40. Family Business

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Genevieve stopped attending death eater meetings after her argument with Tom, because she just couldn't stand to be around Tom.
But despite this, she was still jealous of the time he was spending with Bellatrix. And she hated the thought of him lying in Bellatrix's bed.
Tom was still her husband, and she still loved him, even though he made her angry.
Genevieve didn't want her children to know the state of her marriage, so she decided to lie to them, to make them think that her and Tom were still in a loving relationship.

In no time at all, Salazar had graduated Ilvermorny and returned to the family home.
Genevieve her put her foot down when he turned 17, and refused to let Tom recruit him.
But once he finished school, Genevieve knew that she would be unable to stop Tom from making Salazar a death eater.
When the boys returned home, Tom decided to throw Salazar a graduation party, to celebrate him finishing school. But Genevieve knew the real reason for the party, was to initiate Salazar into the death eaters.
All of Tom's followers and their families had been invited to the party, so Genevieve had to play the perfect host and devoted wife for the entire evening.

"You look beautiful" complimented Tom.
Genevieve was wearing a floor length black dress, and silver tiara.
And even though she had dressed well, she had caught Tom ogling Bellatrix several times throughout the evening.
But she hadn't said anything, as she didn't want to cause a scene, since that would only make Tom angry.
"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself" replied Genevieve, as she smiled falsely.
"You also did well setting all this up" praised Tom.
"It wasn't hard, I just followed your instructions. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must join the boys".

Genevieve couldn't stand to pretend to be a doting wife a moment longer than necessary, so she made her way across the room to join her sons.
The boys were stood awkwardly at the back of the room, as they did not enjoy social gatherings.
When Genevieve reached them she caught Gellert pulling at his bow tie, but he stopped when he saw her watching.
"What did father want?" Questioned Gellert.
"He just wanted to compliment me on my outfit" answered Genevieve.
"Really?" Quizzed Gellert.
"Yes. And he wanted to tell me that he liked how I'd decorated the place".

"It does look good, mother. And I can't believe that father organised this entire party for me" admitted Salazar.
"Well, I am the one who put the party together. But it was his idea to throw you a graduation celebration" replied Genevieve.
"It seems very out of character for him. But I'm glad he wanted to celebrate me finishing school".
Genevieve sighed and lowered her voice, "I hope you know that it is not just the end of your education that he is celebrating".
"I know. I will be joining his ranks tonight, once the party is over. But it is still nice of him to throw me a party" admitted Salazar.
"I'm not sure he is going to wait until after the party to make you an official death eater. I think he intends to give you your dark mark in front of everyone tonight" revealed Genevieve.

Salazar's face fell, "He does?".
"Yes. He is either going to summon you and the death eaters into a smaller room, and do it there. Or he is going to do in front of all our guests" informed Genevieve.
Salazar gulped.
"I wasn't expecting him to do that" he mumbled.
"I think he wants everyone to know that his son is now officially a death eater" admitted Genevieve.
"Does it hurt? Getting the dark mark?" Asked Salazar.
Genevieve bit her lip awkwardly, as she didn't want to lie to Salazar, but she didn't want him to be scared of getting the mark either.
"I don't have the mark, so I cannot say for certain what it feels like. As far as I know though, it doesn't hurt as such, it just feels uncomfortable" said Genevieve, bending the truth slightly.
"Oh, OK" mumbled Salazar.

"If this evening is all about Salazar, why do I have to be here?" Groaned Gellert.
"You are a member of this family, so your attendance is expected" answered Genevieve.
"Mathilde isn't here" pointed out Gellert.
"She is still a child, and she does not know how to behave at events like this, just yet. But she will be when your graduation arrives in a few years time"
"I wish I could get out of this, for I really hate these stupid parties"
"I am not a fan of them either. But we both have no choice. We have to be here. You are the son of the dark lord, and I am his wife, so we must attend all of the events he organises. If you are bored you should socialise with the other people in the room".

"The people in this room are the reason I don't like these parties" admitted Gellert.
"Don't let your father hear you say that" warned Genevieve.
"Why? He doesn't like people either. That's why he doesn't have friends, only followers" reminded Gellert.
"We need these people on our side, so that your father can succeed. So, why don't you go and talk to them"
"Do I have to?"

After a lot of grumbling, Gellert put on a smile and headed into the crowds of people in the room.
"Don't you want me to do the same?" Asked Salazar.
"In a minute. I wanted to talk to you alone first, which is why I sent Gellert away" revealed Genevieve.
"What did you want to say to me?" Questioned Salazar.
"I want you to know that you don't have to do everything that your father says. Even once you are a death eater, you will still have a choice. He can never take that away from you"
"He's my father. I have no choice but to obey his every command. And once I get my dark mark, I will just be another one of his servants".

Genevieve shook her head, "You will never be a mere servant. You are the descendant of a lot of powerful families, so your father isn't going to make you do anything that is beneath you".
"Then what are you so afraid of him making me do?" Quizzed Salazar.
"You have never used an Unforgivable Curse before. And I don't want you to feel like you have to. Killing splits your soul in two, and I don't want you to damage your soul, just for your father. You are good and pure, and I don't want you to ever change. No matter what your father says, you are not weak, and showing mercy and kindness is not weakness. Your father has transformed his body through ways I cannot explain to you. His soul is corrupted and dark. But just because he has lost his humanity, it doesn't mean you have to as well" insisted Genevieve.

"Mother, I know you think I have a choice in what I become, but I really don't. This was my destiny, and I've been heading for this path ever since I was born. I am the heir of Slytherin and the eldest son of Lord Voldemort. I never had a choice in what I was going to be. I will be father's prodigy, and he will train me to be just like him" admitted Salazar.
Genevieve couldn't stop herself, and even though she was in public, she threw her arms around her son and hugged him tight.
"I wish I could protect you from him" whispered Genevieve.
"You've protected me for the past 18 years, it is time for you to step back now. I can take care of myself" informed Salazar, as he withdrew himself from his mothers embrace.

"I'm sorry about all of this. You didn't ask me to be born into this life. Why should you learn of war or pain? I'm sorry that I forced you into a life without choices. And I'm sorry I've been such a bad mother" apologised Genevieve.
"You have been a wonderful mother, and I don't blame you for anything. I was raised in a mansion, with everything I could ever want. How many people can say that? It is time I repaid my father for providing me with everything I needed as a child" admitted Salazar.
"I wish there was another way" sighed Genevieve.

"But there isn't. This is my life, and I accepted that this would be my fate, a long time ago... And maybe if I can be a good servant to the dark lord, then perhaps I can save Gellert and Mathilde from having to join him as well. I am the oldest sibling, so it is my job to protect them. Which is why I will willingly become a death eater, in the hopes that father will not need them" informed Salazar.
"Although I hate the idea of you becoming a death eater. I too, hope that you doing this, will mean that your younger siblings will have the choice not to become a part of your fathers army, in the future. But we will have to face that hurdle when the time comes, and there is no use worrying about that now. Tonight is a party, so let's at least try and enjoy ourselves" admitted Genevieve.
"Perhaps we should start by rescuing Gellert from being bored to death by the Carrow's" suggested Salazar.
"Good idea" agreed Genevieve, before heading back into the party, with Salazar at her side.

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