24. Hope

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Tom's rein of terror had officially begun.
He and the other death eaters went off very frequently to torment Muggles. And when committing murders, they left the dark mark in the sky above the body.
Tom also now had several of his death eaters acting as spies inside the Ministry of Magic.
Although Genevieve was happy for Tom, because so many people had joined his cause. She was sad that she didn't get to spend as much time with him as she would like.
Tom showered her with devotion when he was around, but Genevieve found her bed empty most nights, forcing her to sleep alone.
And he still expected her to host numerous gatherings for the families of his death eaters, even though he rarely attended them himself.

Without Tom for compony, Genevieve ended up spending a lot of time with the servants and Salazar.
But since Salazar was just a baby, and the servants were under the Imperius Curse, she really didn't have anyone to have a good conversation with.
She didn't particularly get on with the people at her parties, and her old roommates had their own lives, so she couldn't spend much time with them.
Genevieve had also changed a lot since her school days, and she didn't like being around people who knew her as Genevieve Walden.
So, with no real friends, Genevieve began to feel incredibly lonely, and she realised what a mistake it was to have your husband be your only friend.

Tom ended up being absent for Genevieve's birthday, which saddened her, but she knew he was off doing important things.
That night she found herself being rudely awakened from her sleep.
"What's going on?" Mumbled Genevieve, as she pushed herself up in bed.
"It's just me, don't panic" replied Tom.
"Vee, what are you doing here? If you've got something to tell me, couldn't it have waited until the morning?" Yawned Genevieve.
"I've got a suprise for you, and it ought not to be wrapped up for to long"
"Alright, give me a minute to wake myself up".

Genevieve climbed out of bed and put on her dressing gown, before following Tom down into the living room.
"Tada" said Tom, as he pointed to the red box in the centre of the room.
"Is that for me?" Asked Genevieve.
"Of course. You didn't think I would forget your birthday, did you?" Questioned Tom.
"Well, I thought that since you were out of town today, we would just celebrate my birthday whenever you got back"
"You were wrong there. I have actually been looking for the perfect present for you, all day, and I'm sorry it took me so long to find what I was looking for"
"You've really been shopping for me all day?"
"You shouldn't have gone through so much trouble, just for me".

"I wanted to get you a special present, to make up for my absences these past few months" admitted Tom.
"You don't have to apologise. I knew what I was getting myself in for, when I married you" replied Genevieve.
"I know, but I still feel bad that I have to leave you alone all the time"
"I'm not alone, I have our son"
"Yes, but he can't exactly talk yet"
"No, and he doesn't make me feel happy the way you do...".
Genevieve faltered when she saw her birthday present move.
"Is this present alive, by any chance?" Quizzed Genevieve.

Tom grinned, and pulled Genevieve towards the box.
"Maybe" he teased.
Unable to take the suspense any longer, Genevieve undid the ribbon and pulled the lid off the box.
Her heart melted when she saw what was inside.
"Is that a kitten?" Asked Genevieve, as she picked up the little ball of fur inside the box.
"Yes, but she's not technically a cat, she's a Kneazle" revealed Tom.
"It's a girl?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Yes. And she is all yours"
"Thank you, Vee"
"You're welcome".

Genevieve hugged Tom with one arm, careful not to squish the cream coloured kitten in her other arm.
"I know how sad you were when we had to leave Soot behind, all those years ago. So I thought I'd get you a replacement cat" continued Tom.
"Kneazle's are different to cats though, because they can be aggressive" reminded Genevieve.
"Yes, but most are harmless enough, and they grow very attached to their owners" replied Tom.
"I wouldn't say a creature with a Ministry of Magic rating of XXX was harmless. But you're right, if the Kneazle likes its owner, they can be very good pets"
"I think it's safe to say that this little one likes you".

Genevieve smiled as the kitten began to pur and snuggle up close to her.
"They say Kneazle's can detect suspicious or unsavory characters in their home. Let's hope she doesn't react badly towards the death eaters" said Genevieve.
"My death eaters are on our side, so are no threat to you. So, hopefully the Kneazle won't attack them" Tom.
"They are also good at leading their owners home, if they ever got lost"
"They are very intelligent creatures... Do you know what you are going to call her yet?".

Genevieve frowned and thought for several moments before answering.
"Hope" revealed Genevieve.
"Hope?" Questioned Tom.
"Yes. She is hope for our future and the life I want us to have together. We have to have hope, for you can't succeed without it... We cannot ever lose sight of what truely matters either. I know that ruling the world is important to you. But your family is important too. I don't want you to forget about me and Salazar" said Genevieve quietly.
Tom placed his hand on her cheek, and stroked it gently with his thumb.
"I love you, Gen, and I could never forget about you" reassured Tom.

Genevieve placed Hope down on the ground and melted into Tom's arms.
"I was beginning to think that your mission mattered more to you than me" admitted Genevieve.
"My mission is important, for it concerns so many lives. I'm not trying to take over simply for my benefit, but for the benefit of others. Our child cannot grow into the person he is meant to be, if the Ministry are constricting what magic can be taught, and wizards are force to hide who they are, because of some stupid law. It is no longer just about you and me any more. I have over a dozen death eaters at my comand, and we have important work to do. No one person is more important than our mission, I hope you understand that" replied Tom.

Genevieve sighed and extracted herself from Tom's arms.
"Now you really do sound like Gellert".
"He knew what had to be done for the benefit of all. He knew that some things had to be sacrificed to achieve his goals" admitted Tom.
"He sacrificed his relationship with me, to try and take over the world. I hoped that you wouldn't follow in his footsteps, but I guess I was wrong. You both view love as a distraction, and a weakness rather than a strength. I got hurt by his lack of love for me, and now I'm realising that I let myself fall in love with someone who acts just like my father" replied Genevieve.

"I don't want to hurt you. But I just want you to be realistic. The mission has to be more important than everything else" insisted Tom.
Genevieve nodded and stepped back from Tom.
"I understand. And I'm not angry, for I guess I always knew that your thirst for power would become more important than me" admitted Genevieve.
"I promise to show you my love and devotion when I'm around, because I really do love you. But I'm going to have to be away more often in the future, because I have a world to save. And once I am its king, you will be my queen and rule at my side".

"But until then, we must spend some time a part, while you grow your army. And I understand that. I just don't want you forgetting about me completely and pushing me aside. I know I'm not more important than your mission. But as long as I still matter to you more than anyone else, I will be alright" sighed Genevieve.
"No one else will ever take your place. I will never love anyone else as much as I love you" promised Tom.
"Good. Then lets go to bed and get some sleep" announced Genevieve, before picking her kitten up and making her way back upstairs.

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