6. Hepzibah Smith

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Tom was waiting in the living room when Genevieve got home, and he immediately launched himself at her.
"I've been so worried about you" admitted Tom, as he hugged her tight.
"I'm fine" reassured Genevieve.
"I hated just sitting here not knowing if you were O.K. I don't want you ever doing anything like that to me again" replied Tom.
"You shouldn't have worried, for I had everything under control".

"Did you find out who has been blackmailing you?" Asked Tom, as he released Genevieve, and the pair made their way over to the sofa.
"Yes. His name is Alec Wilde and he's a low ranking auror" answered Genevieve.
"How much does he know about you?" Questioned Tom.
"Unfortunately quite a lot. He knows my surname is Grindelwald, but he believes that I am Gellert's niece. He doesn't know that Gellert is my father, and I don't plan on letting him learn the truth".

"Did he say what he wants from you, and why he's been sending you photos of that night in Stockholm?" Questioned Tom.
"He did, and don't worry, he only wants money" answered Genevieve.
"He went through all this trouble to blackmail you and all he wants is money?" Frowned Tom.
"So, once you've paid him off he will leave you alone?"
"He's not going to make it that easy, unfortunately. He wants me to withdraw small amounts each week, and hand the money over to him in person. But he promised me that I would have the photos back by Christmas?".

"So, he doesn't plan on revealing who you are to anyone else?" Quizzed Tom.
"Not as far as I know. He just wants money and the chance to get to know me. I don't think he wants to tell the world that I'm a Grindelwald" admitted Genevieve.
"That is good news" replied Tom.
"Yes, it is quite a relief to know that he doesn't intend on releasing the photos. But I won't be fully relaxed until I have them in my possession, so that I can destroy them, and erase that part of my life for good"
"I will just have to keep your mind occupied until then".

"Yes, you will... So, what did you get up to at work today?" Asked Genevieve.
Tom smiled, "Well, you know that I found out that my mother did indeed sell Slytherin's locket to Mr Burke. Today I finally discovered who he sold it to".
"You know who has the locket" Gasped Genevieve.
"Yes. The locket was bought by an old woman named Hepzibah Smith" answered Tom.
"Do you think she still has it?"
"I don't know"
"Well, if she does, you need to find a way to get it back".

"Yes, I know that... I asked Mr Burke about her, claiming that her name came up several times in the records book. And he told me that she's an unmarried, very rich woman, who likes to collect all sorts of rare and expensive items. He said that she's a hoarder, so it's very likely that she still has the locket" revealed Tom.
"How are you going to get it back? You can't exactly barge into her house and demand that she hands it over to you. She probably has her most prized possessions locked away with powerful magic, so you would need to get her to reveal the locket to you of her own free will" replied Genevieve.

"I already have an idea on how to get my hands on the locket" informed Tom.
"Go on" encouraged Genevieve.
"Well, since my new role at Borgin and Burkes, involves me going into people's homes to charm them and convince them to give up their rare magical items. I can go to Hepzibah Smith's house and pretend that I'm there under Mr Burke's orders" replied Tom.
"What if she sees through the ruse?"
"I doubt she will. Mr Burke doesn't seem to think she's too bright. And in fact, he told me she has some exquisite goblin made armour that he'd like to buy. So, I have the perfect excuse to get myself into her house".

"Once you're inside her house, all you have to do is charm her into doing what you want. Which I'm sure you'll have no problem doing, as you charm everyone you meet. And she's bound to love being given attention by a handsome young man such as yourself" admitted Genevieve.
Tom grinned, "Yes, I do have the natural ability to charm everyone I come into contact with. And I'm sure this Smith woman will be no exception. I can also research her beforehand, so that I will know the best way to charm her. When I'm done, she will be like putty in my hands. She might even give me the locket free of charge".

"I don't think it will be that easy. She's unlikely to hand over one of her most prized possessions, even if she is charmed by you. You just have to find out where she keeps the locket, so that you can sneak back and take it at another time. But I don't think she will show you the locket the first time you meet her. You might have to spend a lot of time with her, before she trusts you enough to show you Slytherin's locket" informed Genevieve.
"Don't worry, patience is one of my many virtues. I can wait and bide my time until she gives me what I need. And once I have my families locket in my possession, I can make another Horcrux" replied Tom.

"Don't you think you've made enough of them?" Sighed Genevieve.
"No, I told you that I want to split my soul seven-" started Tom.
"Seven times. Yeah, I know. I was just hoping you'd changed your mind" interrupted Genevieve.
"Lord Voldemort does not change his mind" said Tom sternly.
"Yeah, I'm starting to realise that. When you want something, you don't stop until you get it. You're the most determined person I've ever met"
"And that is why you love me. Because I am the one person in this world whom you can rely on, as I always keep my word and do as I have promised"
"Yes, I suppose you do".

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