61. Interrogation

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As Genevieve was dragged through the Ministry of Magic, she heard snippets of information about what had happened that day.
Lily and James Potter had been found dead, but young Harry was somehow still alive.
The boy had survived with nothing more than a scar on his forehead. But Tom had disappeared, and many people thought he was dead, for he wouldn't have left Harry alive otherwise.
Genevieve knew he couldn't be dead, because of his Horcruxes, but she had no idea where he had gone or what had happened to him.

No one told Genevieve what was going on, so she stayed obedient and silent as they removed all of her jewellery, and handcuffed her wrists together. She hoped that her co-operation would help her in the long run.
Once chained up, she was placed in a small dark room, and forced to sit on a cold steel chair in front of a table.
There were two guards in the room with her, but neither of them made any attempt to talk to her.
Genevieve sat in silence for what felt like hours, until the door opened and a Ministry official walked in and sat opposite her.
She recognised him instantly, as his name was Barty Crouch, and he was well known for opposing her and Tom's regime.

"My apologies for keeping you waiting, Miss Grindelwald" said Crouch.
Genevieve tried not to flinch when he used her old last name, as she knew he had purposely said it to rattle her.
He knew full well that she wasn't expecting him to know who she really was.
"I don't use that name anymore, I am married now" informed Genevieve.

She looked down at her wedding finger, which was empty, as her rings had been taken from her. Which meant that she couldn't apparate to Tom's side, even if she managed to get hold of somebodies wand.
"I'm terribly sorry about the mix-up. It would appear your records have not been updated in a long time. What name do you use now?" Questioned Crouch.
"Slytherin. Genevieve Elodie Slytherin" Genevieve answered truthfully.

Crouch scoffed, "The name Slytherin died out a long time ago".
"My husband is a descendant of the Slytherin family. Even though the name has died out, there are still people alive today who share Salazar's blood. My husband is one of them, and he changed his last name, in honor of Salazar Slytherin, his ancestor" revealed Genevieve.
"I see. Your husband being?" Asked Crouch.
"Voldemort Marvolo Slytherin" answered Genevieve.
Crouch flinched at Tom's name, which Genevieve thought was a minor reaction, as she knew some people screamed when hearing the name Voldemort.

"I was unaware that He-who-must-not-be-named had a wife, for he didn't seem to be the type to settle down" said Crouch, in a not very convincing lie.
"Well, now you know. And perhaps now that the pleasantries are out of the way, you could tell me what I am doing here" replied Genevieve.
"I would have thought that obvious. You have admitted to being the consort of an enemy of this country. You must have known what sort of a man he was, which makes you an accomplice" informed Crouch.
"I did not go on missions with my husband, nor did he share any secret information with me about his plans. I am not responsible for my husbands wrong doings. If you are trying to convict me of a crime, I suggest you try again, for being married to a criminal is not illegal".

"You are also the illegitimate daughter of Gellert Grindelwald, another powerful dark wizard" reminded Crouch.
"That is something I cannot help. I cannot choose who my father is, any more than your son can" admitted Genevieve.
"While being related to a criminal is not a crime, being a death eater is" informed Crouch.
"But I am not a death eater. I do not posses a death eater mask or the dark mark. I do not come when Lord Voldemort calls me, I am free to live my own life. I am his wife, not his servant"
"Whether or not you were an official death eater, does not matter, for other followers of you-know-who have revealed that you did attend death eater meetings. Being in the presence of death eaters is a crime in itself. And since you lived in his house, I am sure that you knew exactly what he got up to, for I doubt he kept any secrets from his beloved wife".

"The death eaters sold me out?" Frowned Genevieve.
"Not all of them. Many of them would rather die than be captured, like Evan Rosier. Some refused to say anything about you. Because they know that if their master somehow returned, he would kill them and their families, for daring to mention you. But others like Igor Karkaroff, would much rather save their own skin, so are willing to sell out their fellow death eaters" revealed Crouch.
"When I next see my husband, I will have to warn him not to let letches like Karkaroff onto his side" replied Genevieve, as she tried to not let the news about Evan effect her.
"Your husband is dead and there is no use pretending otherwise. It's time for you to protect yourself now, for no one else is going to save you".

"Alright, fine, I admit that I know a lot about my husbands crimes, for he often discussed them with me, but I did not commit those evil acts myself" insisted Genevieve.
"That does not make you guiltless" informed Crouch.
"Well, what about your crimes? You have neglected your own son, choosing to favour your job and your career instead. That must make you guilty of some crime. And my sons are dead because of people like you. My youngest was only 18, he was still a boy, when he was murdered by aurors. The aurors would not have been allowed to use Unforgivable Curses, unless you gave them permission to. So, don't sit there acting all innocent, when you are no better than me. I don't claim to be a saint, but unless you have an actual crime to accuse me of, I would like to walk out of here and go home".

"You are not going anywhere. Associating with death eaters is enough to get you sentenced to life in Azkaban" announced Crouch.
"But I have committed no crimes!" Shouted Genevieve.
"Really? You truly believe you have done nothing wrong?" Questioned Crouch.
"I do" answered Genevieve.
"And would you be willing to drink Veritiserum to prove that you have never committed a single crime in your life?".
Genevieve bit her lip and remained silent, for she knew if she drank a truth potion she would reveal a whole bunch of secrets that she had been holding onto, which would put a lot of people in danger.

"I thought not" sneered Crouch.
"What are you going to charge me with?" Asked Genevieve.
"Well, upon inspecting your home we found 10 Muggles, all of whom seemed to be under the Imperius Curse, which is an illegal spell" replied Crouch.
"I didn't place that spell on them"
"But you knew about it, and did nothing to free them. Which is just as evil. We also found a locked basement that we seem unable to get into, so Merlin knows what kind of awful things you keep in there"
"It's not against the law to lock your basement. Are the any other crimes you wish to make up?".

Crouch smiled eerily, before removing a photo from his pocket and slamming it on the table.
"Here is a photo of you on the day Dumbledore defeated your father. We found it in a drawer in your bedroom. You are clearly breaking the Statute of Secrecy here, as you appear to be performing magic in front of Muggles, which is also illegal" reminded Crouch.
"I was a child back then" mumbled Genevieve.
"Our information states that you were over 17 when Gellert Grindelwald fell, so no, you were not a child" countered Crouch.

"I was young, stupid, and naive at the time. I am certainly not that girl any more. And I do not want to overthrow the Statute of Secrecy" insisted Genevieve.
"Life has taught me that people never really change. And since you refuse to admit your guilt, there will have to be a trial, where your whole life will be examined and your secrets brought to light... I don't think I will learn anything more from you today, so I will leave you in peace, and I will have some food sent in for you, since you missed dinner" replied Crouch.
"How considerate of you" mumbled Genevieve, as Crouch left the room.

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