15. Picture Perfect

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Genevieve's wedding night was the best moment of her life.
She hadn't enjoyed being on the run for 10 years, but spending one long night wrapped in Tom's arms, reminded her why she had given up everything for him.
The next morning he revealed that he had a suprise for her, and he instructed her to dress in her best outfit, before joining him in the smallest drawing room.
So she put on her dark blue dress that reached her ankles, and her best looking jewellery.
After doing as he instructed, Genevieve headed downstairs and found that Tom was not alone in the drawing room, as there was a strange man with him.

"Who's this?" Questioned Genevieve, as she approached Tom.
"This is Alexander, he's a painter. He is going to paint a portrait of the two of us, which I am going to hang in the entrance hall" answered Tom, who like her, was dressed to impress.
He wore impressive dark green robes, and he also had Slytherin's locket around his neck, and the Peverell ring on his finger.
Since the ring was a Horcrux, Tom rarely took it out of its box, so Genevieve hadn't seen it in ages.
"Is this painting going to be enchanted like the ones at Hogwarts?" Asked Genevieve.
"No. Those paintings are living, therefore have their own free will. And I can't have any other versions of Lord Voldemort wandering around, in case their goals do not align with mine. So this portrait is not going to come to life" replied Tom.

"I see you're wearing your finest jewellery" commented Genevieve, refering to Tom's Horcrux ring.
"Yes, well I wanted to look as stunning as possible. I also brought something out of the vault for you" admitted Tom, as he pointed to a box on the table beside him.
He opened it, revealing Ravenclaw's diadem, which he then placed onto Genevieve's head.
"There you go, my queen" he continued.

Genevieve and Tom then took their seats in the thrones in front of Alexander and his easle.
"You look beautiful" complimented Tom, as he took hold of Genevieve's hand.
"Thank you. Once again you look outstanding, just like you did yesterday" replied Genevieve.
"It is always my goal to impress you"
"I don't want to outshine you in this painting though, by wearing a crown"
"Don't worry, you won't".

Tom then removed a black crown from his pocket and placed it onto his head.
"There you go. Now I'm a king too. You can start now Alexander" announced Tom.
The painter nodded, and picked up his brush.
"Where do you get that crown from?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"Never you mind... Do you like the wedding rings I chose?" Asked Tom.
Genevieve looked down at her golden wedding ring, and smiled.
"It's perfect" answered Genevieve.

"The rings are more than a pretty piece of jewellery, they are enchanted. If we are both wearing them, then we will always be able to find each other. We need only think of the other person, and we will apparate to their side, regardless of any magical barriers between us" revealed Tom.
"That's incredible. I've never heard of a spell like that" replied Genevieve.
"Well, I am the greatest sorcerer to ever exist" boasted Tom.
"That's true, but you've exceeded my expectations of you"
"I aim to please. Although, I have to admit that I had other intentions for learning about this magic. I want a way to summon my death eaters to me, no matter where I am"
"Are you going to make rings for them all?".

Tom chuckled at the idea, "No. I've enchanted the death eater pins they wear, so that they will glow when I want the death eaters to come to me. They will then be able to apparate to my side, by touching the pin. However, I do not think this will work in the long term. The pins could easily get lost or damaged, which is why I'm looking into a more permanent way of always being able to contact them".
"But you haven't come up with an idea yet?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Not yet, no" answered Tom.
"Well, now that you've told me, I can help you come up with ideas. I am good at that, remember. Afterall, I did draw the dark mark and help you turn the design into pins for the death eaters"
"I do often have my best ideas when around you"
"That's because we bring out the best in each other".

Tom and Genevieve spent the rest of the day sat in the thrones in front of Alexander. Although, they did have to take several breaks to eat and stretch their legs.
When evening finally arrived, the painting had been completed.
The servants had covered it up and hung it where Tom wanted.
He then stood in front of it with Genevieve at his side, waiting to reveal it to her.
"Are you ready?" He asked.
"I'm not sure. What if I look really ugly" whispered Genevieve.
"You are beautiful, and no one could make you look ugly, trust me" reassured Tom.
"Alright then, lets see it".

Tom nodded his head to Joseph the butler, who then pulled a long cord, which removed the curtain covering the picture.
As the painting was revealed to the room, Genevieve gasped loudly.
She looked far more beautiful in paint than in real life. And for the first time in her life, she really looked like the queen that Tom always told her that she was.
Alexander had also changed Tom's appearance slightly, making his skin look less waxy and pale. So, he looked more like he did before he started making Horcruxes.
And it made Genevieve smile to see her handsome prince once more, and not the version that was stood beside her.

"We look like gods" smiled Tom.
"You're not wrong there" agreed Genevieve.
"Everyone who enters our house will have to look up and see us at our best. They will be afraid to meet us in person after seeing this" replied Tom.
"I suppose that was your goal all along"
"Yes. I want everyone to know that we are better than them. It is our destiny to take over the world, and one day, very soon, we will have accomplished this goal. Perhaps in the future, every pure-blood family will have this painting in their home. The world will worship us one day, you have my word. For that is what we deserve"
"I look forward to that day"
"So do I. And I will not rest until I have achieved that goal".

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