14. His And Hers

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Genevieve got used to having servants very quickly, as Gellert had always used his followers as servants, so she had grown up surrounded by devoted supporters.
The only thing she found strange was having her own personal maid, who kept her room tidy and followed her around the house for most of the day in case she ever needed anything.
Genevieve's maid was named Sophie, and she was the servant that Genevieve was closest to, because they spent so much time together.
Having a permanent residence once more, made Genevieve feel a lot happier, as did sharing Tom's bed each night.
Since neither of them had any family, she found it very easy to plan their wedding.
And after just two months in their new house, Genevieve and Tom were ready to tie the knot.

Genevieve stood alone in her room, staring at her reflection in the mirror.
She was wearing a black and white wedding dress and a grey veil.
She looked exactly like she had seen in her vision many years before. But the vision was not yet complete, for she only had an engagement ring, and not the golden one she had seen in the vision.
There was still a chance for her to run away and live a good life, for she had not yet sold her soul to the devil.
"Are you ready miss?" Asked Sophie, interrupting Genevieve's thoughts.

Genevieve turned away from the mirror to face Sophie.
"Yes, I think so" admitted Genevieve.
She shook the negative thoughts from her mind, for she had made her choice many years before, and there was no way for her to turn back.
"You look beautiful" complimented Sophie.
"Thanks... I'm just worried that something is going to go wrong" replied Genevieve.
"Everything has been planned out precisely, so you have no need to worry. Natasha and Claire the cooks, have been working hard on the food all day. And we've been decorating the manor all week to make everything look perfect" reminded Sophie.
"I know. But I just have a bad feeling that something is going to ruin my happy day".

"All brides get nervous on their wedding day, so it's only natural to feel anxious. But I'm sure you will feel fine once you see the dark lord waiting for you" reassured Sophie.
"I hope you are right" mumbled Genevieve.
"I am, trust me" replied Sophie.
"I just wish I had someone walking me down the aisle. But my father figure Francis, died many years ago. And my real father is currently sitting in a cell, so he can't exactly turn up to my wedding"
"You are a strong independent woman, so you don't need anyone to walk you down the aisle".

Genevieve nodded and picked up her bouquet which was filled with black and red roses.
"Alright then. Let's do this" said Genevieve, as she tried to sound confident.
Sophie picked up the end of Genevieve's dress, so that she didn't step on it as she made her way through the house.
The wedding was taking place in the largest drawing room in the manor. So Genevieve had a lot of stairs to navigate before she got there.

When they reached the room, Genevieve pushed open the doors slightly, to peak into the space.
Tom had his back to her, so she couldn't see his face. But she had a quick look at the guests that had been invited.
Tom's death eaters sat on his side of the room, while Genevieve's old roommates from Hogwarts sat on her side.
Even though she hadn't seen them in 10 years, Genevieve was glad that they were there, to make the event feel more like a proper wedding.

After withdrawing her head, Genevieve collected herself for a few moments, before nodding to Sophie, who then pulled open the doors all the way.
Once the doors were open, the music started, and Tom turned around to face her.
All of Genevieve's nerves left her when she saw Tom looking back at her.
His black suit fit him so perfectly, and his red tie matched her red flowers.
If Satan had been an attractive young man, Genevieve thought he would look like Tom did right then.

Genevieve had to remind herself to walk slowly and not sprint down the aisle into Tom's waiting arms.
She kept her eyes on him the whole time, for nothing else in the room mattered to her, except for him.
Once she'd reached him, she handed her bouquet to Sophie, so that she could take hold of Tom's hands.
"You look beautiful" whispered Tom.
Genevieve blushed, "You don't look too bad yourself".

"Honored guests, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Lord Voldemort Marvolo Slytherin and Genevieve Elodie Grindelwald" announced Joseph the butler, who would be officiating the ceremony.
Genevieve's old friends had been told before hand that she was Gellert Grindelwald's niece. But it was still the first time she'd been in a room with them, since they'd learned that she was a Grindelwald.
However, she didn't want to turn and look at their reactions, for she didn't want to look away from Tom.
"It is time for the couple to say their vows to each other" continued Joseph.

Genevieve took a deep breath, before staring straight into Tom's eyes to recite her vows.
"I, Genevieve Elodie Grindelwald, take you, Voldemort Marvolo Slytherin, to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, as long as we both shall live" said Genevieve.
"I, Voldemort Marvolo Slytherin, take you, Genevieve Elodie Grindelwald, to be my lawfully wedded wife. To love and to cherish, for richer or for poorer, in joy and in sorrow, until death to us part" replied Tom.

Tom then removed a small black box from his pocket, and opened it, revealing two gold rings.
He took out one of the rings and slid it onto Genevieve's finger.
She then did the same with the last ring, placing it onto his finger.
"Genevieve, do you take this man to be your husband?" Asked Joseph.
"I do" answered Genevieve.
"Do you, Lord Voldemort, take this woman to be your wife?" Questioned Joseph.
"I do" replied Tom.
"Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride" announced Joseph.

Genevieve flung her arms around Tom, and kissed him hard on the lips, as the room burst into applause.
"You are mine, for now and always" whispered Tom, as the pair drew apart.
"I have never loved anyone the way I love you, and nothing will ever change my feelings for you. I will be by your side for the rest of my life" promised Genevieve.
Tom cupped her face with her hand, "Well then, wife, let's go and celebrate the start of our long life together".
"I can't wait until it's just me and you alone again" admitted Genevieve.
Tom smiled, "Don't worry, I have a lot of exciting things to show you in the bedroom tonight"
"I can't wait".

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