.
"I get to choose?" Questioned Salazar.
"Yes, I felt it only fair that you got some say in your own future" answered Genevieve.
"But I really don't know much about any of those schools. Hogwarts is the only one we talk about at home, because I'm a descendant of a Hogwarts founder".

"You are, but my father, and all his ancestors went to Durmstrang" informed Genevieve.
"Really?" Quizzed Salazar.
"Yes... There is something I need to tell you though, before you decide. Everyone knows that I am the niece of the famous dark wizard, Gellert Grindelwald, whom your brother is named after. But that is not the truth. I am not his niece, I am actually his daughter"
"No way. Does father know about this?"
"Yes, I've always been honest with him about who I am. And now that you are old enough to understand, I am telling you too. But no one else can know the truth. I will tell your brother once he is old enough to keep the secret. So you may not tell him. If you do go to Durmstrang, you will have to hide that you are a Grindelwald. My father was expelled from Durmstrang, and is not very popular on that side of the world".

"Maybe I shouldn't go there then" mumbled Salazar.
"It's up to you. Your father would like it if you went there, because they learn a lot of dark magic at that school" admitted Genevieve.
"They do?" Asked Salazar.
"Yes. But you don't have to go there, just because that is the one your father would pick for you"
"What are the other schools like?"
"Well, Beauxbatons is in France, and they wear smart blue uniforms. And Ilvermorny is in America. It is quite a large school, since it's the only wizarding school in North America"
"I would certainly be hidden there, if there are so many other students"
"Yes, you would. No one will assume that you are the son of Lord Voldemort. Most people there probably haven't even heard of the famous Salazar Slytherin".

"Beauxbatons sounds nice though, however I'm not sure my French is good enough for me to go there" Salazar said quietly.
"When I was your age, I could speak a dozen languages, because I travelled around the world so much as a child. Which is why I have been trying to teach you some European languages, as it's useful to speak more than one language" replied Genevieve.
"I can speak Parseltongue" reminded Salazar.
"Yes, but you were born with that ability, you didn't have to learn that language, like I did. I've been teaching you French and Bulgarian for years. But if you don't think you are fluent enough in those languages, then you should choose Ilvermorny".

"But America is so far away" mumbled Salazar.
"I know. But it doesn't matter where you go, because we won't be able to come and visit you. All the wizarding schools are boarding schools, because it helps the students become more independent. And that's what I want for you. I don't want you to become a copy of your father" admitted Genevieve.
"You don't? But I already look exactly like he used to" replied Salazar.
"That doesn't mean you have to act like him as well".

"But father is the most powerful person in the world, why don't you want me to be like him?" Questioned Salazar.
"He thinks he's the most powerful person in the world, there's a difference. Your father is powerful, I'm not denying that, and I love him with all my heart. But he is not a good person. He has killed a lot of people, many of whom were innocent. Which is why I don't want you to turn out like him. You are good and pure, and I want you to stay that way. You need to get out of this house, and experience how the world really works. You need to hear things from an unbiased point of view, which won't happen if you stay here" answered Genevieve.

Salazar was quiet for several minutes, as he decided what he wanted to do.
"I am going to go to Ilvermorny" he announced.
"Alright then, I will write a letter to the headmaster of the school, and ask if there is a place for you there" replied Genevieve, as she pushed herself off the chair.
"Thank you for allowing me to decide my fate" Salazar said quietly.
"You're welcome. I will let you know when I get a response from the headmaster, but it could take several days. I will see you tonight for dinner, and you will need to dress smart, because your father is coming home today"
"O.K, I will"
"Alright, see you later".

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