21. The New Heir Of Slytherin

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Genevieve managed to talk Tom out of his plan to kidnap an innocent doctor.
Instead he comprised by having a doctor check on her twice a week, to make sure that her pregnancy progressed without any complications.
Much to Genevieve's annoyance, Tom distanced himself from her in the months that followed.
Tom wouldn't even have sex with Genevieve, for fear of harming the baby and causing Genevieve to go into early labour, which would put her at risk.
But despite Tom's paranoia, Genevieve sailed through her pregnancy with ease, once the morning sickness had worn off.

Genevieve read every book she could find on childbirth, but when the day arrived, she still felt completely unprepared.
She woke up one morning in incredible pain, and as she looked down at her bedsheets, she could see that they were stained in blood.
"Tom!" Screamed Genevieve.
Tom woke up when he heard her shout, and he immediately lept out of bed.
"What's wrong?" He Questioned.
"I think it's happening" answered Genevieve, as she clutched her belly.
"But it can't be, the doctor said you still have a few weeks left" replied Tom.
"It's not always easy to get the date right, and babies often come early".

Tom sent the maid to fetch the doctor, while he stayed by Genevieve's side.
With each contraction, Genevieve felt pain surge throughout her body.
"I hate watching you in pain" admitted Tom, who was stood nervously at the side of the room.
"I know, but this is only the beginning. For all we know I could be in labour for another 48 hours" replied Genevieve.
"Surely not"
"It's unlikely, but all labours vary, so I've got no idea how long it will last".

"I certainly can't watch you in pain for that long" informed Tom.
"But you promised me that you would stay by my side. Our mothers both gave birth without their partners, and you swore to me that I wouldn't be like them" reminded Genevieve.
"I know, but I don't think I have the stomach for it" admitted Tom.
Genevieve laughed, "You've killed loads of people, and placed all our servants under the Imperius Curse, but you draw the line at childbirth".
"It's not the gross nature of childbirth that bothers me. I just don't like to see you suffer. You are the only one who really knows and understands me, which is why I can't bare to see you like this".

"I thought you'd stopped caring about me. You've hardly looked at me since you found out I was pregnant. I was worried that you didn't love me anymore, because I looked hideous" admitted Genevieve.
Tom climbed onto the bed, bridging the gap between him and Genevieve.
"I only stayed away, because I was afraid that I was going to lose you, which is why I've been distancing myself from you. I was hoping that if I did that, it wouldn't hurt me so much when you died. But it didn't work, for I still love you with all my heart... I'm sorry for how I've been acting. I just didn't like the idea of sharing you with someone else. Once this child is born, it will need you more than me, so you won't spend as much time with me. And I hated the idea of you loving someone else more than me. I didn't want to become second best" revealed Tom.

"You should have told me that that was what you were really worried about. Because I would have reassured you that nothing will ever come between us. I will love this child, but not more than you. You're my soul mate, my missing piece. Without you I cannot be whole. I will never feel this way about anyone else but you" insisted Genevieve.
Tom placed his hand gently against Genevieve's face.
"I love you" whispered Tom.
"And I love you" replied Genevieve, as she kissed Tom's lips.

A moment later she cringed in pain, as another contraction caused her great pain.
Instead of turning away, Tom took hold of Genevieve's hand, and allowed her to squeeze it tight.
"You were right. You are stronger than our mothers, which is why you will get through this" informed Tom.
"You used to have such faith in me, but when I told you I was pregnant, you started doubting my strength" replied Genevieve.
"I know, you will have to forgive me for my actions"
"I do, because I know you had good intentions. You were worried about my safety, which is why you acted the way you did. So I forgive you for shutting me out, as long you don't do it again"
"I promise that I won't".

Several hours and a lot of pushing later, Genevieve had given birth to a healthy baby boy. He had Tom's hair colour and eyes, so Genevieve knew that he wasn't going to be a seer, for he did not have Heterchromia like her and Gellert.
"You did it" grinned Tom.
He was lying on the bed, with one arm around Genevieve, who was holding their child tightly in her arms.
"I did" sighed an exhausted Genevieve.
"And you gave me a son. A new heir of Slytherin. I couldn't be happier" admitted Tom.
"I don't suppose you know what you want call your son?" Asked Genevieve.
"No. I didn't think you were going to survive, so naming the child never crossed my mind, because I was going to get rid of it"
"Well, since both he and I made it, we will have to come up with a name for him, together".

"You're his mother, so I think you should be the one to name him" informed Tom.
"Really? You want me to make this decision alone?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Yes. I trust your judgement, so I know you will pick a good name" replied Tom.
"Alright then, give me a moment to think... I choose Salazar"
"Yes, Salazar Marvolo Slytherin"
"You want him and I to share a middle name?"
"I do. I want you to feel a connection to him. Marvolo is also this child's great grandfather, so it makes sense to honour him".

"Salazar Marvolo Slytherin, I like it. Are you sure you don't want him to share a name with someone from your side of the family?" Asked Tom.
Genevieve shook her head, "No, I'm still not comfortable with the Grindelwald part of me just yet. Besides, we might need to keep some names aside, for when I have another child".
"You are planning on having another child already?" Questioned Tom.
"I'm not planning on having a second one just yet. But if the two of us are going to live forever, then I expect we will have more children in the future, as I can't imagine us remaining abstinent for the rest of our existence".

Tom grinned, "Keeping my hands off you throughout your pregnancy was not easy".
"Despite me feeling like an elephant, I still wanted to make love to you, and it hurt to know that you didn't want me while I was pregnant" admitted Genevieve.
"It wasn't because I didn't think you were attractive. You are just as beautiful now as you have always been. And once you've recovered from giving birth, I will show you just how much you mean to me"
"I look forward to that".

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