49. A Friend Like Me

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Genevieve had suffered so much in the past year, that she just couldn't keep all of her emotions under control.
She burst out into tears, and seemed incapable of stopping.
Dumbledore got off the chair and placed his arms around her, holding her tight as she sobbed hysterically.
Since her own father had lied about his relation to her, Genevieve had no memory of being hugged in such a fatherly way. And instead of rejecting Dumbledore, she held on tight to him for dear life.

Eventually Genevieve ran out of tears, and released Dumbledore from her grasp, so that he could sit back in his chair.
"I'm sorry about that" apologised Genevieve.
"Never apologise for being a normal human being. Anyone would react the way you just did, if that had lost a child in the way you did" replied Dumbledore.
"But I'm not just anyone. I am Genevieve Slytherin, and before that I was a Grindelwald. I'm supposed to be strong and not show my emotions" admitted Genevieve.
"No one can hide how they really feel forever. Eventually our emotions spill out of us, like yours just did".

"I guess you have a point... Where is my child's body?" Asked Genevieve.
Dumbledore pointed to a bundle of blankets by the fireplace.
"I didn't want him to be cold" he said quietly.
"It was a boy?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Yes, from what I could tell" answered Dumbledore.
"I don't suppose you could see what colour his eyes were?"
"He had Heterchromia like you. One eye was blue, the other was golden"
"He would have been a seer like me then. My first child to have shared mine and my father's gift... It is probably a good thing he died then. Tom would've turned him into a weapon. The poor child would never have had a normal life"
"You are probably right".

"Thank you for being here Dumbledore. And thank you for coming to find me, when you heard I was in trouble" Genevieve said quietly.
"You're most welcome. I couldn't very well just sit in my office, while you bled to death in a cave" replied Dumbledore.
"Even though you knew I was a bad person?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I do not think that at all"
"I just told you that I murdered Alec Wilde, the man who blackmailed me, and then lured me to his house so that he could assault me"
"That sounds like self-defense rather than murder".

"Alec is not the only man I've killed. I murdered a member of the Order of the Phoenix last year" revealed Genevieve.
Dumbledore frowned, "You did? Who?".
"His name was Caradoc Dearborn" answered Genevieve.
"Oh. We did wonder where he had disappeared to. He was a good man" admitted Dumbledore.
"I'm sorry that I can't tell you where his body is, because I don't know. Vee dealt with everything"
"Is he the only other person you have killed?"

"Why exactly did you kill him in particular?" Questioned Dumbledore.
"Vee brought him to me. I don't know why he chose him, I doubt it was for a special reason. He just needed a member of the Order of the Phoenix, so that we could kill them and get our revenge" explained Genevieve.
"You mean revenge for the deaths of your sons" replied Dumbledore.
Genevieve's jaw dropped, "How did you find out about Salazar and Gellert?".
"I have known about them for quite some time. Ever since I saw their names in the Book of Admittance" revealed Dumbledore.

"I was worried that you would see their names when they got their Hogwarts letters. You would see the surname Slytherin, and realise that the boys belonged to me and Vee" sighed Genevieve.
"Yes, it didn't take me long to put two and two together" admitted Dumbledore.
"I sent them away though. I made them go to Ilvermorny, because I knew they wouldn't be welcome at Hogwarts. I didn't want you to treat them differently because of who their parents were. And I didn't want you to out them to the Ministry".

"But I kept your secret when you were at Hogwarts. I knew you were a Grindelwald, but I never told anyone. So, why did you think I would reveal the truth about your sons to anyone?" Questioned Dumbledore.
"The situations are not the same. My father was not a threat to anyone in this country, but my husband is. You couldn't have the children of Lord Voldemort at Hogwarts, because of the crimes he and I had committed, and I knew that" answered Genevieve.

"It wouldn't have been easy to have them at Hogwarts, I admit. But I wouldn't have turned them away, if you had wanted them to attend" informed Dumbledore.
"There's no point in dwelling on the past. My boys are dead. And they were killed on your orders" said Genevieve coldly.
"That is not true. I do not give those in the Order, permission to kill on missions"
"Whether or not you allow them to do it, doesn't matter. Several people died that night, including my sons. Gellert was only 18. He was still a boy. He never got the chance to grow up, because of your people".

"You need to know how sorry I was when I heard that your children had been killed. I was devastated that so many lives had been taken that night" insisted Dumbledore.
"Your sorrow won't bring my sons back to me though. And they weren't my only children, I have a daughter named Mathilde" informed Genevieve.
"I am aware of her existence. But I do not know as much about her, as her brothers" admitted Dumbledore.
"I have tried to keep her in the shadows, to protect her. But there is nothing I can do to save her from what will happen next".

Dumbledore frowned, "What do you mean?".
"Now that my sons are dead, and my baby was stillborn, Mathilde will have to step up and become my husbands apprentice. Lord Voldemort will take her under his wing, and train her to be a killer, just like him. And there is nothing I can do to stop it from happening" revealed Genevieve.
"Can't you tell Tom that you do not wish for your daughter to become a death eater?" Asked Dumbledore.
"I have tried everything, but I can no longer influence his decisions like I used to. He needs an heir of Slytherin. And since Mathilde is the only one left, it has to be her who takes up the mantel".

"Heir of Slytherin. Are you saying Tom did open the Chamber of Secrets all those years ago?" Quizzed Dumbledore.
"Let's not play games Dumbledore. You knew back then who opened it, even though you had no proof. You always knew what kind of a man my husband would become" admitted Genevieve.
"I wish I had been wrong about Tom. But I always had an inkling that there was something dark inside him"
"The years have only made him worse. He is not the man I married. But unfortunately I can't just leave and take Mathilde with me. He has followers everywhere, so he would find us easily".

"If you wish to leave him, then I could help you. I could keep you and your daughter safe, if that is what you wanted" suggested Dumbledore.
"I was only joking. I could never leave Vee. Despite everything he has done, I still love him. It's my biggest flaw. It's too late for me... But it's not too late for Mathilde" replied Genevieve.
"What are you saying?" Questioned Dumbledore.
"You could take her, and keep her safe from Vee. You could place a powerful memory charm on her, and change her name, so that Lord Voldemort and his followers will never find her".

"Think about what you are saying. If you do this, you will never be able to be a part of her life ever again" said Dumbledore.
"It's the only way I can protect her from her father" replied Genevieve.
"You could hide with her. You don't have to give her up" insisted Dumbledore.
Genevieve shook her head, "It's too late for me. I've done terrible things, so I don't deserve a second chance. But Mathilde is still young and innocent. She's only 8 years old afterall. She hasn't been corrupted by dark magic yet, and I want it to stay that way. She can't know that she is the daughter of Lord Voldemort, because she will never be able to live a normal life. And that is all I want for her. To be safe and happy. Which is something she won't get if she is with me".

"I can't raise her as my own, because Tom would be suspicious if I suddenly produced a child, the same age as his missing daughter" admitted Dumbledore.
"I wasn't expecting you to look after her yourself. But you must know someone who could raise her in secret, without making anyone suspicious" replied Genevieve.
"I know many people who could look after her, it's just a case of choosing the right one"
"So, will you do it? Will you take my daughter, place a memory charm on her, and make sure she is safe?"
"If that is what you want, then I will do my best to protect her".

"Thank you, Dumbledore. I always knew you were a good man" said Genevieve, as she smiled sadly.
"I don't know about that. But I always try my best to do the right thing... I will need a few days to make all the arrangements, before I take Mathilde" informed Dumbledore.
"That gives me a few days to say goodbye to her then. It has to be sooner rather than later, before Vee has a chance to ruin Mathilde, like he ruined our sons" replied Genevieve.
"And you are sure that this is the only way?"
"Yes. There is no other way to keep her alive. It has to be this way"
"Then I agree to help in any way I can"
"Thanks. I'm lucky to have a good friend like you looking out for me".

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