46. Split In Two

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**The end of this chapter is only suitable for those over 18. If you are younger than that, please stop reading after the asterisks**

Genevieve spent the rest of the week dreading the day when she would be forced to create a Horcrux.
The very first time Tom had made one, Genevieve had promised herself that she would never violate herself like that.
But now she was about to willingly rip her soul in two, to stop Tom from placing her under the Imperius Curse, and forcing her to do it.
She had watched Tom change after each Horcrux, and she was terrified of the same thing happening to her.
It wasn't the physical changes that scared her, but the idea of her personality altering without her knowledge. She didn't want to become somebody else.

Genevieve began eating proper meals again, because she knew that she needed to be as strong as possible, if she was going to survive the process of making a Horcrux.
She had decided to use the bracelet Tom had bought her when they were 16, as the container for her soul, since it meant a lot to her. For Tom had bought it before becoming rich and famous, even though it was made of real silver, which showed that at the time he really loved her.

At the end of the week, Tom had successfully collected all the necessary ingredients, meaning that it was time for Genevieve to split her soul.
Tom summoned her down to the basement, where the event was to take place. And Genevieve walked as slowly as possible, because she was dreading what was about to happen.

When Genevieve entered the basement, she saw that Tom had already made a circle in the centre of the room, out of an ominous black powder.
He had also laid out the potion she would have to drink, beside a piece of parchment with the incantation on it that she would have to recite.
Genevieve could remember most of the words, as she had watched Tom make numerous Horcruxes. But he had written the incantation out for her, to make sure that she got it right.

As Genevieve stepped further into the room, she saw a man kneeling on the floor, with his hands tied behind his back and a gag across his mouth.
"Who is this?" Quizzed Genevieve, as she removed her wand and pointed it at the man.
"His name is Caradoc Dearborn, and he is a member of the Order of the Phoenix" answered Tom, as he stepped out of the shadows to face Genevieve.
"What is he doing here? Is he going to be your spy in the Order?" Asked Genevieve.
"No, unfortunately he is loyal to Dumbledore and no one else. I can't place him under the Imperius Curse either, for Dumbledore would be able to tell".

"Then what is he doing in our basement?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Isn't it obvious? He is going to be the person who splits your soul. You will kill him, and then create your first Horcrux" informed Tom.
Genevieve frowned and lowered her wand.
"That was not a part of the plan. You never said that I was going to have to kill anyone" said Genevieve.
"I would've thought that you knew that you had to kill someone before you can make a Horcrux. It is necessary for your soul to be split in two, before you start the process" replied Tom.

"My soul is already split in two. I killed Alec Wilde" reminded Genevieve.
"That was self-defence, so I'm not sure that it counts. You need to intentionally murder someone, for your soul to split. If you try and create a Horcrux, with a complete soul, it can have disastrous consequences, for the spell will try and rip your soul in two, so that it can incase part of it in an object. I am not taking any chances, which is why I brought someone for you to kill, to ensure that everything goes smoothly" admitted Tom.

"I am not going to murder an unarmed man" informed Genevieve defiantly.
"I thought you would jump at the chance to kill someone who is a member of the Order of the Phoenix. For all we know, he is the one that murdered our sons. And even if he didn't, I can guarantee that he was there the night Salazar and Gellert died. He is our enemy, and he is certainly not leaving this house alive, for all traitors must die" announced Tom.
"I am not like you, I don't enoy hurting people. I also know that getting revenge won't bring my sons back to me. Killing this man will not ease my grief" replied Genevieve.
"It is not about getting revenge, it is about making sure that your soul is definitely in two pieces. I just chose him, because I thought it would make it easier for you to kill him".

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