52. Giving Away

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Genevieve dressed Mathilde in her best clothes the following morning. And after helping her daughter pack a bag, the two used floo powder to get to Diagon Alley.
Once there, Genevieve took hold of Mathilde's hand, and guided her through the streets.
Eventually she caught sight of Dumbledore, standing several feet in front of her.
"Darling, I need you to be brave for me, O.K" whispered Genevieve.
"Why? What's going to happen?" Asked Mathilde.
"Nothing scary, I promise. But I am about to enter into a duel" answered Genevieve.
"You are?"
"Yes, but don't worry, neither of us are actually going to be aiming at each other. No one is going to get hurt. We are just going to pretend to fight, before apparating to the Hog's Head together".

"Why didn't we just floo straight to Hogsmeade?" Questioned Mathilde.
"Because Diagon Alley is busier, and I need as many people as possible to see this fight take place, so that it looks like you are being kidnapped" explained Genevieve.
"You're not going to leave me yet are you?" Trembled Mathilde.
"Definitely not. But we just have to make it look like you are being taken from me"
"Oh, alright then".
Genevieve looked back at Dumbledore, and the two nodded their heads, before withdrawing their wands.
After kissing her daughter's head, Genevieve slipped off her wedding ring, so that Tom couldn't detect her whereabouts from then on.
She then checked her watch, making sure that the time was right, before firing a spell towards Dumbledore.

People in the street began to scream and dive out of the way, as spells flew everywhere.
Even though they were only pretending, Genevieve couldn't help but feel intimidated, as Dumbledore continued throwing spells at her, as he made his way down the street.
She knew that Dumbledore was the best fighter alive, as she had seen him beat her father, even though Gellert had the Elder wand at the time.
The most powerful wand in existence, was now in Dumbledore's hands, making him an even fiercer opponent.

Eventually Dumbledore reached Genevieve, and he placed his hand onto her arm.
Genevieve clutched Mathilde tightly, and then the three of them apparated straight into the Hog's Head, which had been closed so that they wouldn't be interrupted.
"That was horrible" mumbled Mathilde.
"I know. Apparating is always nasty the first few times you do it" replied Genevieve, as she placed her hands on her daughter's shoulders, and turned her to face Dumbledore.

"Mathilde, I want you to meet someone. This is Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts" revealed Genevieve.
"It's a pleasure to meet you" said Dumbledore politely.
"Isn't he the enemy?" Mathilde whispered to Genevieve.
"Not anymore. Dumbledore is going to keep you safe, since he is the only one your father is afraid of. But you don't need to worry, for he isn't going to hurt you" reassured Genevieve.
She placed her hand inside her pocket and pulled out a pack of cards, which she then handed to Mathilde.
"Now, I need you to go and play solitaire or something, on one of the tables, while I talk to Dumbledore" continued Genevieve.
Mathilde nodded and headed over to a table on the far side of the room.

Genevieve and Dumbledore then sat down at the nearest table opposite each other, to finalise the details of what was going to happen next.
"Thank you for agreeing to do this Dumbledore" said Genevieve.
"You are most welcome" replied Dumbledore.
"I need to know why you are doing this though. What do you hope to gain from helping me?" Questioned Genevieve.
Dumbledore frowned, "I don't seek to gain anything. I just wish to help protect a young girl from a man I know wishes her harm".
"Everyone has their own agenda. Their own reason for doing things. No one is completely selfless. If you were hoping that Mathilde would help you bring down Lord Voldemort, then you are wrong. She doesn't know anything about her father's plans" admitted Genevieve.

"I do not intend to question her, or search her memories for information on Tom" reassured Dumbledore.
"Good. But if you were hoping that I would turn into a spy, and give you information on him, then you are mistaken. I will never turn against him. He is all I have left, which is why I can't lose him as well" replied Genevieve.
"I do not seek to drive a wedge between you and him either. I can see how devoted you are to him. Ever since you were students, you've been at each others sides, and I know nothing will change that" replied Dumbledore.
"Then why help me? I've even admitted to killing people, one of which was a member of your Order of the Phoenix. So why on earth would you want to help me?".

"Not everyone has an ulterior motive for everything. I am not out to get you or ruin your life. I only want to help you. Your daughter is innocent, and I simply wish to save her from a life full of danger" insisted Dumbledore.
"You have always puzzled me Dumbledore. Your motivations are always a mystery to me. Perhaps it's because you are so good at keeping secrets, like me... Since I have no other option, I must trust you, and trust that you will keep her safe in my absence"
"I will certainly do my best".

Genevieve looked across the room where Mathilde was silently playing cards, and a tear dropped down her face.
"Will you wipe her memory tonight?" Asked Genevieve, as she removed the tear from her cheek.
Dumbledore shook his head, "No, not today. Tom will likely send out search parties for her when he realises she's gone. He will look at all of those in the Order, to see if his daughter is with them. The only place she will be safe is at Hogwarts, for he cannot enter there".
"Hogwarts isn't as safe as you think. Sure, we cannot set foot in the castle, but we have spies there, who report back to us" revealed Genevieve.
"I have set up a room in the Headmaster's tower for her, so that no one but me will know she is there".

"How long will you keep her there?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I'm not sure. A few weeks at least, but maybe a couple of months. I need to make sure that Tom has stopped searching for her, before I can move her to her new home" answered Dumbledore.
"O.K. I just don't want her spending the rest of her life locked in some tower. I want her to live a happy and fulfilling life, like every other normal person" replied Genevieve.
"She will... When it is time, I will alter her memories while she sleeps, before moving her to her new home. She won't have any memory of this. Her life will be full of happy memories, I assure you. And when she is older she will come to Hogwarts, where I can watch over her".

"She has a bracelet on her wrist, which used to belong to me. When changing her memories, you must make sure that she remembers that the bracelet is important. I need her to keep it with her, and for her to ensure that it doesn't get damaged, because it means a lot to me" informed Genevieve, as her thoughts turned to keeping her Horcrux safe.
"I will make sure that she doesn't forget who gave it to her, or why it is important" promised Dumbledore.
"Thank you... And you are sure she will be safe with this woman?"
"Quite sure. Arabella Figg is a Squib, so I'm pretty sure that Tom will never expect me to hide your daughter with someone who has no magic".

"It's the no magic part that worries me" admitted Genevieve.
"I will place protective magic around the whole area. If anyone apparates there, I will know immediately. Mathilde will grow up believing that she has spent her whole life with her grandmother, since her parents are dead. Her obliviousness will keep her safe from any suspicions people might have. I will also be placing the Fidelius Charm around the property, to ensure that no unexpected visitors drop in" revealed Dumbledore.

"And you will be the secret keeper?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"Yes" informed Dumbledore.
"Good. I'm quite sure that no one will ever find her then, if you are the one keeping her safe... You will have to keep the secret from me too" admitted Genevieve sadly.
"Are you sure that is what you want?"
"No, but I can't risk Vee accessing my memories, and seeing where Mathilde is hidden. She will have to stay hidden from everyone, including me, if I really want to keep her safe".

"Will you come and visit her at Hogwarts before I alter her memories?" Asked Dumbledore.
"No. I don't think I'm strong enough to say goodbye to her twice" answered Genevieve.
"Very well. I think it is time we got going then" announced Dumbledore.
"Speaking of time, did you manage to get it?"
"I did, yes".
Dumbledore placed his hand inside his pocket, and brought out a time turner.

"I will place it behind the bar for you to collect later" informed Genevieve, as she took it from him.
"Make sure that you do. I can't have Tom getting his hands on a time turner" said Dumbledore sternly.
"Don't worry. I will use it to go back an hour, and then I will leave it here. My husband will never get his hands on it, I swear" reassured Genevieve.
"Thank you for trusting me with it, even though you have no reason to trust me. I promise I won't let you down".

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