38. The Meaning Of Love

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Since her sons were home for the holidays, Genevieve wanted to spend as much time with them, as possible, so she stopped attending death eater meetings.
But she often cried at night, when she was alone, thinking about what Bellatrix and Tom got up to in her absence.
She didn't question Tom about what took place in the meetings, because she did not want to know what he got up to when she wasn't there, as she felt that it would only make her feel worse.
Salazar and Gellert could see that their mother was unhappy, and they knew better than to ask if their father was going to join them each night for dinner.

"Mother, can I ask you something?" Questioned Salazar one evening, after the family had eaten and retired to the drawing room.
They were all sat in green and black armchairs, and Genevieve had Mathilde on her lap, since the maids were all eating dinner together.
"There is nothing wrong with the persuit of knowledge. I will never stop you from asking questions" informed Genevieve.
"The question is rather personal" admitted Salazar.
"Then I cannot guarantee that I will answer. But I will hear your question. What is it you wish to know?" Asked Genevieve.
"Why did you marry father?".

Salazar's question momentarily stunned Genevieve, for she had never imagined being asked such a thing from her son.
"Well, you were probably too young to remember, but a long time ago, your father was very attractive. And when we were at school, all the girls fancied him. But back then, he only ever had eyes for me" revealed Genevieve.
"I understand why you might have been initially attracted to him. But why did you fall in love with him, once you'd gotten to know him, and learned how cruel he really was?" Quizzed Salazar.
"You do not know your father, like I do. You've got no idea what he used to be like"
"Well, I doubt he was ever a good and kind person".

Genevieve frowned, "Do you really think that people are born evil?".
"No. But I don't think father woke up one day and decided to be evil. I expect his soul has always been dark" answered Salazar.
"Your father is not evil" insisted Genevieve.
"How can you defend him when I know that he nearly hit you" revealed Gellert.
"How can you possibly know that?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I saw your argument with him, on the day Salazar went to Ilvermorny, through the key hole in the door" informed Gellert.
"That was a private conversation, not for your ears or eyes. You shouldn't eavesdrop on other people's conversations, it's rude. Besides, that was a long time ago, and he has never come close to hitting me since then".

"But he doesn't just treat you bad, he treats everyone poorly. I mean, our staff are under the Imperius Curse, for Merlin's sake, which is illegal" reminded Salazar.
"I'm not claiming that your father is a good man. But I myself, am no saint. I have also used Unforgivable Curses before" revealed Genevieve.
"You have? What, all of them?" Questioned Salazar.
"I have never used the Cruciatus Curse, but I have used the other two".
"You've killed people?" Asked Gellert quietly.
"I killed a man once, yes" answered Genevieve.
"Was he a Muggle?" Asked Gellert.
"No, he was a pure-blooded wizard"
"Then why did you kill him?"
"He tried to hurt me, so I murdered him. I'm not proud of my actions, but I'm just trying to prove to you that I am not perfect".

"Killing in self-defence is not the same as murdering a whole bunch of people" said Salazar.
"Murder is murder, no matter the circumstances. I took a mans life, and that is something I can never undo. Your father and I also did bad things while still at school. So, I'm not as innocent as you think I am" admitted Genevieve.
"I expect you were just his accomplice. You didn't perform the evil acts yourself" replied Salazar.
"Accomplice or not, I assisted your father with things that are illegal. And I did this willingly"
"But why? You're not like him, so why would you want to do bad things?"
"I did them because I love him".

"But why do you love someone like him?" Questioned Salazar.
"I can't explain my feelings for him. I love him, and nothing he does will ever change that. We are the same. Two outcasts with a complicated family history. He is my soul mate, and I know that no one else could ever make me feel the way he does. My love for him will never falter... It's true that my feelings for him have changed since we first started dating, for he has become almost unrecognisable to the man I fell in love with. But despite the changes in his personality and appearance, I will never stop loving him. He will always be my Tom" informed Genevieve.

"Tom? That's father's real name?" Quizzed Gellert.
"Well, he certainly wasn't called Lord Voldemort when he was born. He was named Tom, after his father. But your father hates the name Tom, for he doesn't like to be reminded that he is a half-blood, not a pure-blood. Which is why he made himself a new name, which he knew people would one day be too afraid to speak. So, don't ever call him Tom, unless you want to make him really angry, and face the consequences that come with making him mad" warned Genevieve.

"He's always angry" mumbled Gellert.
"Maybe. But he wasn't always like that" admitted Genevieve.
"I can't imagine him ever being loving and caring" replied Gellert.
"Well, he was once. He used to look at me, like I was the only thing that mattered in the world".
"But he's not like that now, so why haven't you left him yet?" Quizzed Salazar.
Genevieve chuckled and shook her head, "I couldn't live without him at my side. And he would never let me go".
"He doesn't seem to want you at his side anymore, since he's always going off without you" pointed out Salazar.
"Even if he stopped wanting me at his side, he would never allow me to move on and have a life without him. Your father couldn't stand to have someone else loving me. He would rather me be dead, than to love another man".

Gellert gasped, "Would he really kill you, to stop you falling in love with someone else?".
"You misunderstood me. I didn't say that he would kill me if I gave my heart to another. Only that he would prefer to be a widow than a divorcee" answered Genevieve.
"I think he would kill you if you dared go leave him. He is a very jealous and dangerous man. I don't think he would hesitate to hurt you, if he found out that you had cheated on him" admitted Salazar.
"No, he would never hurt me. Despite everything, he would never want any harm to come to me" insisted Genevieve.

"But he-" started Salazar.
"No! I know your father better than anyone, and I know that he would never hurt me. I know that deep down, he still loves me. And that is all I wish to say on the subject. So, I think it is time you both returned to your rooms for the night" interrupted Genevieve.
The boys kissed their mother goodnight, before leaving her alone in the drawing room, with a sleeping Mathilde in her arms.
And once the boys had left, Genevieve broke down in tears, as she realised that everything her sons had said, was correct.

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