51. Saying Goodbye

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Genevieve spent the next few days in bed, as she recovered from her miscarriage.
Although distraught about losing her son, she knew that she couldn't spend the rest of her life hiding away in her room.
Mathilde was relying on her, and Genevieve didn't want to let her daughter down.
The day before Dumbledore was due to take Mathilde, Genevieve entered her daughters room as she was getting ready for bed.
Wendy curtsyed before leaving the room, so that the pair could be alone.

"All ready for bed?" Asked Genevieve.
Mathilde nodded.
Genevieve smiled at her daughter, who looked almost identical to a younger version of herself, except for the matching blue eyes.
Mathilde's slik green pyjamas were also very similar to the ones Genevieve wore. Which confirmed to Genevieve, that she had to get her daughter away, before she ended up like her.
"Why do you look sad?" Questioned Mathilde.
"It's nothing. You just look a lot like me" admitted Genevieve.
"Good. I want to be just like you, when I grow up. You are strong and powerful" replied Mathilde.
"You can be both of those things, without being like me".

Mathilde frowned, "Don't you want me to be like you?".
"I want you to be like you. You are your own person, and you shouldn't try to be anyone but yourself. I'm not the best role model ever, so I would prefer it if you didn't try to be like me" answered Genevieve.
"I think you are a good person" replied Mathilde.
Genevieve forced a smile, "I'm glad that you think that. I do try to be good, but I have done things in my life, that I am not proud of".

Genevieve took hold of Mathilde's hand, and guided her towards the bed.
She then tucked her daughter in, and kissed her head softly.
"You always wear that bracelet" commented Mathilde, as she ran her fingers over Genevieve's Horcrux, which sparkled in the low light.
Genevieve never took the bracelet off, except when she was in the bathroom, for she couldn't bare to be parted from her soul.
Tom didn't like that she kept it with her at all times, as that undermined the purpose of having a Horcrux. But he was wise enough not to argue with Genevieve about what she did with her own Horcrux.

"This bracelet means a lot to me. Your father gave this to me, when we were still at school. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but back then, your father loved me a lot. This is one of many gifts he bought me back then" revealed Genevieve.
"I think it's really pretty" admitted Mathilde.
"Would you like to look after it for me for a while then?" Asked Genevieve.
"I don't think it will fit me"
"Ah, that's where you are wrong. This bracelet is enchanted to fit whichever witch or wizard wears it".

Genevieve removed the bracelet and placed it onto Mathilde's tiny wrist.
As expected, it shrunk so that it fit her perfectly.
"Can I really keep it?" Questioned Mathilde.
"Of course you can. You can have whatever you want" answered Genevieve.
Mathilde giggled, "Anything?".
"Yes, anything at all. I'm your mother, so it is my job to give you everything you want, and make you happy... It is also my responsibility to keep you safe and protect you from harm. Which is why I'm sorry that I've failed to do so, thus far" replied Genevieve.

"But I am safe and happy" reminded Mathilde.
"Maybe for now. But things changed when your brothers died. Your father will expect more of you now" revealed Genevieve.
Mathilde nodded her head, "I know".
"I don't think you do" admitted Genevieve.
"Father wants me to be like my brothers, and become a death eater in the future. He says it's my duty to serve my family. I am a descendant of the Peverell's, the Gaunts, the Slytherin's, the Grindelwald's, and the Ravenclaw's. I am very important, so I must play my part in the war that is to come".

Genevieve took hold of Mathilde's hands and squeezed them tight.
"You don't have to do anything at all. You are your own person. You did not choose your ancestors, so you do not have to follow down the path they made for you. You can choose your own path" insisted Genevieve.
"But father says-" started Mathilde.
"You do not have to listen to everything your father says, and I will not let him corrupt your life any longer" interrupted Genevieve.
"I don't understand" replied Mathilde.

"All you need to know is that I love you, and that I will do anything to keep you safe. Even if that means spending time away from you. I would send you to the furthest planet in the solar system, if that's what it took to keep you away from your father. He thinks he will decide your fate. No, it will be me. He does not have your best interests at heart, which is why it is up to me to move you to a place of safety" announced Genevieve.
"But I don't want to leave my home" Mathilde said quietly.
"I know. And I don't want to send you away. But it is the only way I can protect you" informed Genevieve.

"Can I take Wendy with me?" Questioned Mathilde.
Genevieve sighed and shook her head.
"I'm afraid that won't be possible. Where you are going, you will have to go alone" answered Genevieve.
Mathilde sniffed loudly, and tried to hold back the tears.
"I need you to be brave for me" continued Genevieve, as she leaned forward and held her daughter tight.
"I'm not brave" cried Mathilde.
"Yes you are. You are my brave little girl, and you are going to have an amazing future" insisted Genevieve.

"Where am I going?" Asked Mathilde, as Genevieve released her.
"I can't tell you yet, my darling. But tomorrow morning you will pack a case, and the two of us will take a trip to Diagon Alley, to see some friends of mine. They will then take you to a safe place" explained Genevieve.
"What if father finds out where I am?" Questioned Mathilde.
"He won't, don't worry. I have planned the whole thing out, so that your father won't realise that you've gone until it's too late. And once you are hidden, you will have protective magic placed around your new home, so that your father will never be able to find you".

"Will you come and visit me?" Quizzed Mathilde.
"I'm afraid that won't be possible. I can't risk your father following me to where you are hidden" admitted Genevieve, who didn't want to tell her daughter, that she was going to have her memory altered.
"Will I ever see you again?" Asked Mathilde.
"I hope so. One day. When the world is a safer place. Perhaps when you are all grown up, you can return, because it will be too late for your father to influence your life".

Mathilde leaned forward and hugged her mother tightly.
"I'm going to miss you" sobbed Mathilde.
"And I am going to miss you too. But there is no point crying about it. You are going to have an exciting new adventure, which is something to look forward to, and not be afraid of... Now, go to sleep, and I will see you in the morning" replied Genevieve, as she withdrew her arms.
Mathilde wiggled down under the covers, and Genevieve kissed her daughter's forehead, before turning away and heading out of the room, so that Mathilde couldn't see the tears flowing down her face.

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