62. The Dependable One

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Genevieve sat in the interrogation room for another hour, before someone arrived with a tray of food for her.
To her suprise, the person carrying the tray was not a Ministry official, but Albus Dumbledore.
The Headmaster dismissed the two guards in the room, before approaching the table and sitting down opposite Genevieve.
"Mathilde?" Questioned Genevieve, as Dumbledore set the tray of food down.
She was anxious for information on her daughter, as she couldn't bare the thought of someone discovering who Mathilde was.

"She is not here" informed Dumbledore.
"You misunderstood me. Is Mathilde O.K? Has anyone discovered who she really is?" Asked Genevieve.
"No. I think I have done my job good enough to keep anyone from finding out that she is you and Tom's child" answered Dumbledore.
Genevieve sighed in relief, "Thank Merlin. I was terrified of dragging her down with me".
"Mathilde will be fine, you have my word. It's you we have to worry about" replied Dumbledore.

"There's no use trying to help me, I'm done for" admitted Genevieve, as she pulled the tray closer to herself.
She inspected the dinner that had been provided for her.
There was a strange smelling soup, and a stale bread roll, neither of which looked very appetising. But Genevieve knew the food would be even worse in a prison cell, so she began tearing up pieces of the roll before dunking them into the soup and popping them in her mouth. Which wasn't very easy, as her wrists were still in handcuffs.
"I fear that you might be right. I don't think even I can get you out of this mess" replied Dumbledore sadly.
"I don't expect you to" said Genevieve, through a mouthful of food.

"What exactly do the Ministry know about you?" Questioned Dumbledore.
"Rather too much unfortunately. They know Gellert Grindelwald is my father, and that I am the wife of Lord Voldemort. They also found a bunch of Muggles under the Imperius Curse at my house, which doesn't help my case. Igor Karkaroff has also decided to sell me and the other death eaters out, to save his own skin. So, the Ministry know that I attended many death eater meetings, which makes me an accomplice to numerous crimes, even though I didn't commit them" revealed Genevieve.
"Ah, that's not good"
"You're telling me".

"Did Barty Crouch tell you what he is going to do with you next?" Asked Dumbledore.
"He said there will have to be a trial, since I refuse to confess to the crimes I'm being accused of, since most of them I did not commit. He wants to bring up everything I have ever done, and reveal all my secrets to the court. I'm not worried about digging an even bigger hole for myself. What I'm terrified of, is revealing information about you and Mathilde" informed Genevieve.
"I don't think they will be able to find out about Mathilde" reassured Dumbledore.
"Crouch wants to make me drink Veritiserum, so I might say something about her by accident"
"No one can force you to drink that during the trial. I has to be your choice".

"I'm sure they won't mind bending the rules for the wife of Satan. They threw out all rules when dealing with the death eaters, so I expect they will do the same with me. I was married to their enemy, so they will probably allow the Cruciatus Curse to be used on me, to get what they want" admitted Genevieve.
"I will not allow them to torture you, I will remind them of their morals" insisted Dumbledore.
"They probably think that I have no morals, which means they don't have to use any when dealing with me" mumbled Genevieve.
"I swear to you, that I won't allow you to be treated in such a way"
"Maybe I deserve it, for allowing such awful things to happen"
"No one deserves to be tortured".

"I'm glad you think that. And I'm happy to have you on my side... There is actually one request I have to ask of you" said Genevieve.
"If it is within my power, I will do it for you" replied Dumbledore.
"Thanks... I know I will end up in prison, and I'm O.K with that, as I have committed awful crimes in my life, which I should pay for. But I just don't want to end up in Azkaban. I know the Dementors take away all your happy memories, and I don't want to be left with only my terrible memories, since there is a lot of trauma in my past. Which is why I want you to convince the Ministry of Magic to send me to Nurmengard instead. Although Britain has been my home for so many years, I was not born here. I moved around Europe as a child, and always prefered those other countries, to the UK. If I have to die in a prison cell, I don't want it to be a British one" informed Genevieve.

"You wish to go to Nurmengard, where your father is imprisoned?" Quizzed Dumbledore.
"Yes. I know I will end up in jail, and Nurmengard is preferable to Azkaban. It's also the prison my father built, so I will feel close to him, even if I don't get the chance to see him. However, I would like to have the chance to talk to him, before I get placed in my own cell. When I last saw him, I promised I would see him again, and I want to keep that promise, while I still have the chance. I want to tell him about my life, and let him know that I have forgiven him for lying to me about who my parents were... But even if me seeing him isn't possible, I would still rather be placed in Nurmengard than any other prison. I also want to avoid having a trial, so instead I will confess to aiding Lord Voldemort, and knowing about most of his plans for world domination. I will also reveal that I did fight alongside my father as a child. I think it right to also admit that I killed Alec Wilde and Caradoc Dearborn, because I don't want their deaths to go unsolved. Hopefully my confessions and my honesty, will make your job easier, and will convince the Ministry to go easy on me" admitted Genevieve.

"What you ask, will not be easy for me to achieve, even if you confess to your crimes" sighed Dumbledore.
"I know, but you are good at getting what you want. Just remind the Ministry officials, that I am not a British citizen, so they really should get rid of me. I'm a Grindelwald, so they should send me to the same prison as the other Grindelwald they have in custody" replied Genevieve.
"I will try my best to do as you ask, but I can't make any promises"
"I know you will try your best".

"I had better go then, before Barty makes any hasty decisions about your future" admitted Dumbledore.
"Before you go, there is something I need to tell you" informed Genevieve.
"What is it?" Questioned Dumbledore.
"I know everyone is saying that my husband is dead, but I know he can't be. I'm not saying this because I'm overly emotional or in denial. I'm saying this because I know him better than anyone else. And I alone know just how much he immersed himself in dark magic. I can't tell you exactly what he did, because I can't betray him like that, but what you need to know is he used evil magic to ensure that his soul would live on, if his body was destroyed. His dead body was not found at Godric's Hollow, which means that he is not actually dead".

"I had a hunch that we had not seen the last of Tom, as the lack of a body, concerned me. I felt sure he would find a way to cheat death, and come back one day. You have just confirmed a suspicion of mine" admitted Dumbledore.
"I wish I could tell you more, but I just can't" replied Genevieve, awkwardly.
She wanted to warn Dumbledore about Tom's many Horcruxes, especially after Dumbledore had done so much for her.
But she just couldn't bring herself to do it.
Since he had so many Horcruxes, Genevieve knew Tom would return eventually, and she didn't want him to be angry at her for revealing the truth about his immortality, to their enemy.

"It's alright. I understand why you have a conflict of interests. We both know that Tom will return, so it makes sense that you can't turn your back on him. If you did, there would be terrible reprocussions for you, when he came back" said Dumbledore.
"I am trying to appease the future version of him, which is why I cannot say anymore, even though a part of me wants to" admitted Genevieve.
"I don't want you to put yourself at risk by saying too much. Which is why I should go now, before you accidentally say the wrong thing, or someone finds me in here. For I am not really supposed to be in here" revealed Dumbledore.

"I'm glad you decided to break the rules for me. And I really hope you can convince the Ministry to send me to Nurmengard" said Genevieve.
"Lets hope the Minister listens to my advice, for I know Barty won't. He wants all of Tom's supporters to suffer" replied Dumbledore.
"Yeah, I noticed" mumbled Genevieve.
"Well, I'll leave you to eat your dinner in peace then"
"Good luck Dumbledore. My future is in your hands".

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