59. An Expert Liar

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When Genevieve returned home that night, she found Tom standing in the doorway, waiting for her.
"And where have you been?" Demanded Tom.
"For a walk in the gardens" answered Genevieve, as she pushed past him so that she could enter the house.
She was terrified that he might figure out where she had been, if he put two and two together.
So, she knew that she would have to lie very convincingly, if she was going to fool a man who was a master of Legilimancy.

"And why exactly were you taking a late night walk around the grounds?" Questioned Tom.
"Because I just felt like getting some fresh air" lied Genevieve.
"There's more to it than that, I know. You've been acting weird all day, and I would like to know why. And don't even think about lying to me" shouted Tom.
Afraid of angering Tom, Genevieve realised she would have to tell an abridged version of the truth, in order to answer him.
"My behaviour should not be strange to you, for you do know what day it is, don't you?" Asked Genevieve.
"It's the 1st of September" answered Tom.
"Exactly. It's the day Mathilde would have started school, had she been with us".

"Mathilde has been gone for 3 years, and we've missed loads of her milestones, so why is today so special?" Asked Tom.
"Because, taking your child to school is such a big thing in the magical world. We did it for both of our boys. And today would have been the day we took Mathilde to Ilvermorny. Or maybe even Beauxbatons if she had wanted to go there instead, they do have such nice blue uniforms afterall. But we will never get the chance to take her to school. We will never get to find out what house she would have ended up in, or who her friends would have been. She won't come home each holiday, with stories of her school life. We have missed out on so much, and today I realised that I really will never get her back. She is gone forever, and one day she will completely forget who I am. She would look at me without any recognition on her face. And that kills me" revealed Genevieve, as she allowed tears to run down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I failed to keep our family safe. I am the father, and the head of this house. It was my job to protect you all, and I failed. But I can't change the past. I can't bring Mathilde home. I may be the most powerful dark wizard alive, but I cannot bring our daughter back to you" reminded Tom.
Genevieve took a deep breath to calm herself down.
"I know you can't. I was merely expressing my feelings, and letting you know why I have been out of sorts today" admitted Genevieve.
"You should have told me how you were feeling this morning, and we could have talked about it, so that you didn't end up becoming so distressed, like you are now" replied Tom.

Genevieve chuckled and wiped away her tears, "Lord Voldemort talking about his feelings. That would certainly be a sight to see".
"Well, I wouldn't have been the one doing the talking, it would have been you. But I could have listened to your woes" informed Tom.
"Yes, you are very good at listening. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you how I was feeling ealier. I just didn't think that you would want to know" replied Genevieve.
Tom stepped forward and took hold of Genevieve's hands, "You are my wife. I always want to know how you are doing".

"Well, if I'm being honest I'm not doing great. Everything has fallen apart around us" whispered Genevieve.
"Not everything. You and I stand just as strong as we have always done. Nothing will ever beat us, especially not that Muggle loving fool Albus Dumbledore" announced Tom.
"I know that he grows older and weaker as we get stronger, but he is still a very powerful enemy that we should not underestimate" reminded Genevieve.
"For now. Let's see how powerful he is, when all those around him have been killed. I don't think he will be so brave, once we have killed all those in his precious Order of the Phoenix. And once we've taken out the Order, we can focus on wiping out the aurors, and all those that talk bad about us in the papers. Then, we will really be unstoppable".

"I wish I was as determined as you are. That is one thing about you that has never faltered. You are always so sure that you are right, and that one day you will have everything you deserve" said Genevieve.
"I am a descendant of the great Salazar Slytherin, I was not born to struggle, but to soar above everyone else. I was made for something better. And one day, I will have all that I desire" insisted Tom.
"I'm sure you will" replied Genevieve.
"And you will be by my side, just as we always planned, my queen".

"I'm not a queen, just look at me. I'm old. I have grey hair, mismatched eyes, and wrinkles. I am no beauty any more, if I ever even was. I am not fit to be a queen" admitted Genevieve.
Tom placed his hands either side of Genevieve's face.
"You are beautiful to me. Age has not changed my feelings for you. And when the time comes, you will be my queen. And everyone in the world will bow before you" informed Tom.
"Well then, I look forward to that day" sighed Genevieve.

"One day we shall rule this land, but until then, will the queen dance with her husband?" Asked Tom.
"With a request like that, how can I refuse" answered Genevieve, as she took hold of Tom's hand, allowing him to guide her into the hall.
Tom flicked his wand at the vinyl player, and a slow music echoed through the room.
He then took Genevieve in his arms, and the pair began to waltz around the room, letting the years melt away, as they felt content in each others embrace.

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