34. Girls Run The World

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Salazar was glad when he could go back to school at the end of the holidays, which made Genevieve sad, as he didn't enjoy being at home anymore.
He didn't want to return home for the Easter holidays, and Genevieve had no intention of forcing him to come home if he didn't want to, so she let him stay at school.
A few months before Salazar would return home for the summer holidays, Genevieve's health started to deteriorate, and she had a pretty good idea why.
After confirming her suspicions with her doctor, Genevieve had to work out a way to tell Tom, without him getting angry.
The two of them hadn't discussed the incident where he had nearly hit her, but it was clear that neither of them had forgotten the argument, as they no longer behaved the same way around each other.

"I have something to tell you" said Genevieve one afternoon when Tom returned home, and joined her in the drawing room.
"I already know what it is" informed Tom.
Genevieve frowned, "I don't think you do".
"I'm better informed than you think" replied Tom.
"Oh, well, what do you think about it?"
"I think the Minister for Magic resigning is great news. They couldn't handle the pressure of me starting a war against them, so they've given up. The Minister's replacement is a woman named Eugenia Jenkins. And from what I've heard of her, she is just as weak as the Minister before her. But we don't often get a female Minister for Magic, so maybe she will suprise us. For all we know, she might be supportive of our cause".

"This wasn't the news that I had for you" Genevieve said quietly.
"Oh, didn't know you know about the Minister's resignation?" Questioned Tom.
"I did, but I wasn't going to tell you about it, for I felt sure that you already knew" admitted Genevieve.
"Well, then, what is it you wanted to tell me?"
"There's no easy way of saying it, but I'm pregnant again"
"But you can't be"
"I have already checked with my doctor, and he confirmed that I was pregnant".

Tom's face fell, just as Genevieve had suspected that it would.
The two of them always grew further apart after the birth of one of their children. And she didn't think this child would be any different.
"But we don't even sleep together that much anymore" reminded Tom.
"We still have sex a couple of times a month, and all it takes is one time, you should know that by now" replied Genevieve.
"I thought you weren't going to have any more children"
"I wasn't planning on it, but I can't do anything about it now that I'm pregnant"
"There's going to be a big age gap between this child and Salazar"
"I know that, they'll be about 13 years between them, by the time this child is born next year. But that is not what worries me".

Tom's face filled with concern, "What is it that worries you?".
"I'm not exactly getting any younger, and the older you are, the more dangerous the pregnancy becomes" revealed Genevieve.
"Are you saying this child could kill you?" Questioned Tom.
"I don't think so. The dangers of having a child at my age, are not dangers for me, but for the baby. There's a chance it could be born sick because I am in my 40's"
"Are you sure there is no risk to your health?"
"Being pregnant is risky at any age, but I don't think this baby is any more dangerous to me than Salazar and Gellert were. I will make sure to see the doctor regularly though, to make sure that me and the baby are healthy".

"What are you not telling me?" Demanded Tom.
"What makes you think I'm lying to you?" Asked Genevieve.
"I know you, and I can tell when you are holding information from me" admitted Tom.
"Alright, if you really want to know, the doctor thinks I'm having a girl this time. Of course, there is no real way of knowing until the child is born. But from the way I'm carrying, he thinks it is going to be a girl. I think so too, because this pregnancy feels different to the first two".

"You are going to have a daughter" said Tom.
"We are having a daughter" corrected Genevieve.
"I suppose after two boys, it makes sense that you would end up having a girl" sighed Tom.
"I hope you don't think that girls are any less capable than boys. My daughter will be just as talented as my sons. Having a girl is not a downgrade"
"I never said it was. I was just saying that since we've already had two boys, we were likely to have a girl this time. I know that some girls can be even better than boys. You for example, are more talented than most of my death eaters"
"That's no suprise, given who my parents were".

"I know that you are disappointed in me, because I am not the father that you want me to be. But you have to understand that I am not going to change. Even once we've had our next child. I will probably end up being an even more distant father to her, than the boys, because my work load is increasing every day" admitted Tom.
"I know. And I'm not expecting you to become the father of the year, just because I'm pregnant again" replied Genevieve.
"I am sorry that I have to spend so much time away from you" apologised Tom.
"It's alright. I'm used to it now".

"I don't want you to have to get used to me being away. You didn't sign up for this, all those years ago" said Tom.
"No, I didn't. When I married you, I thought that we were going to be partners. But I was wrong. You don't send me on missions, and you don't even ask me to attend death eater meetings. You only come to me when you need advice. You don't want me and the children around you any more, because we cramp your style" sighed Genevieve.
"That's not true" insisted Tom.
"It is. We were supposed to take over this world together, but you seem intent on keeping that part of your life separate from me".

"I am just trying to keep you safe. My work is dangerous, which is why I don't want you around" insisted Tom.
"No, it's more than that. You know I can take of myself. You just don't want to be around me anymore, because you don't want people to know that the famous Lord Voldemort has a family. You are intentially keeping me out of your life" replied Genevieve.
"That's not my fault. You were the one who wanted to become a mother. You can't have it both ways. You can't be my second in command and attend missions with me, if you want to be a good mother to your children"
"No, you're right, I can't".

"If you told me that once you gave birth, you wanted to join me on my missions, and stop being present in our childrens lives, then I wouldn't stop you from coming with me. I would bring you along, if that is what you really wanted" informed Tom.
Genevieve shook her head, "No, I don't want that. I need to be the parent that my father never was. I have to be there for our children. They need me more than you do".
"I knew that you would choose them over me... Before you had Salazar, you promised that your affection for me would never falter. You promised me, that you would never choose anyone else over me" reminded Tom.
"Well, a lot has changed since then. Your love for me has faded a great deal since then. Therefore, my need to be always at your side, has also left" admitted Genevieve.

Tom placed his hands on Genevieve's face, "I will always love you".
"And I you. But love changes over time. We have found that we can still work well, when we are apart, and I can't see us ever being as close as we were when we were teenagers" revealed Genevieve.
Tom pulled Genevieve close, so that their bodies were touching.
"You are the only person in this world, that I will ever love" promised Tom.
"As long as you continue to say those words, then my love for you will never truly fade, even when we are apart" informed Genevieve, as she pushed herself out of Tom's embrace and headed towards the door.
"I'm sorry that things have ended up like this" apologised Tom.
"Me too" mumbled Genevieve, without looking over her shoulder back at him.

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