60. All Hallows Eve

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During the following year, Tom kept his promise, and killed many members of the Order of the Phoenix, in an attempt to weaken Dumbledore.
Some he killed personally, others he ordered his death eaters to kill on his behalf.
Benjy Fenwick, Edgar Bones, Dorcas Meadowes, Marlene McKinnon, as well as Fabian and Gideon Prewett, were all killed.
Their deaths did nothing to ease the hole in Genevieve's heart that she felt for her missing children.
She had known all along that revenge wouldn't make her feel any better.
But every time Tom announced the death of another member of the Order, Genevieve had to pretend to be happy. And Genevieve became very good at pretending.

One afternoon in late October, 1981, Tom returned home with a triumphant smile on his face.
"Well, someone looks pleased with himself" commented Genevieve, as she put down her Prophet to face him.
Tom grinned, before kissing Genevieve's head softly.
"I certainly am" he announced Tom.
"Are you going to tell me why you are so happy?" Asked Genevieve.
"Of course I am. I have the best possible news to tell you. Pettigrew has convinced James Potter to make him the secret keeper, instead of Sirius Black. James agreed, so Pettigrew was able tell me exactly where the Potters were hiding. The best bit is, no one else knows about the secret keeper change, not even Dumbledore. So, everyone will suspect Sirius Black of betraying the Potters, not my spy Pettigrew".

"So, are the Potters dead?" Questioned Genevieve.
Tom shook his head, "No, not yet. I'm going there tonight to kill them".
"Remember, you only need to kill the boy, you don't have to wipe out the whole family" replied Genevieve.
"Lily and James are members of the Order, so they should die, for they are a threat to our very existence" admitted Tom.
"Vee, you promised" Frowned Genevieve.

Tom sighed, "I only promised you that I wouldn't do anything while the woman was pregnant, I didn't say anything about what I would do once the child was born. And I know I promised Snape that I would try and keep Lily alive, because he likes her. But I did tell him that if she didn't step aside and let me murder her son, then I would kill her too. And I didn't promise anyone that I would keep James Potter alive. He is a skilled duellist, so I need to take him out now, while I have the chance. As he won't be expecting me to turn up at his home, since he trusts his friends to keep him safe".
"I guess there is no changing your mind. Kill the whole family then, if you feel that you must" mumbled Genevieve.

"I will. And I will return home a hero. Once this child is dead, there will be no more threats to our rule. So, we will be able to take over the wizarding world, without needing to look over our shoulders to watch for danger" admitted Tom.
"Well then, you had better go and get it over and done with. We heard the prophecy so long ago, which is why it will be nice to not have to live in fear anymore" replied Genevieve.
Tom leaned forward and kissed Genevieve's lips, "I will see you when I get back, my love".
"I will be here waiting" promised Genevieve.
"Once I'm back, we shall celebrate" informed Tom.
"I look forward to it".


Tom didn't return that night, and Genevieve didn't want to stay up forever, so she went to bed instead of waiting for him.
She expected him to be there when she woke up the next morning, but the house remained empty, except for her and the servants.
Genevieve ended up spending the rest of the day, aimlessly wandering around the house.
She didn't want to leave, for she had promised that she would be there when Tom returned home.
So, she knew she had no choice but to sit and wait for him to come back to her.

Later that afternoon, she heard several doors in her house burst open.
So, she left the drawing room and began heading towards the noise, assuming that Tom had failed to kill Harry Potter, so was now in a bad mood.
As she stepped into the hallway she saw a dozen aurors turn on her, with their wands raised.
"Hands in the air!" Ordered one of the men.
Genevieve was so confused at what was going on, that she froze.
"Arms in the air, or we shall be forced to use magic on you" continued the man.

Genevieve nervously raised her hands above her head, as she wasn't sure that she could take on all of the aurors at once.
"Where is your wand?" Questioned the auror nearest to her.
"In my left pocket inside my jacket" answered Genevieve.
The man approached her wearily, before taking her wand from her.
Once she was unarmed, several men grabbed her and pushed her to her knees.
"What is going on?" Asked Genevieve.
"You are Genevieve, aren't you?" Quizzed the man who appeared to be in charge of the group of aurors.
"Yes" answered Genevieve.

"Then you are hearby under arrest, for crimes against the wizarding world and the statute of secrecy. You do not have to say anything, but anything you do say may be used against you. When we get to the Ministry of Magic, you will be questioned regarding your relationship with you-know-how" revealed the auror.
"My husband will kill you when he finds out what you've done to me" replied Genevieve.
"He-who-must-not-be-named was killed last night by Harry Potter"
"Don't be stupid, Harry is an infant, he can't hurt a fly, let alone Lord Voldemort"
"Nevertheless, the dark lord is dead, and young Mr Potter is alive. With you-know-who dead, it is my job to round up his death eaters"
"But I am not a death eater"
"Save your lies for court".

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