27. Hiding Places

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When Tom returned the next day, Genevieve decided to bring up the topic of Horcruxes, without making him worried.
"I'm suprised you didn't want the boys here this evening. Normally you insist on them joining us for dinner" said Tom, when the pair reached their dessert.
"Well, I thought it would be nice if the two of us shared a meal alone together" admitted Genevieve.
"You know I'm not going to say no to having you all to myself. But I have a feeling that there is something you are not telling me" replied Tom.

"It's nothing... But now that the boys are starting to get older and more curious, I'm worried that the Horcruxes won't be safe in the basement. Salazar can start using magic soon, and he's bound to want to go inside the basement, since it's the one place in the house where he can't go. He is like us afterall, and we broke many rules to find the Chamber of Secrets. So, I was thinking that having all your Horcruxes under our roof is not a good idea" admitted Genevieve.
"You're forgetting the diadem, which is at Hogwarts" reminded Tom.

"I know. But we still have 4 downstairs; the diary, the ring, the locket and the cup. And I feel that having so many in one place, just isn't wise" admitted Genevieve.
"Hmm, maybe you have a point. The thought has crossed my mind, that perhaps I should separate them and place them all somewhere that is significant to me, and make sure to use advanced defensive magic to protect them" informed Tom.
"What kind of places did you have in mind?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"I was thinking of hiding the ring in the old Gaunt shack, where we found it. With Morfin in Azkaban, the house belongs to no one but me, and I can't see anyone wanting to visit the creepy old place anyway, so it should be safe there".

"I agree that placing it there is poetic, since it's the place where we found the ring. But will it really be safe enough there?" Asked Genevieve.
"It should be. I mean, it's not exactly a tourist sight or anything. And I was planning on placing a curse on the ring, so that anyone who puts it on, but me, will die" revealed Tom.
"Thats sounds a bit extreme, but it will certainly keep the ring safe" replied Genevieve.
"Yes, it will"
"And that is most important thing".

"Why the sudden interest in the security of my Horcruxes though?" Questioned Tom.
Genevieve's palms began to sweat nervously, as she knew how good Tom was at Legilimancy. And she needed to protect her sons from his wrath, because if Tom found out that the boys had handled his Horcrux, he would be furious.
"I'm sat here on my own most days, and I always worry about your safety. Now that you are actually committing crimes and building up your army, it's only a matter of time until the Ministry sends aurors after you. I want you to make sure that your Horcruxes are safe, so that it will put my mind at ease" said Genevieve, bending the truth slightly.

Tom leaned across the table, and took hold of Genevieve's hand, squeezing it tight.
"You don't need to worry about me, I will be fine. Besides, I have death eaters to do most of the dangerous and dirty work for me. I don't put myself at risk unless I really have to" reassured Tom.
"I know, but I would still feel a lot happier, if I knew your Horcruxes were safe and protected, away from the house" admitted Genevieve.
"If it will put your mind at ease, you know I will do it"
"Thank you... Where else did you have in mind, to hide your Horcruxes?".

"I've always liked the idea of putting one in Gringotts, it is the safest place in Britain, besides Hogwarts afterall" admitted Tom, with a smile.
"The bank, really, why?" Frowned Genevieve.
Tom sighed and let go of Genevieve's hand, "You wouldn't understand Gen, but for someone like me, who had no fortune, looking up at Gringotts, I felt like I didn't truly belong in the wizarding world, because I didn't have a bank. I had to go to Hogwarts wearing second hand clothes, which I brought with money that the school gave me. I used to look at Gringotts enviously, because I was not wanted inside. The Gaunt's had squandered our families fortune before my mother was born, so I was left with nothing" revealed Tom.

"It makes sense that you would be jealous of those who had a vault in Gringotts. But we have our own fortune now, so surely the bank doesn't still appeal to you?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Gringotts has always had a certain appeal to it" answered Tom.
"I mean, having a Horcrux in there would be a good idea, because no one has ever successfully broken into Gringotts. But you wouldn't be able to hide it in any vaults connected to us, for that would make it easy to find" replied Genevieve.
"Don't worry, I wouldn't put it in my vault or yours, I would give it to a death eater with similar wealth to us, and have them hide it for me".

"You would really trust a death eater with one of your Horcruxes?" Asked Genevieve.
"I wouldn't tell them what it was, only that it important to me. And I'm sure whoever I picked, would be greatful for the chance to place something of mine in their bank. But I do not have a death eater in mind just yet. I will wait until I have a lot more under my command, before intrusting one of them with a Horcrux" replied Tom.
"Would you place the locket in Gringotts?" Quizzed Genevieve, who wanted that item out of her house the most, so that Salazar wouldn't be tempted to take it again.
"No, not that one. I wouldn't want Slytherin's locket in a vault of someone who was not a descendant of his".

"Oh. What are your plans for the locket then?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I do not know yet. But since it is safe here, I am in no hurry to move it" admitted Tom.
"I see" mumbled Genevieve.
"But to put your mind at ease, I will move the ring to the Gaunt shack soon, to keep it separate from the others, in case for some reason our house became compromised"
"Thank you. I know it may sound silly, to worry about you, when you are immortal. But you matter so much to me, and I can't imagine life without you"
"You will never lose me, Gen. I will always be with you, I promise".

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